
The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

author:Set micronet
The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

On June 29th, the 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference with the theme of "Crossing Boundaries and New Quality Future" was successfully concluded at Xiamen International Conference Center Hotel.

As an annual event for the development of the domestic semiconductor industry, the content of this conference has been upgraded, and through more than 50 wonderful characteristic activities, it has covered many key areas such as industrial ecology, policy support, technology frontier, integration of industry and education, talent construction and investment trends. With professional forums and reports, innovative selection and roadshows, efficient and interactive exhibition areas, deeply customized high-end exchanges and salons, as well as energetic alumni associations and dinners, it has built a stage for in-depth discussion and exchange for thousands of participants, and also provided a platform for professionals inside and outside the industry to show themselves, establish contacts and share knowledge.

Under the general trend of the restructuring of the global semiconductor industry chain and the domestic semiconductor industry facing domestic and international dual cycle changes, this conference is based on the local area and looks at the world, and brings a profound feast of thought exchange and brainstorming to corporate executives and decision-makers from a broader perspective.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

Heroes gathered, big names gathered, and the theme conference sang the strongest voice of the industry

At present, the strategic position of the semiconductor industry continues to be highlighted, governments around the world have attached unprecedented importance to it, industrial support continues to upgrade, and China has also launched the third phase of the large fund to solve the problem of "lack of cores". With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous emergence of innovation, the semiconductor industry is pushing the boundaries of tradition and moving towards a new stage of development. At the same time, the restructuring of the global supply chain and geopolitical changes are also promoting the global layout and localization of the semiconductor industry, prompting semiconductor companies not only to seek more efficient production methods, but also to explore how to enhance their competitiveness through strategic mergers and acquisitions, technical cooperation and market expansion. Based on this, this year's conference focuses on "Crossing Boundaries for a New Qualitative Future", hoping to provide solutions for the industry to explore new directions of technological innovation and industrial upgrading, as well as global cooperation and sustainable development.

At the main forum on the 29th, a number of leaders and experts made a strategic analysis of the macro situation and future trend of the current semiconductor industry development to lead the future development direction.

Zhuang Rongliang, Vice Mayor of Xiamen Municipal Government, Xu Hongxing, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Henan Academy of Sciences, attended the meeting and delivered speeches, Yang Xudong, President of China Electronics Standardization Institute, Wei Guoyu, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Xiamen Haicang Taiwanese Investment Zone, Meng Feng, Chairman of Qualcomm China, and Han Xiaomin, Vice President and General Manager of Consulting Business of Aijiwei, made keynote speeches. Zuo Ding, Chairman of Shenzhen Capital Group, Cao Haitao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Huatai United Securities, and other leaders and experts attended the meeting.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

Lao Qi, founder and chairman of Aijiwei, said in his speech that China's semiconductor industry is currently in an important period of change and reorganization, the gap between the industry's head companies and tail companies is expanding, and the domestic semiconductor industry is expected to achieve further expansion and strengthening through mergers and acquisitions. He believes that the large number of enterprises does not form China's advantages, and only the real rise of the head company is the hope for the overall rise of China's semiconductors.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

Zhuang Rongliang, Vice Mayor of Xiamen Municipal Government, introduced the development of Xiamen's integrated circuit industry in his speech, and proposed that Xiamen will continue to increase policy support, accelerate the development of the third-generation semiconductor industry, build a closer industrial ecological chain, create a "core" highland, and invite entrepreneurs to share development opportunities.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

Xu Hongxing, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of the Henan Academy of Sciences, said that under the harsh international situation, the initial shortcomings and loopholes in the industry led to panic and confusion for the decoupling and breaking of the chain between the United States and the West, and through the development of the past few years, we have gradually got rid of the predicament. We should plan for the future more calmly, including thinking and discussing how to catch up, how to surpass, how to lead, and how to achieve greater development or even transcendence in a certain period of time.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

Yang Xudong, President of China Electronics Standardization Institute, used "chips are close to the Tao" as a metaphor in the theme report, emphasizing that the chip industry should be treated with "Tao heart", that is, the attitude of continuous focus and excellence, and the pursuit of extraordinary results with unconventional thinking and dedication. At the same time, it is pointed out that it is necessary to base on the main responsibility and main business of standardization, give full play to the supporting and leading role of standards in new industrialization, serve industries and enterprises, and promote industrial development.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

