
"Rainbow Bridge": Lighting up the light of hope for children from families who are rehabilitating from drug addiction

author:Ningxia drug control

"Uncle Policeman! Thank you for giving me the anti-drug gift package, the police bear is so cute, uncle, will you come to see me often in the future? I'm so happy today! The child's immature voice was full of joy, and the sincere smile and eager eyes made everyone present feel pity and tears. This warm scene is a vivid portrayal of the Shizuishan Municipal Narcotics Control Office's care for children from families with drug rehabilitation difficulties.

"Rainbow Bridge": Lighting up the light of hope for children from families who are rehabilitating from drug addiction

In order to deepen the anti-drug work and further do a good job in "safe and caring" assistance, on the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, the Shizuishan Municipal Drug Control Office, together with the Spring Bud Angel Love Association and the Shizuishan Women's Federation, launched the "Spring Bud Flowers Full of Red Rui Green Non-drug Protective Saplings" public welfare charity activity to care for children from families in distress in drug rehabilitation. The activity focused on drug-related families and left-behind children in Hongyazi Township, Pingluo County, Shizuishan City, who were helpless, unsafe, uneducated, and emotionally deficient, aiming to provide them with life assistance and psychological counseling, send warm care, and strengthen anti-drug publicity and education, so as to create a healthy and safe growth environment.

"Rainbow Bridge": Lighting up the light of hope for children from families who are rehabilitating from drug addiction
"Rainbow Bridge": Lighting up the light of hope for children from families who are rehabilitating from drug addiction

The appearance of the anti-drug caravan instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the children, and they cheered. Everyone sat in front of the big screen and watched the anti-drug propaganda film attentively. The anti-narcotics police not only patiently popularized the dangers of drugs and anti-drug knowledge to the children, guided them to establish correct values and outlook on life, but also carried out drug prevention education for local villagers.

The party flag is fluttering, and the childlike heart is to the party. UNODC staff and Angels of Love worked together to set up a temporary stage, and the event kicked off. Hundreds of leaders of the Shizuishan Municipal Narcotics Control Office, police officers and caring people from all walks of life actively participated, and carried out a series of professional psychological counseling and interesting game interactions with 50 assisted children, and the scene was full of laughter.

"Rainbow Bridge": Lighting up the light of hope for children from families who are rehabilitating from drug addiction
"Rainbow Bridge": Lighting up the light of hope for children from families who are rehabilitating from drug addiction

At the end of the event, UNODC staff visited four families of left-behind children involved in drugs, and families of drug rehabilitation persons who were impoverished and disabled due to drugs. They had an in-depth understanding of the children's living and learning conditions, and sent schoolbags, stationery, rice, flour and oil and other learning and daily necessities. Through cordial exchanges, we can gain insight into the inner thoughts and needs of the children, and give targeted help and support, so that children from left-behind families and drug rehabilitation personnel can truly feel the care and warmth of the society.

Shizuishan Municipal Drug Control Office (contribution)

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