
Song Jiahui, an athlete from Juxian County and a son of Peking University, competed at the door of the competition to fight for a gold and a bronze!

author:Ju County release

On the evening of June 30, at the Rizhao Kuishan Sports Center, the "Rizhao Health Care Vocational College Cup" National Track and Field Championship and National Track and Field Grand Prix entered the final stage of the competition. In the men's 4×400m final, Song Jiahui and his teammates won a gold medal on behalf of the Shandong team and broke the national record. In the men's 400m hurdles final held on the evening of June 29, Song Jiahui won a bronze medal. Fighting at home, Song Jiahui won a gold and a bronze medal. A rural kid who only started practicing sports in middle school, he relied on hard training, step by step, to stand on the top podium again and again.

Song Jiahui, an athlete from Juxian County and a son of Peking University, competed at the door of the competition to fight for a gold and a bronze!

Song Jiahui in training. (Provided by the interviewee)

The coach "looked at the thatched house" and persuaded him to embark on the road of sports

Assiduously and obediently! After three years of hard training, he successfully entered Peking University

Song Jiahui, 22 years old, is a native of the countryside in Qiaoshan Town, Ju County, Rizhao City, Shandong Province. Before high school, he was still studying culture classes in a step-by-step manner at school. In the third year of junior high school, because of his tall height and good physique, he was temporarily selected by the school to practice for a week and then participated in the county's middle school sports meeting.

It was this sports meeting that changed the trajectory of Song Jiahui's life. At that time, when he was normally pressing his legs on the sidelines, Hu Guangxian, the coach of Juxian No. 1 Middle School, happened to pass by, "At that time, I saw that this child was tall, with long legs and good physique, and he must be a good seedling to practice hurdles." Hu Guangxian said. Immediately, Hu Guangxian asked him to stand up and take a look at it, and asked about the basic situation.

At that time, Hu Guangxian positioned Song Jiahui for hurdles, because Hu Guangxian has a deep study of hurdles, and under his hands, he has trained two very good hurdlers, both of whom have been admitted to top colleges and universities in the country. "Hurdles have high requirements for physical conditions, and there are few seedlings for grassroots practice of this project, as long as the conditions are good, hard training is easy to produce results." Hu Guangxian said.

Song Jiahui, an athlete from Juxian County and a son of Peking University, competed at the door of the competition to fight for a gold and a bronze!

Song Jiahui is now with Hu Guang, the enlightenment coach and coach of Juxian No. 1 Middle School. (Provided by the interviewee)

But in order to persuade Song Jiahui to engage in sports, Hu Guangxian struggled with his brains. At first, Song Jiahui's parents were very resistant, that is, they did not agree to practice sports. Hu Guangxian, who has been engaged in sports work all his life, has an almost "crazy" attachment to good seedlings and his thirst for thousands of horses. In order to persuade Song Jiahui's parents, he went to his house three times and invited his parents to come to the school to watch him train. Finally, Song Jiahui's parents were moved by Hu Guangxian's sincerity and agreed to let him try.

This may be a very important and correct decision made by Song Jiahui's parents. The key is that Song Jiahui is also angry, rural children are obedient and honest, train hard, and he is also training when others are resting, completely obeying the coach's arrangement. After a period of training, the results were quickly released, and the national competition that I couldn't think of before was not only qualified to participate, but also won a good ranking, and Song Jiahui's parents also strengthened their children's confidence in taking the road of sports.

As the saying goes, Maxima often exists, but Bole does not often have. Hu Guang now Song Jiahui poured all his efforts, the most difficult period, the school sports venue could not be used, Hu Guangxian took him to train on the river embankment west of the school, more than three months, every morning at five or six o'clock, the figure of the two appeared on time, rain or shine, Song Jiahui ate and lived in Hu Guangxian's house.

"It's normal, almost all the students I've taken have lived in my house." In his words, Hu Guangxian never felt that this was a big deal. The hard work paid off, and when Song Jiahui was admitted to Peking University, the two of them also got due rewards for their years of hard work. After going to college, Song Jiahui also kept in touch with Hu Guangxian often, and in this competition, Hu Guangxian also came to the scene to cheer for his beloved apprentice. As for his disciples, Hu Guangxian said more by his own efforts, "The key is that he fights for himself, is obedient, and works hard." Hu Guangxian said.