In the keynote report, Wei Guoyu, deputy director of the Management Committee of Xiamen Haicang Taiwanese Investment Zone, shared the development of the semiconductor industry in Haicang District, Xiamen City, emphasizing that Haicang District adheres to the development path of integrated circuit industry with regional characteristics, accelerates the transformation of investment models, relies on multiple forces to promote the high-quality development of the integrated circuit industry, and builds the most professional integrated circuit industry cluster in China.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

In his keynote speech, Qualcomm China Chairman Meng Feng pointed out that the evolution of generative AI is having a profound impact on the semiconductor industry. Whether it is in the cloud data center or in the terminal equipment, whether it is the demand for hardware such as CPU (central processing unit) and GPU (graphics processing unit), or the demand for bandwidth and various applications, it is a huge opportunity for the semiconductor industry.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

Han Xiaomin, vice president and general manager of consulting business of Aijiwei, said in his speech that under the influence of application, competition and external environmental pressure, the domestic semiconductor industry has entered a new normal.

After years of development of China's semiconductor industry, with the gradual development and growth of enterprises in various segments, resource integration has become a new trend, and mergers and acquisitions are one of the effective means. In the "policy push! In the roundtable dialogue session with the theme of "M&A and restructuring in the semiconductor industry is ready to go", industry leaders discussed the challenges and opportunities of M&A and restructuring in the semiconductor industry driven by policies.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

The discussion was moderated by Chen Feng, CMO of Rockchip, and had a heated discussion with Sun Changxu, General Manager and Managing Partner of Xiaomi Industrial Investment, Cao Xiang, CEO of Geely Capital, Zhang Yu, Managing Partner of Walden International, and Wang Huilian, Consultant of Aijiwei. The guests believe that the tide of semiconductor mergers and acquisitions has actually arrived, and at present, both the acquirer and the acquired party have a strong willingness and demand, but the integration of mergers and acquisitions must be based on the market and the company's own development needs; The guests also called on the CSRC or regulatory authorities to liberalize the management of semiconductors and help enterprises accelerate mergers and acquisitions in view of the particularity of the semiconductor industry.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

At the main forum, Aijiwei launched the first "To B business platform", which is designed for semiconductor enterprise users, integrating the industry's multi-dimensional information platform and ultra-high integrity of the enterprise library, project library and scientific and technological achievements transformation project library, promoting industry information sharing and transparency, improving the efficiency of capital and enterprise docking, providing decision-making support for enterprise development, and forming an innovative ecology of full resource sharing and efficient information circulation.

Gather the wisdom of the crowd, unite the strength, and the world's top analysts take the pulse of industrial transformation

As the focus of the first day, the 4th Jiwei Semiconductor Analyst Conference kicked off the prelude to this year's Jiwei Semiconductor Conference. This year's Jiwei Semiconductor Analyst Conference invited top analysts from 15 world-renowned institutions such as Counterpoint Research, Techlnsights, GfK, and Jiwei Consulting, focusing on many hot topics such as the development trend of the semiconductor market in 2024, artificial intelligence, semiconductor materials, automotive semiconductors, advanced packaging and chiplets, and "decoupling and breaking the chain" in anti-globalization Under the situation, the global semiconductor competition pattern and the development of China's integrated circuit industry are analyzed in all aspects, presenting a wonderful, cross-border international exchange event, predicting the general trend of the industry with domestic industrialists, seizing industrial opportunities, keeping up with the pulse of the market, taking gold from the sand, turbidity and clearing, and dispelling darkness and chasing light.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

At the meeting, Zhao Yi, deputy general manager of Aijiwei consulting business, delivered a speech saying that since its release in December last year, the Jiwei Guolianan Global Semiconductor Prosperity Index has been widely recognized by the industry, and has won a number of awards in the industry, including the "Best Investment Education Project Practice Award in the Fund Industry" issued by Sina Finance 2024 Fund High-quality Development Conference, and won the "Excellent ETF Investment Education Case" of the China Fund Yinghua Award.

