
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

author:The Inkman in the Book Mountain

On June 30, Wu Yanni won the national track and field women's 100-meter hurdles championship with an excellent time of 12.74 seconds!

The result of 12.74 seconds was beyond everyone's expectations, and even directly refreshed Wu Yanni's best result in her career, and also created the first Asian result in the women's 100-meter hurdles in the track and field competition.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

I have to say that Wu Yanni is good!

The national track and field competition was held in Rizhao, Shandong, and Wu Yanni passed all the way to the finals, and Lin Yuwei entered the preliminaries with her.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

In the preliminaries of this track and field competition, Wu Yanni directly won the first place in the preliminaries with a time of 13.06 seconds and was successfully promoted to the finals, while Lin Yuwei did not play well this time, but also achieved 13.26 seconds, ranking second.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

I have to say that Wu Yanni, who won the championship this time, really proved herself with her strength and proved that she was not the "second Wu Lao" in the mouth of netizens!

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

Presumably many people know that at the Asian Games in Hangzhou last year, Wu Yanni also participated in the 100-meter hurdles final, but in the process of the competition, Wu Yanni had a rush phenomenon, and it was precisely because of this mistake that many netizens were disgusted by her "rushing" incident.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

Because of this, Wu Yanni was attacked by a large number of Internet languages in a short period of time, and many people couldn't get used to her arrogant and domineering energy, which also made Wu Yanni have a shadow in her heart about "starting and rushing".

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

So it can be seen from this race that Wu Yanni was obviously a little slower than everyone else when she started, which shows that Wu Yanni still has a certain shadow of "starting" in her heart.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

Therefore, many netizens also comforted, "If you can overcome it, your results can be better!" "I hope to break through 12.70 as soon as possible! ”

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

However, after the competition, Wu Yanni said in a post-game interview, "I want to show the audience the most confident and beautiful Wu Yanni." ”

Wu Yanni was also very happy about the 12.74 seconds in this competition, and she also told the audience, "Whether you win or lose, I hope everyone can support Chinese track and field and support me." ”

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

In fact, Wu Yanni has put in a lot of effort to prepare for this event, and even during the training process, unfortunately caused knee inflammation, Wu Yanni also smiled and said, "I can still withstand it!" ”

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

She said that she was able to participate in such a "track and field test" before the Paris Olympics, and also achieved a good result, which is also a challenge and experience for Wu Yanni, not only that, Wu Yanni also said that this time the championship also increased some confidence for herself.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

Such a spirit of not being afraid of hardship, perseverance, and courage is exactly the spirit that athletes should have, although before that, Wu Yanni caused a lot of criticism because of some trivial things.

Although everyone is saying that she is "unsportsmanlike, ignorant of rules, and too arrogant." But no one said she was incompetent.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

And Wu Yanni has been proving with her actions that she has this strength.

It can be seen from this final that Wu Yanni surpassed everyone very easily during the competition, and even the hurdle posture was so silky.


It is precisely because of the championship of this final that many people's doubts and those who want to deliberately smear Wu Yanni have been broken.

When the news of Wu Yanni's championship was announced, it instantly appeared on the hot search, the difference is that this time there is no question, more praise and praise for her.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

Many netizens said that they like Wu Yanni very much, she is generous and does not twist at all, and she is so good, it is so cute! even said that if he had Wu Yanni's achievements, he would be 10,000 times better than her.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

Maybe this is the posture of the strong, they never care about other messy things, they will only silently move forward to prove their strength.

There are even some netizens who take Wu Yanni as an example, thinking that what she does is exactly the self-reliance and self-improvement that girls should have, "A woman's role model can obviously rely on her appearance, but she has to rely on her strength!" ”

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

I have to say that Wu Yanni's unruly character and personality attitude have indeed attracted praise from many people, even if many black fans have personally attacked her before this.

But Wu Yanni still maintains herself, shields everything from the outside, and concentrates on doing her own thing. Such an ability to withstand pressure cannot but be admired.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

During the post-game interview, Wu Yanni, who wore makeup for the competition, still maintained the most beautiful and confident state and appeared in front of everyone.

When facing the camera when interviewing, because of the sweat in her eyes, when she wiped the sweat with a tissue, Wu Yanni's false eyelashes were knocked out.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

Immediately, Wu Yanni's reaction was to directly cover the eye without false eyelashes with her hand, such a real reaction made Wu Yanni gain a large number of fans.

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

Throughout Wu Yanni's journey to win the championship, she has also experienced a lot of ups and downs and twists and turns, after all, no matter what Wu Yanni does, it will attract a lot of gossip attacks.

But for these noisy voices, Wu Yanni can not only maintain her original intention, but also win the championship in the competition, I believe she can also achieve good results again in the Paris Olympics!

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area

When the track and field competition of the Paris Olympics is coming, Wu Yanni is also very much looking forward to this, and even said that the track and field of the Paris Olympics is purple, and hopes that purple can also become her lucky color.

Wu Yanni can not only "withstand" the injury, but also withstand everyone's doubts about her, such Wu Yanni is "beautiful and sassy".

I hope that in any next competition, Wu Yanni can insist on herself and be able to show her most beautiful and confident side!

Information sources:

Popular Network: "Wu Yanni: No matter if you win or lose, everyone can support Chinese track and field and support me. 》

China News Network: "Wu Yanni won the women's 100-meter hurdles in the National Track and Field Championships, setting a personal best"

China Youth Network: "Wu Yanni Looks Forward to the Purple Track of the Paris Olympics "Lucky"

Red Star News: "Wu Yanni ran out of Asia No. 1 with full makeup, and her false eyelashes fell off during the post-game interview!" Her reaction is really hammered straight girl"

Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area
Wu Yanni provoked controversy: I came on the court to win the championship, why should I keep a low profile! Fryer in the comment area