
Yingtian Town: Clean up the garbage on the side of the embankment to help flood control and risk check

author:Yueyang Radio and Television

Yueyang Radio and Television All Media, July 1 (Correspondent/Deng Yaqi) In the face of the flood situation, the cadres and groups of Yingtian Town, Qu Yuan Management District, worked together to twist into a rope, braved the wind and rain in their respective sections of responsibility, and patrolled day and night. In the process of patrolling the embankment, a lot of garbage was also found at the foot of the embankment and embankment, and the women's cleaning pioneer team of Yingtian Town took the initiative to clean up the garbage, so that the bright red flag fluttered on the flood control embankment.

Yingtian Town: Clean up the garbage on the side of the embankment to help flood control and risk check

Holding woven bags in one hand and bamboo poles and tongs in the other, the women cleaning team members bent down along the embankment to pick up garbage, protecting the environment of the river and lake with practical actions. "If garbage is washed into a ditch and accumulated, it will not only affect the safety of drainage but also affect environmental hygiene," said the cleaning team. It is understood that the women's cleaning pioneer team of Yingtian Town carried out voluntary garbage cleaning activities on the 15.6-kilometer responsible embankment section of the West Embankment and the responsible section of the South Line, and collected more than 100 bags of garbage.

Yingtian Town: Clean up the garbage on the side of the embankment to help flood control and risk check
Yingtian Town: Clean up the garbage on the side of the embankment to help flood control and risk check

Volunteers pick up garbage in the responsible section of the Eighth Port of the West Embankment

Yingtian Town closely combines environmental protection and flood control work, focusing on the comprehensive cleaning of garbage, silt and weeds dumped in ditches. Yingtian Town will make every effort to do a good job in cleaning and sanitation of the river embankment to escort the flood control and river protection work.