On the second day of the conference, a more targeted high-level closed-door exchange meeting on customized services was held - the 2nd Global Semiconductor Industry Strategy Forum. Dozens of speakers and executives from leading semiconductor companies in China discussed the latest trends, changes and opportunities and challenges in the industry. The forum focused on hot topics such as integrated circuit market trends, Chinese enterprises' overseas strategies, and the development of advanced packaging technology. In addition, the guests also had a heated discussion on photonic chips, EDA and other topics, realizing the two-way interaction between analysts and the industry, condensing the "double force integration" of overseas industrial strategic consulting and domestic enterprise decision-making execution, and achieving the vision of "what you get is greater than what you want".

The winter is at the end and we dare to compete for spring, and China's "core power" innovation vitality is bursting out

Although the semiconductor industry has entered a downward cycle, semiconductor investment is also deep in the winter season, but the source of innovation belonging to China's semiconductors continues to trickle out, these emerging companies not only bring new solutions and products to the market, but also attract capital investment, in China's semiconductors to make up for shortcomings, fill in the blanks, break through the international cutting-edge "neck" and play an important role.

As one of the major parts of the conference, since the recruitment of the 6th "Core Power" project was launched in June 2023, more than 100 companies in the whole industry chain, including IP, EDA, design, equipment, materials, etc., have participated in the offline/online roadshow. After 20 fierce competitions in the preliminary round, 13 outstanding projects finally entered the finals. At the main forum on the morning of the 29th, the award ceremony of the 6th "Core Power" Project Selection Competition in 2024 was grandly held, and it was also announced that this year's "Core Power" selection ended successfully.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

In the end, six companies, including Fujian Fudou New Materials Co., Ltd., Guangdong Weirong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Weichong Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., Huajing Sensing Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd., Suzhou Xinshinuo Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., and Zhongke Guangzhi (Chongqing) Technology Co., Ltd., won the "Investment Institution Recommendation Award". Shanghai Weichong Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhongke Guangzhi (Chongqing) Technology Co., Ltd., Fujian Fudou New Materials Co., Ltd., Huajing Sensing Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd., Guangdong Weirong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou Xinshinuo Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Jieyang Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Shanghai Weijing Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei Xinyihua Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd., Etteman Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., Zhixinke (Hefei) Chip Design Co., Ltd., Hefei Kunlun Xinxing Semiconductor Co., Ltd., Shanghai Gongding Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and 13 other companies won the "Most Investment Value Award".

Break through the bottleneck, set an example, and the domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry chain has risen strongly

In the face of increasingly fierce and cruel competition in the semiconductor industry, as well as the general trend of the strong and the "head effect", how can mainland equipment and materials companies gain an advantage and establish a market position in the gap between domestic and foreign giants? How will the semiconductor industry set a typical example, play an exemplary role, and improve its core competitiveness? The 2nd Jiwei Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Industry Chain Breakthrough Award Ceremony deeply discussed the market status, cutting-edge trends and development bottlenecks in the field of semiconductor equipment and materials, gave full play to its role as an industry exchange platform, promoted the in-depth dialogue between equipment and materials enterprises and the upstream and downstream of manufacturing packaging and testing, and jointly found a strategy to solve the "stuck neck" problem, and promoted the process of localization of semiconductor manufacturing.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

The 2024 Jiwei Conference Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Chain Breakthrough Award was announced at the conference, commending local semiconductor manufacturing chain enterprises that have made remarkable achievements in technological breakthroughs and independent and controllable industrial chains. After deliberation by the jury, Shanghai Gona Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (integrated circuit transmission automation overall solution), Shanghai Weichong Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd. (ion implantation measurement equipment), Zunxin (Shanghai) Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (semiconductor automated handling system localization alternative), Etteman Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. P1400 Hybrid-MBE equipment), Suzhou Zunheng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (based on multi-substrate capability localization board-level automatic series equipment), Suzhou Xinshinuo Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd. (AMHS complete set of systems) and other six products won the award for their excellent technological innovation and market performance.

During the conference, heavyweight guests from Xiamen Yuntian Semiconductor, Honghu Semiconductor, Zunxin, Weihao Chuangxin and Oriza Puhua and other industrial and investment circles held a roundtable discussion on "The Current Situation and Future of China's Semiconductor Manufacturing". At the same time, Jiwei Consulting released the "SiC Industry Development Analysis Report", which provides the industry with comprehensive market analysis and in-depth industry insights, helping industry participants to grasp the development opportunities of the industry and meet the challenges of new quality productivity with an open and innovative attitude.

