
The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth


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The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Text: Yu Yu

Edited by Yu Yu


A non-stick pan in the kitchen, once a favorite among cooking enthusiasts. However, in recent years, there has been a lot of controversy about its safety.

Some people say it's toxic and carcinogenic, and some people worry that the coating will be harmful to health after scratching, what should we think of these rumors? Can a non-stick pan still be used?

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

The Past and Present of Nonstick Cookware: From Revolutionary Inventions to Safety Controversies

In 1947, a chemist named Roy Plunkite was working at DuPont when he accidentally discovered a strange substance.

The non-stick, heat-resistant and oil-resistant substance was the perfect kitchen companion, a discovery that revolutionized the way people cook and brought huge profits to DuPont.

However, there is no such thing as a free lunch. This miraculous substance, known as Teflon, brings convenience but also quietly buries safety hazards.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Teflon is made using a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid, and this PFOA is the main culprit in the uproar that followed.

In 2001, a lawyer named Robert Birot received an unusual case. One farmer told him that his herd had inexplicably begun to die in large numbers, and that the death was extremely miserable.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

As Birot investigates, he discovers that the source of the problem is the nearby DuPont chemical plant, and as the investigation deepens, a shocking truth emerges: PFOA not only pollutes the surrounding water supply, but also causes all kinds of strange diseases in the local population.

What's even more terrifying is that this substance hardly decomposes in the natural environment and can even accumulate in living organisms for a long time.

In the face of public pressure, governments around the world have introduced policies to limit the use of PFOA, and non-stick cookware manufacturers have begun to look for alternatives, but the public's doubts have not been completely dispelled.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

After all, whether the new coating material is really safe still needs to be tested by time, and in this battle for health, science and rumor are intertwined, and truth and misunderstanding coexist.

As consumers, we can neither blindly believe nor panic excessively, and only with a rational and scientific attitude can we find the path of truth in the complex information.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

The truth is revealed: CCTV experiment reveals the safety of non-stick pans

In 2019, CCTV's "Life Tips" column, together with the research team of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, decided to use a rigorous experiment to unveil the mystery of non-stick pans.

Researchers at the experimental site carefully scraped some coating materials from the surface of the non-stick pan, these seemingly mundane powders, but carried people's health concerns.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

They are placed in a sophisticated thermogravimetric analyzer, and the instrument begins to heat up slowly, all eyes glued to the display as the temperature rises. while

When the temperature reaches 300°C, a miracle happens - the coating material begins to show signs of decomposition, a discovery that undoubtedly gives the nonstick pan a chance to clean its name.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

But what exactly is 300°C? Do we reach this temperature when we cook on a daily basis? To answer this question, the research team conducted a second round of experiments.

They pour cooking oil into a non-stick pan and heat it gradually, and when the temperature reaches about 130°C, the oil temperature is ready for cooking.

Continuing to heat to 200°C, choking fumes began to emerge from the pot, and when the temperature approached 300°C, the entire laboratory was covered in smoke.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

The result is a relief that under normal cooking conditions, the temperature of the nonstick pan is nowhere near as good as the coating decomposes.

Unless you intentionally dry the pot until it smokes, the chances of the coating breaking down are slim to none, but scientists aren't stopping there.

They further analyzed the decomposition products that the coating could produce at different temperatures, and the results showed that even at extreme heat, the decomposition products were much less toxic than many chemicals to which they were exposed on a daily basis.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Professor Xiong Jinping of Beijing University of Chemical Technology made an incisive comment on this: any substance has its safe use range.

The key is how we use it correctly, rather than blindly denying it, and this experiment has undoubtedly reassured the public.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

But its more important significance is that it shows us the importance of scientific verification, and in this era of information explosion, each of us should keep thinking rationally and not be easily swayed by rumors.

Of course, this does not mean that we can use non-stick pans unscrupulously, and the attitude of science is not only to believe in the results of experiments, but also to practice scientific methods in daily life.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Safe Use Guidelines: Get the most out of your nonstick pan

Now that scientific experiments have justified non-stick cookware, how can you get the most out of this kitchen helper? The answer lies in the right way to use and maintain it.

First of all, we have to keep in mind one principle: nonstick pans are not a panacea, they have their specific use cases and temperature ranges.

As a veteran chef once said, if you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools and understand the characteristics of each kitchenware in order to make the most delicious dishes.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

When using a non-stick pan, the most important thing is to avoid dry boiling, as heating an empty pan will not only damage the coating but may also produce harmful gases.

Therefore, it is recommended to put in the appropriate amount of oil or water before heating, which will not only protect the pot, but also allow the ingredients to be heated more evenly.

