
The man received a cart of watermelons from the uncle, but he took his daughter-in-law's collection code and wanted 20 yuan in cash for dinner

author:Brother Zheng looks at life

I believe that for many netizens who believe it, whether it is shopping or transferring money in daily life, they like to operate online and use a mobile phone to solve problems. No matter how big the transaction is, it also gives up the scene of trading with a wad of cash, which is not only safe but also avoids the circulation of counterfeit money, and it has to be said that this is the progress of society.

However, for the operation of smart phones and scan code payment mobile phone transfer and other operations, it is a problem for the elderly, most of them do not know how to operate mobile phones, and even do not have their own WeChat and Alipay, want to shop or pay online, it will become stretched, basic daily shopping or choose to use cash to carry out.

I am "Brother Zheng's view of life", tracking social hotspots with you, feeling the lives of the people, and interpreting the world.

The man received a cart of watermelons from the uncle, but he took his daughter-in-law's collection code and wanted 20 yuan in cash for dinner

On June 30, a woman in Henan accompanied her husband to drive, found a melon farmer who planted watermelons in the countryside, and negotiated the price of a cart of watermelons with the old man, but when paying, the old man took out a QR code for payment, and asked the person who bought the watermelon to scan the code to pay, and at the same time made a strange request.

This strange request is that the old man asked the person who bought the watermelon to scan most of the money to the QR code, but he asked if there was 20 yuan in cash, and the uncle wanted the customer who bought the watermelon to give himself 20 yuan in cash, he wanted to eat squatting breakfast and buy a box of cigarettes to smoke, because the QR code was the daughter-in-law's.

The man received a cart of watermelons from the uncle, but he took his daughter-in-law's collection code and wanted 20 yuan in cash for dinner

Seeing this, many people were blindsided, obviously this watermelon is the price negotiated by the old man and the customer, and naturally the money for this car of watermelon should also be given to the old man. But why did the old man take out his daughter-in-law's collection code, and ask the customer for an extra 20 yuan in cash to buy himself breakfast and a box of cigarettes?

Obviously, the customer's purchase of watermelon was directly scanned into the daughter-in-law's pocket, and it has nothing to do with the uncle. Therefore, if the uncle wants to spend money, he has to ask his daughter-in-law, which will inevitably cause inconvenience. At the same time, it also makes the customer feel that it is not easy for the elderly, who have worked hard to grow watermelons for a year, but the final harvest has nothing to do with the direct harvest.

The man received a cart of watermelons from the uncle, but he took his daughter-in-law's collection code and wanted 20 yuan in cash for dinner

Of course, some netizens think that this is just that the old man does not have a QR code, so he borrows the QR code of his daughter-in-law to collect money, and in the end it is the old man himself who is in power and holds the money. After all, many elderly people don't know how to operate smartphones now, so it's normal to borrow a daughter-in-law's QR code to collect money, and the money is still the old man's after the fact.

However, the customer netizen who bought the watermelon who broke the news said: "I think too much, if his daughter-in-law will give him money, the uncle will not mention 20 yuan to me." Feeling helpless from the uncle's tone, the two of us negotiated the price of his watermelon, and he deliberately asked his daughter-in-law again, saying that the deal should be made. His daughter-in-law nodded before the deal was closed. ”

The man received a cart of watermelons from the uncle, but he took his daughter-in-law's collection code and wanted 20 yuan in cash for dinner

From this, we can see that the fate of the elderly in rural areas for a lifetime is to plant vegetables and watermelons in the field, but their harvest is for their sons and daughters-in-law, and the money that is really in their hands is limited. Their destiny in life is to serve others and benefit others, so whether they have land or not, they are condemned.

On the other hand, most of the elderly in those cities have a large monthly pension, and in addition to eating, drinking, and traveling, the rest will be subsidized to their sons or grandchildren. Anyway, families in the city have their own jobs, and they can't spend the money of the elderly. On the contrary, rural people farm in one generation and also farm in the second generation, so they can only be poor from generation to generation.

The man received a cart of watermelons from the uncle, but he took his daughter-in-law's collection code and wanted 20 yuan in cash for dinner

The income gap caused by social imbalance will inevitably affect the so-called problem of respecting the elderly and respecting the elderly among ordinary people. If the elderly in rural areas also have pensions, and the young people in rural areas also have jobs to earn money, will they care about the pension money with the elderly?

No matter how many netizens say that this is the daughter-in-law's unfilial piety, or the old man's daughter-in-law is unproductive, hard work and getting rich is an empty word. In addition to the soaring pesticides, fertilizers and seeds, as long as the people can make money, there will be capital to participate and pluck. If you dare to pull a watermelon into the city, you will be pulled away by the city management in a car, and you will lose so much that you don't even have underwear left!

Do you think that the old man's special offer of 20 yuan in cash to buy food and cigarettes before scanning the code to pay was caused by his daughter-in-law's abuse and harshness? Welcome to leave a message.

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