Vertical topics, in-depth services, and special forums will deeply discuss the way forward for the industry

This conference brought together many industry resources, through a number of vertical meetings, focusing on multiple important links of the semiconductor industry chain, focusing on the subdivisions of the semiconductor industry chain, and discussing the way forward for the industry.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

The 7th Micro Policy Conference gathered representatives of many semiconductor star industrial parks across the country, such as Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Xiamen Haicang Integrated Circuit Industrial Park, Xiamen Torch High-tech Zone, Shanghai Lingang Industrial Zone, Wuxi High-tech Zone, Chengdu High-tech Zone, Quanzhou Jinjiang, Nantong Haimen Economic and Technological Development Zone, etc., fully demonstrating the determination of local governments and parks to enhance the resilience and competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain.

The Jiwei EDA IP Industrial Software Conference and the Jiwei General Chip Industry Application Conference discussed the current situation of industrial development and the challenges of technological innovation from the perspective of technology and application, respectively, and provided ideas for building an ecosystem with core competitiveness. Leading domestic and international companies, including Synopsys, Siemens EDA, Empyrean, Primarius, Kuixin, and Shenzhen Zhixian Future, delivered keynote speeches to showcase the latest achievements at the forefront of technology.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

At the Jiwei General Chip Industry Application Conference, guests from well-known companies such as Huizhiwei, Weijing Technology, Yutai Microelectronics, Smartway, Xinlai Zhirong, Xiamen Youxun and other well-known enterprises discussed how chip design enterprises can enhance their innovation capabilities, enhance brand influence, reduce intellectual property risks, find new business growth points in the Red Sea market, and build an innovation ecology of the chip industry chain through keynote speeches, roundtable forums, list releases and other wonderful links, from the industrial chain, market level, technology development and other aspects. At the meeting, JW Insights released the "IC Design Subdivision Track List" to commend the pioneers and expand its influence. In the roundtable dialogue session, guests from enterprises such as Light Source Capital, Jingfeng Mingyuan, Yuntu Semiconductor, Pafu Information, Shiqing Intelligence, and Weijing Technology discussed product applications and technological breakthroughs with unique practical experience and rich practical wisdom around the "Innovation and Integration: Shaping the New Ecology of the Chip Design Industry", so as to jointly build an ecosystem with core competitiveness and promote the feasible path of upstream and downstream industry collaboration.

Under the drastic trend of global geopolitical changes, investment restrictions, the expansion of sanctions, and the new multilateral control system will become unavoidable topics for Chinese semiconductor companies. The Export Control Forum focused on ten major topics, including U.S. election predictions, China issues in election actions, trade sanctions-related bills, artificial intelligence control policies and legislative trends, and the impact of trade tariffs on Europe and the United States.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

At the 4th Annual Meeting of the ICT Intellectual Property Development Alliance held on the afternoon of the 29th, members of the Alliance Council Fan Zhiyong, Vice President and Director of the Intellectual Property Department of Huawei, Xu Xianwen, General Manager of the Legal Department of vivo, Xu Ran, General Manager of the Strategic Cooperation Department of Xiaomi Group, Shen Jianfeng, Director of Intellectual Property of Transsion, Zhou Wenyu, Director of Intellectual Property Department of Honor, Yang Jin, Vice President and General Counsel of TCL, Sun Mingyan, Chief Intellectual Property Officer of CATL, Lin Weizhi, Intellectual Property Director of OPPO, Song Qiaoli, Vice President of Compliance of NAURA Huachuang, Hu Shuai, director of Cambrian Intellectual Property, and Tao Chunning, director of ZTE Patent Asset Management, were all present. In addition, the conference also invited representatives from leading enterprises in the fields of communications, semiconductors, automobiles, artificial intelligence, etc., to discuss enterprise intellectual property management, promotion of new quality productivity, legal ideas of field cases, industry intellectual property challenges, and overseas litigation response strategies. Chen Baoliang, Secretary-General of the Alliance, reported on the work of the Alliance in the past year, and guest representatives from Huawei, Xiaomi, Cambrian, Aijiwei, Wisteria and other guests delivered keynote speeches and held a roundtable discussion on "Risk Management and Strategic Opportunities of Intellectual Property". Huada Jiutian, Aiwei Electronics, and Tianyue Advanced joined the alliance council.

