
Zhang Yuqiang: The legendary hero Yu Deshui

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the 17th volume of "Wendeng Cultural and Historical Materials" (December 2002), written by Zhang Yuqiang, and the original title is "Legendary Hero Yu Deshui"

Zhang Yuqiang: The legendary hero Yu Deshui

Yu Deshui (1906-1967)

Yu Deshui (1906-1967), formerly known as Yu Zuohai. Born in May 1906 in Luogezhuang Village, Gejia Town, Wendeng City, he is a legendary hero in the eyes of the people of Jiaodong. He was born and died, fought bravely and was seriously wounded 7 times, and was commended by his superiors 13 times. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1933; In 1935, he participated in the "11.4" riots in Jiaodong and served as the captain of the brigade directly under the Special Committee; In 1937, he led the troops to participate in the "Tianfushan Uprising" and served as the captain of the First Brigade of the Third Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Army; He led the troops to Jiaodong and performed many miraculous feats. In 1961, he transferred from the army to serve as deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and a member of the Standing Committee of the Third Anhui Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He died on February 16, 1967, at the age of 61.


Yu Deshui is a legendary hero well-known to the people of Jiaodong, and he is in the famous writer Feng Deying's three masterpieces "Bitter Cauliflower", "Mountain Chrysanthemum" and "Spring Flower"; The "Kunyu Mountain Red Army Guerrillas" founded and led by him fought in the land of Yan (Taiwan) and Wei (Hai), raised an inextinguishable torch for the people of Jiaodong, played an extremely important role in the famous "November 4" riots and the Tianfushan Uprising, and made immortal contributions to the anti-Japanese liberation cause of the people of Jiaodong

Forced to the road of revolution

Yu Deshui, formerly known as Yu Zuohai, once assumed the pseudonyms Yu Hai, Gao Desheng, Liu Erlun, and Lin Desheng. He was born on May 22, 1905 in a poor peasant family in Luogezhuang Village, Wendeng City. Yu Deshui has six brothers, due to poverty and hunger, the three elder brothers have been torn apart, leaving only him, an elder brother, and a younger brother struggling to survive. Forced by life, at the age of six, he worked in the fields with adults. At the age of fifteen, due to the drought of the year, he could not pay the rent, and the county government imprisoned his father after confiscating the family's "property" for the crime of "resisting rent". In order to avenge his family, he practiced martial arts with others since then, and after a few years, he practiced a good martial arts, and he was proficient in running through the wall, swords, guns, and sticks, and he was famous in the countryside and abroad. With martial arts to meet friends, Yu Deshui's social interactions gradually increased. In June 1931, Yu Deshui got acquainted with underground party member Zou Qingyan: through Zou's introduction, Yu Deshui got acquainted with underground party member Liu Zhenmin: Liu Zhenmin told him a lot of revolutionary principles and introduced him to join the Communist Party of China, and he embarked on the revolutionary road from then on.

After the September 18 Incident, under Chiang Kai-shek's policy of "non-resistance," Japanese imperialism occupied the three eastern provinces of the mainland without bloodshed. At the time of the nation's peril, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China called on the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups across the country to rise up to resist the war and save the country: in response to the party's call, party organizations at all levels in Jiaodong under the white terror took active action and secretly carried out the anti-Japanese salvation movement.

Due to Yu Deshui's many acquaintances and wide social relations, under his liaison and mobilization, the party's influence in the Kunyu Mountains expanded rapidly, the number of party members continued to increase, the party's supporters and sympathizers increased, and underground liaison stations were established one after another

Yu Deshui's frequent revolutionary activities aroused the extreme concern of the local tyrants and gentry and the Kuomintang reactionaries. On the night of July 12, 1933, the underground party had a secret meeting at Deshui's house. After the local tyrants and gentry in the village stole the news, they reported to Cong Jingyue, the president of the Wendeng Gejia Association, overnight. Cong Jingyue led the troops to surround the village before dawn, and frantically pounced on Yu Deshui's door, regret (Note: sic, some netizens left messages questioning the author's intentions. There is nothing wrong with its practical word, its meaning is similar to "pity", somewhat ridiculous) is that the enemy is a step late, the meeting has long ended, and the underground party has left. After Yu Deshui found that the enemy had surrounded the house, he flew up and picked up the kitchen knife and shouted: "Bring the gun quickly, whoever wants to die will come into the house!" Hearing the thunderous roar, the enemy who had rushed into the courtyard turned his head in fright and ran out again: Yu Deshui jumped on the closet, violently broke a big hole in the ridge of the roof, flew out of the roof, climbed over the wall and the courtyard, and soon disappeared without a trace. Since then, Yu Deshui has left his home and joined the underground guerrilla team led by our party, and is active in the vast rural areas around Wendeng, Muping, Haiyang, and Rongcheng.

