
Online car-hailing changed lanes and touched porcelain private cars to collect and stop freight, forming a gray industrial chain?

author:Idle drunken mountain people

In recent years, ride-hailing platforms have developed rapidly, providing people with convenient ways to travel. However, it is accompanied by the chaos of some lawbreakers taking advantage of loopholes in the rules to deliberately cause traffic accidents and demand unreasonable compensation such as repair fees and lost work expenses, which seriously infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and disrupts the normal traffic order.

Recently, some netizens posted to expose this phenomenon, they encountered an online car-hailing car while driving, and the other party deliberately caused a traffic accident and demanded compensation for the parking fee. Some netizens said that these online ride-hailing drivers usually choose to commit crimes during rush hour or congested road sections, and will deliberately scratch other vehicles when changing lanes or turning, causing traffic accidents. Due to the complexity of determining liability, many victims often choose to pay the stop freight requested by the other party in order to avoid trouble.

Online car-hailing changed lanes and touched porcelain private cars to collect and stop freight, forming a gray industrial chain?

It is understood that these online car-hailing people often form gangs and specialize in this type of fraudulent activities. They usually track the target vehicle and wait for an opportunity to cause an accident. Once successful, they quickly contact the repair shop, issue a hefty invoice for the repair, and claim compensation from the victim on this basis. In addition, they will also require the victim to pay for lost work, mental damage, etc., which can be as high as tens of thousands of yuan.

Online car-hailing changed lanes and touched porcelain private cars to collect and stop freight, forming a gray industrial chain?

In the face of the rampant use of online car-hailing against porcelain, some netizens said that they have developed the habit of "courtesy online car-hailing", and try to avoid rubbing with these vehicles when they see suspected online car-hailing car brands (such as BYD, Trumpchi, Aion, etc.). However, this practice has fueled the arrogance of online car-hailing users.

Online car-hailing changed lanes and touched porcelain private cars to collect and stop freight, forming a gray industrial chain?

So, how can we effectively curb online car-hailing collisions? The relevant authorities suggested that the online car-hailing platform should strengthen the review and management of platform drivers to prevent criminals from joining the platform. At the same time, the complaint and reporting mechanism of the platform should be improved to facilitate victims to report porcelain violations. In addition, the public should also raise their awareness of prevention, pay attention to driving safety, call the police in time when encountering porcelain, and retain relevant evidence to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Online car-hailing changed lanes and touched porcelain private cars to collect and stop freight, forming a gray industrial chain?

Here are some suggestions to prevent online car-hailing from colliding with porcelain, pay attention to surrounding vehicles when changing lanes, especially online car-hailing, and try to stay away if you find suspicious vehicles. If a traffic accident occurs, you should call the police in time and save the evidence at the scene, such as dashcam videos, photos, etc., remember not to be easy to go private, and to protect your legitimate rights and interests through legal channels.