Ask about capital, seek to do so, and explore the road of China's semiconductor mergers and acquisitions

In 2014, policies and capital drove the domestic semiconductor investment boom, and the mainland semiconductor industry enterprises continued to move towards the high-end field, and enterprises with their own unique technology and product advantages emerged in many subdivisions, and have become an important force in the domestic semiconductor industry. However, this wave of enthusiasm has entered the cold winter since last year, and China's semiconductor investment and industry are moving towards the deep water area, and it is urgent to find the key force to get out of the predicament and usher in new development opportunities.

Through a series of high-end activities such as the 8th Semiconductor Investment Alliance Council and the CEO Salon of Listed Companies, the face-to-face meeting of the chairmen of listed companies, and the closed-door seminar on mergers and acquisitions, the conference provided an excellent channel for invited guests to have face-to-face in-depth exchanges and high-end dialogues to gain insight into market opportunities and challenges.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

At the 8th Semiconductor Investment Alliance Council and CEO Salon of Listed Companies held on the 28th, Lei Zhenlin, Chairman of China Integrated Circuit Components Innovation Alliance, Zhang Guoming, Secretary-General of China Integrated Circuit Equipment Innovation Alliance, Zuo Ding, Chairman of Shenzhen Capital Group, Chen Gang, General Manager of Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund, Sun Yuwang, Partner and President of SMIC Juyuan, Liu Yue, Founding Partner of Oriza Puhua, Sun Changxu, General Manager of Managing Partner of Xiaomi Production Investment, and many chairmen/CEOs of listed companies attended and spoke. Lao Qi, founder, chairman and secretary general of the alliance, presided over the meeting. The conference deeply analyzed the impact of geopolitics on the semiconductor industry, and discussed the opportunities and challenges of the industry under the restructuring of the global supply chain and the adjustment of trade policies. During the roundtable discussion, leaders from the industry and investment communities had in-depth exchanges on hot topics such as industry recovery, mergers and acquisitions, AI application technology, and industry involution, and shared insights on the current situation and strategies for seizing new opportunities.

The blockbuster event "Face to Face of Chairmen of Listed Companies" of this year's Jiwei Semiconductor Conference successfully built a bridge for the executives of listed companies in the semiconductor industry to have direct dialogue with the capital market. In each event, more than 10 chairmen, CEOs and board secretaries from listed companies in the semiconductor industry gathered together for in-depth face-to-face exchanges, which strengthened the connection between listed semiconductor companies and the capital market, and injected new vitality and confidence into the development of the entire industry.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

At the closed-door seminar on mergers and acquisitions held on the afternoon of the 29th, more than 60 chairmen, CEOs, board secretaries and heads of production and investment departments of A-share listed companies and more than 80 domestic mainstream semiconductor investment institutions participated in the seminar to discuss the difficulties of mergers and acquisitions in the semiconductor industry and promote the docking and exchange between the two sides.

The integration of industry and education, the agitation of wisdom, and the cultivation of semiconductor talents have written a new chapter

Achievements are made by talents, and the industry is wide by talents. The wave of artificial intelligence is accelerating the arrival of a new cycle in the semiconductor industry. In this process, talent will undoubtedly become the core asset and competitiveness of the industry and enterprises. Through a number of professional forums, this conference will deeply discuss the forward-looking thinking and positive actions of the domestic semiconductor industry in talent training, explore school-enterprise cooperation, integration of industry and education, achievement transformation and other ways, and promote new models and paths for talent training, such as talent chain, education chain, industrial chain, and innovation chain.

On the morning of the 28th, the 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference and Talent Supply and Demand Platform Docking Forum attracted nearly 100 deans of microelectronics colleges, experts and scholars from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology and other well-known universities, as well as representatives of nearly 100 enterprises and industry professionals such as Huada Jiutian, Chipone and Primarius Electronics, to attend the meeting, forming a fruitful result of "a major industry event, two blockbuster reports, and a series of autumn recruitment launches".

