
Heavy! The United States is becoming more and more anxious, and the trade volume between China and Kazakhstan has increased by more than 100 times in more than 30 years

author:Smell the Tao and practice

Recently, the news of the sharp increase in trade volume between China and Kazakhstan has sparked heated discussions.

In an interview with Xinhua News Agency, Kazakh President Simjomart Tokayev said that China has always been Kazakhstan's most important trade and investment partner, and the trade volume between the two countries has increased by more than 100 times in more than 30 years of economic and trade cooperation.

Heavy! The United States is becoming more and more anxious, and the trade volume between China and Kazakhstan has increased by more than 100 times in more than 30 years

On December 8, 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. On December 16 of the same year, Kazakhstan declared independence.

In January 1992, China and Kazakhstan formally established diplomatic relations.

Since then, the two countries have achieved win-win cooperation, and economic and trade exchanges have become increasingly frequent, becoming a model of bilateral cooperation.

In 1992, the trade volume between China and Kazakhstan was 368 million US dollars, and in 2023, the bilateral trade volume reached 41 billion US dollars.

In 32 years, the trade volume between China and Kazakhstan has increased 110 times.

Kazakhstan is located in the hinterland of Eurasia, with a land area of 2,724,900 square kilometers, making it the largest landlocked country in the world.

Kazakhstan has a total population of 19.52 million, a GDP of $261.4 billion in 2023, and a per capita GDP of $13,400, the highest among the five Central Asian countries.

Kazakhstan has a well-developed agriculture and animal husbandry industry, rich oil and mineral resources, and a relatively backward industry.

In the past decade or so, China has increased its investment in Kazakhstan, and Kazakhstan's domestic infrastructure has been greatly improved.

At the same time, by vigorously developing photovoltaic and wind power generation, Kazakhstan has helped to solve the problem of electricity difficulties for residents in remote areas.

A large part of Kazakhstan's success is due to the fact that it has caught the high-speed train of China's economic development.

Heavy! The United States is becoming more and more anxious, and the trade volume between China and Kazakhstan has increased by more than 100 times in more than 30 years

The economies of the two countries are highly complementary and cooperate closely, and the people of the two countries will ultimately benefit.

The situation is similar in the other four Central Asian countries, and they all have good economic and trade exchanges with China.

Western scholars have said that China's peaceful rise will have a positive impact on its neighboring countries. In contrast, the countries surrounding the United States have basically not developed.

America's neighbors, with the exception of Canada, Mexico, Cuba, the Bahamas, etc., have not developed.

A big reason for this is that the United States pursues America First, likes to interfere in the sovereignty and internal affairs of other countries, and cultivates pro-American forces.

China, on the other hand, advocates mutual communication and win-win cooperation, and does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

Over the years, with the exception of the five countries in Central Asia, the rest of ASEAN, except for the Philippines, have developed their economies well.

In 2020, the total trade between ASEAN and the mainland reached 4.74 trillion yuan, surpassing the EU and becoming the mainland's largest trading partner.

Subsequently, the trade volume between ASEAN and the mainland increased year by year, and the living standards of the people of various countries also flourished.

Heavy! The United States is becoming more and more anxious, and the trade volume between China and Kazakhstan has increased by more than 100 times in more than 30 years

This makes the United States very helpless.

When the United States and the Soviet Union were vying for hegemony, one of the strategies of the United States was to provoke the countries surrounding the Soviet Union and deepen the contradictions between them and the Soviet Union.

NATO is a product of this grand strategy.

This is a very effective strategy, and Russia is still suffering from it, and the Russian-Ukrainian war does not know when it will be a head.

China's vigorous development of economic and trade relations with neighboring countries has not only benefited the people of the two countries, but also laid a solid foundation for regional stability and peace.

They said: When the times abandoned you, they didn't even say hello.

The Cold War mentality is outdated, but some countries cling to it and are destined to become outcasts of the times.

The sun in the west, which has been red for 300 years, is now slowly setting.

And the sun in the east is rising, red and vibrant.

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