Second, choosing the right tool is crucial. Metal spatulas can be the natural enemy of non-stick pans, and sharp edges can easily scratch the coating, which not only affects the non-stick effect, but can also cause the coating to peel off.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Therefore, a spatula made of wood or silicone is a better choice. As one kitchenware expert put it: we treat nonstick pans with the same care as a fine work of art.

So if the coating of an unstick pan is unfortunately scratched, does that mean it's time to retire? The answer is: it depends.

If it is only a slight scratch, it will not affect the use, but if the coating comes off in a large area, it is best to replace it with a new pot to be on the safe side. After all, health is more important than saving that little money.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Non-stick pans also need special care for cleaning, and when the pan encounters cold water at high temperatures, it is likely that the coating will be damaged due to thermal expansion and contraction.

Therefore, you should wait for the pot to cool before cleaning, using a soft sponge and mild detergent is enough, and do not scrub with hard objects such as steel wool balls.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

When storing, it is best to place the non-stick pan separately to avoid colliding with other kitchen utensils. If you need to stack them, you can place a soft cloth between the pans to prevent scratches and absorb any moisture that may be present, killing two birds with one stone.

Finally, don't forget to take care of your non-stick pan regularly, and every once in a while, you can apply a thin layer of cooking oil to the pan to prolong the life of the coating and keep the nonstick pan in tip-top condition.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Proper use and maintenance of nonstick pans can not only prolong their lifespan, but also ensure the safety of our diet.

As one nutritionist put it: a healthy diet is not only about the choice of ingredients, but also about the science of cooking.

Let's use a scientific attitude and treat every tool in the kitchen with kindness to cook delicious and healthy dishes for our families.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Future prospects: Alternatives and technological developments for non-stick pans

With the increasing concern about health and environmental protection, the kitchenware market is also constantly innovating, and while non-stick pans still occupy an important position, other types of pots and pans are also quietly rising, providing consumers with more choices.

The old kitchen companion of the cast iron pan has regained the hearts of cooking enthusiasts in recent years, as it is not only durable, but also conducts heat evenly, making it suitable for all cooking styles.

A Michelin-starred chef once said: "A cast iron pot is like an experienced teacher who can teach you how to really master the heat."

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

However, the weight and maintenance requirements of cast iron pots may discourage some people, and stainless steel pots have become the first choice for many families because of their corrosion resistance and easy to clean.

It is suitable for a variety of cooking methods and is especially good at soups and stews, but it is important to note that stainless steel pots are not inherently non-sticky and require proper cooking skills.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Ceramic pots have won the favor of healthy people with their natural, non-toxic properties, which are not only beautiful, but also lock in the moisture and nutrients of food during cooking.

However, ceramic pots are afraid of falling, afraid of thermal shock, need to be extra careful when using, in the face of these choices, how should consumers choose?

A kitchenware expert gives pertinent advice: there is no best pots and pans, only the best ones for you.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

It's wise to understand the characteristics of each pot and pan and make a choice based on your cooking habits and needs.

At the same time, nonstick pan technology is also advancing, and some manufacturers are developing new coating materials that can maintain nonstick properties while being more environmentally safe.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

The application of nanotechnology is expected to bring revolutionary breakthroughs, and a materials science expert predicts that the future non-stick pan may use biomimetic technology to imitate the structure of the lotus leaf surface to achieve a true self-cleaning effect.

Intelligence is also quietly changing the kitchenware industry, with smart nonstick pans with temperature sensors that can precisely control the temperature and avoid coating damage caused by overheating.

Some high-end products can even be connected to a mobile app to provide users with real-time cooking instructions, but no matter how advanced technology advances, the most important thing is our attitude towards food.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

As a well-known food critic said: true food is not about the use of advanced kitchen utensils, but about our respect for ingredients and love for cooking.

In this fast-paced era, we should perhaps slow down and rethink our relationship with food and kitchenware.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

Whether you choose a traditional cast iron pot or a smart pot that embraces the latest technology, the ultimate goal is to make our lives better and healthier.

Let us embrace the progress of kitchenware technology with an open and rational attitude, and at the same time not forget the original intention, enjoy the fun of cooking, and taste the beauty of life.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth


Through scientific experiments and professional interpretation, we have clarified many misconceptions about non-stick cookware, as long as it is used and maintained correctly, non-stick cookware is still a safe and convenient cooking tool.

Let us look at every item in life with a rational and scientific attitude, and do not give up the convenience and beauty of life while ensuring health.

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth


On 18 November 2022, Sina Finance published "Consumer Council Evaluates 12 Non-stick Cookware: 5 Samples Including Aishida Rank Lowest in Non-stick and Abrasion Resistance"

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth

On August 27, 2022, released "More than 800 yuan to buy an imported non-stick pan, sticky pan is still hot? Staff: No problem with the quality! 》

The "non-stick pan" is toxic and carcinogenic, can it still be used if the coating is off? The CCTV experiment tells you the truth


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