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

At the meeting, the "Integrated Circuit Industry Talent Insight Report (2024)" edited by Aijiwei was released, which provides important reference and guidance for the optimal allocation of talents, the integration of industry, university and research and industrial innovation. At the same time, the "Guide to Talent Development in the Semiconductor Industry" jointly edited by Huada Jiutian, Loongson Zhongke, Aijiwei, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Xiamen University and other units was released to decode the important path of talent system construction and future training and development in the industry.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

In addition, the 6th Autumn Joint Double Selection Conference of the Micro Semiconductor Industry and the 2024 Zhangjiang Hi-Tech "895 Talent Gathering" were officially launched at this conference! Chen Ran, General Manager of Aijiwei, Sun Yan, Human Resources Director of Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Development Co., Ltd., Quan Jinlan, Head of Human Resources Department of Changxin Technology Group Co., Ltd., Huang Jie, Human Resources Director of Shanghai Primarius Electronics Co., Ltd., and Wang Jinlong, Director of Human Resources Department of Zhongkexin Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., jointly took the stage to witness the launching ceremony.

On the afternoon of the 29th, the school-enterprise cooperation forum of the School of Microelectronics, with the core of "overcoming key core technologies, promoting the development of compound talents, and promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements", aims to bring together the strength and resources of universities, enterprises, parks, investment institutions and other parties, build a supply and demand docking platform for industrial talent training and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, promote the connection and integration of multiple chains such as education chain, talent chain, industrial chain, innovation chain and financial chain, transform high-quality scientific research achievements into new productivity, and better inject new momentum into industrial development.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

At the meeting, the "2023 Survey on the Patent Strength of China's Universities in the Semiconductor Industry" was released, focusing on the patent achievements of Chinese universities in the semiconductor industry in 2023, starting from the five major technical modules of semiconductor design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, materials and equipment, aiming to depict the overall development status and problems of Chinese universities in the semiconductor industry patents in the previous year, and provide a mirror reference for the domestic industry. In addition, the "Micro Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Project Library" was also released at the forum, bringing together more than 2,000 scientific and technological achievement transformation projects from well-known universities across the country, and realizing further expansion in breadth and depth. In the theme discussion session, guests from universities and enterprises shared their views on the topic of "Challenges and Opportunities for the Cultivation of Integrated Circuit Talents and Transformation of Technological Achievements" from the perspectives of talent cultivation, school-enterprise cooperation, and platform building.

Recount the "core" journey and talk about the "core" goal. As one of the core links of the "2024 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference", the alumni forum carries the important mission of "gathering superior forces and linking alumni cooperation". After two days of dry goods and wonderful conferences, the microelectronics alumni associations from 25 well-known universities in China, including Tsinghua University, Xidian, China University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, and China University of Science and Technology, held a grand gathering, and outstanding alumni from different fields will gather together. At the same time, they also conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on topics such as industry development, technological innovation, and talent training. These gatherings are not only a link for emotional exchanges between alumni, but also a platform for the collision of ideas and wisdom. Alumni inspire each other and make progress together by sharing their career paths, industry insights, and exploration of new technologies.

Dazzling booths, exchanges and cooperation, and enthusiastically showing off China's "core" image

At the same time of the conference, the "Jiwei Semiconductor Exhibition" showed the current cutting-edge semiconductor product technology and trends at home and abroad, helping exhibitors in various subdivisions of the industry to achieve in-depth exchanges and efficient cooperation with potential customers on site, and receiving wide praise and enthusiastic response from the industry.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference ended successfully: rising in change and reshaping

This year's Jiwei Semiconductor Exhibition has attracted dozens of companies to participate in the exhibition, actively showing off China's "core" image, and it is also an excellent platform for face-to-face technical exchanges, the latest industry information exchange, and new product releases for industry professionals.

With the staggered gathering of alumni gatherings, the 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference came to a successful conclusion. But the enthusiasm in the hearts of the attendees did not dissipate, on the contrary, they will be full of rewards, new connections, and endless reverie for the future of the semiconductor industry. Thanks to all the guests, exhibitors, visitors and partners who came to the scene, we will meet again next year to draw a new picture of the industry!