Song Jiahui, an athlete from Juxian County and a son of Peking University, competed at the door of the competition to fight for a gold and a bronze!

Song Jiahui's admission letter from Peking University. (Provided by the interviewee)

Parents at home come to cheer

On the track and field, we will continue to pursue our dreams and win glory for the country

At the competition site, Song Jiahui's parents also came from their hometown to cheer for their children. Speaking of children's sports path, compared with the previous hesitation and hesitation, now the face is full of pride. "All of this is thanks to Coach Hu, without him, there would be no child today." Song Jiahui's mother, Chen Weizhen, said. Recalling that when Hu Guangxian came to the door for the first time, the two of them were very resistant, and they had the impression that the child would learn through cultural classes, and if he was in good physical condition, he would go to the army. It wasn't until he came to the door many times that he was moved by Hu Guangxian's sincerity and affirmation of the child's future, "At that time, Coach Hu said, I can't guarantee other children, I will definitely train this child for you and send a good university." Chen Weizhen said.

This is an ordinary rural family, Chen Weizhen farms at home and takes care of the children, does odd jobs in his spare time, drives a big car, and has a younger sister at home. You have to pay for your own travel expenses when you go out to compete, and the most impressive one is to go to Fujian to participate in the competition. "At that time, I didn't want him to go, the travel fee was four or five thousand, and there were many competitions to go out, so it didn't matter if I didn't go once." Chen Weizhen said that although he saw that Song Jiahui also wanted to go at that time, he didn't say anything more when he was sensible. It wasn't until he went to his grandfather's house to ask that his grandfather insisted on letting him go, and Song Jiahui was able to make the trip.

Song Jiahui, an athlete from Juxian County and a son of Peking University, competed at the door of the competition to fight for a gold and a bronze!

Song Jiahui in the game. (Photo by Liu Jing)

Sports have always been an uneven road, and daily boring training must endure loneliness. Chen Weizhen's parents saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts, and when they first started practicing, the soles of their feet were often blistered, so Song Jiahui used a needle to pick it out by himself, and continued to train after a simple treatment. "We are also distressed, but since we have chosen, we have to persevere." Chen Weizhen said. In the first year of high school training, Song Jiahui also ate and lived in school, and after the second year of high school, he followed Hu Guangxian's advice and went to accompany him, "Coach Hu said that children need to supplement nutrition, and they can't just eat in the canteen. Chen Weizhen said. When they got the admission letter from Peking University, Chen Weizhen and his wife couldn't believe it but were still proud, and now whenever they mention their children, their faces are filled with happy smiles.

During the interview, Song Jiahui told reporters that although he won one gold and one bronze in this competition, he still had a slight regret about the competition, "Competing at home, I wanted to break my personal best, but I still didn't play well." Song Jiahui said. For the future, he couldn't stay idle, and soon devoted himself to the preparation for the upcoming national championships, hoping to achieve better results and participate in the Olympics to win glory for the country.

Song Jiahui, an athlete from Juxian County and a son of Peking University, competed at the door of the competition to fight for a gold and a bronze!

Song Jiahui in the game. (Photo by Liu Jing)

Happily, Song Jiahui has now obtained the qualification for the insurance research, and he will continue to pursue his dream on his track and field......

Extended reading:

Song Jiahui's small information: Song Jiahui, a Chinese track and field athlete, from Juxian County, Shandong, is 22 years old this year. In September 2021, he ranked 5th in the men's 400m hurdles in the 14th National Games; In April 2023, he won the second place in the men's 400m hurdles at the National Track and Field Grand Prix; In June 2023, he won the second place in the men's group in the 400m hurdles final of the fourth station of the National Track and Field Grand Prix; In April 2024, the men's 400m hurdles won the second place in the second round of the National Track and Field Grand Prix; On June 29, 2024, in the men's 400m hurdles final of the National Track and Field Championships, Song Jiahui won the bronze medal with a time of 49.67 seconds. On June 30, in the men's 4×400m relay final of the National Track and Field Championships, the Shandong team composed of Yu Dexiang, Song Jiahui, Yang Wang and Liu Kai broke the national record and won the championship with a time of 3:03.47.

Source: Juxian Financial Media, Popular Newspaper, Qilu One Point

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