
The front-line "her" force of flood control is in action

author:Yueyang Radio and Television

Yueyang Radio and Television All Media, July 1 (Correspondent/Deng Yaqi) Recently, affected by continuous heavy rainfall, the flood control situation in Yingtian Town, Quyuan Management Area is grim. During this critical period, the women comrades of Yingtian Town were moved by the "flood" and actively participated in the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief, participating in the work of being on duty, flood prevention publicity, patrolling embankments to eliminate dangers, and reporting information. They practice the purpose of "serving the people" with their actions, showing the responsibility and demeanor of women, and showing the power of women.

The front-line "her" force of flood control is in action

In the Yingtian section of the West Embankment, 3 staff members are arranged every kilometer to complete the task of patrolling the embankment every 3 hours. A record book, a long pole, a flashlight, a set of raincoats and rain boots, and an armband are their equipment. During the inspection of the embankment, they hit the dam with a long rod to check whether there are any seams on the dam body, whether there are hidden dangers such as collapse, landslides and pits. Once the hidden danger is identified, it will be reported to the town prevention index in time to ensure that various flood prevention measures are implemented to ensure the safety of residents' lives and property.

At the headquarters of the west and south lines of Yingtian Town, the staff is nervously dispatching, reminding the personnel of each responsible embankment section to arrive at their posts on time and do a good job of inspection and registration. They conscientiously do a good job of recording their work, report work information in a timely manner, and earnestly achieve horizontal to the edge and vertical to the end, so as to respond to people and leave no dead ends.

The front-line "her" force of flood control is in action
The front-line "her" force of flood control is in action

In the 2+800-5+600 section of the southern flood control line, all female party members and cadres at the town and village levels arranged shifts to go to the front line to carry out the work of patrolling the embankment and checking the danger. The flood situation is urgent, and the responsibility is tested; The front line of flood control, witnessing the original mission. The vast number of women in Yingtian Town charged ahead, strictly guarded the position, and built a solid "women's defense line" with speed, temperature and strength.

The front-line "her" force of flood control is in action

Women have love, and there is me on the front line. In flood prevention and disaster relief, they have the courage to take responsibility and fulfill their duties, and use ordinary practical actions to show the style of "women do not let their eyebrows go". It has become the most beautiful scenery in flood control work and supports the "half of the sky" in flood control.