In order to expand the influence of the Party and promote the rapid development of the revolutionary situation, Yu Deshui, together with other underground Party members, often haunted the bazaars, mobilized the masses, opposed the excesses of taxes and miscellaneous taxes, and seized the enemy's weapons. In this regard, the Kuomintang Wendeng County Government painted a shadow and offered a reward for arrest: "Those who are captured alive will be rewarded with 1,000 foreigners, and those who kill their lives will be rewarded with half of the foreign rewards." For the safety of Yu Deshui, the party organization arranged for him to leave Jiaodong and go to Dalian to temporarily avoid the riots to show his might

Due to the warlord wars, successive years of famine, and the expropriation and extortion of the Kuomintang government and the landlords and gentry, the people of Jiaodong lived increasingly poorly, and the class contradictions became more and more acute. Under the leadership of the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, a revolutionary storm is brewing.

In June 1935, Yu Deshui returned to his hometown under the instructions of the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, and successively set up boxing rooms in Wendeng Song Village, Rongcheng Shidao and some villages in Kunyu Mountain to carry out propaganda, develop armed forces, and actively prepare for revolutionary riots. In October, Yu Deshui was co-opted as a member of the Jiaodong Special Committee.

On October 23, 1935, the Jiaodong Special Committee held a joint meeting of the military and the government in Beitianshou Palace, Gouyujia Village, Wendeng County, and Yu Deshui attended the meeting. The meeting decided that on November 4 of the lunar calendar, an armed riot (historically known as the "Jiaodong '11.4' riot") will be held with Wendeng, Rongcheng, Muping, and Haiyang counties as the center. The rebellion was carried out on the east and west roads, the east road was divided into three brigades, Yu Deshui was the three captains, Liu Zhenmin was the political commissar, before the riot was launched, he captured Shidao, seized the enemy's weapons and equipment, and used them to arm the first and second brigades, and then the three brigades attacked Wendeng City together.

On the evening of November 3 of the lunar calendar, more than 50 people including Yu Deshui gathered in Xitou Village, Rongcheng Mountain from Wendeng Konggezhuang and other places to prepare for a raid on Shidao. However, Liu Zhenmin, who arrived in advance, and the underground party transferred out of the city informed them that the underground party organization in Shidao had been destroyed, and the enemy had noticed it and secretly took precautions.

The situation changed, and Yu Deshui immediately made a decision and decided to immediately rush west to attack Renji. After the sun came out of the mountain, Yu Deshui and the others pretended to fight and fight, tearing and shouting and pouring towards the town office. The gatekeeper stopped and asked, "What are you doing?" The fighter said, "Let's go to court!" At this time, Yu Deshui rushed up, smashed the door post with a fist and grabbed the gun, and with a wave of his hand, led the comrades to rush into the town office, and pointed three guns at the 20 or so townsmen and staff who were eating. Everyone quickly removed the enemy's guns and bullets from the gun racks.

Yu Deshui quickly organized his team, and took advantage of the victory to attack the Queshan Salt Bureau, the Huangshan District Office and the Gaocun District Office, and then the Songcun Salt Bureau. When passing through Zhangjiabu, they confiscated more than 10 salt police weapons.

On November 4 of the lunar calendar, the three brigades returned to Konggezhuang, and in two days and one night, they traveled more than 300 miles, and seized a total of 56 long and short guns, more than 2,600 bullets, more than 80 bayonets and large blades, and more than 30 earthen guns, effectively arming the riot team, and was praised by Zhang Lianzhu, secretary of the special committee.

Han Fuyu, chairman of the Kuomintang Shandong Province, urgently ordered the 81st Division of Zhanshutang stationed in Weixian County and 30,000 to 40,000 local armed men to go to Wendeng, Rongcheng, Muping, Haiyang and other counties to suppress them. On November 7 of the lunar calendar, the riot team on our West Road was besieged in Songjiao Village at the junction of Mu (Ping) and Hai (Yang), and more than 150 people, including deputy commander-in-chief Cheng Lun, were arrested and killed; On 10 November, the 1st and 2nd Brigades of the East Road Riot Team were surrounded by the enemy in Wantou Village, Wendengdi, and Zhang Lianzhu, secretary of the Special Committee and commander-in-chief of the riot, were arrested and killed after the covering team broke through. So far, the vigorous "January 4" riots have failed miserably. After being besieged by a strong enemy, Yu Deshui's subordinates, who went to reinforce the first and second brigades, were forced to withdraw from the battle and moved to the Kunyu Mountains with Wang Liang and other breakout personnel to persist in the struggle.

Moved to Kunyu Mountain

Kunyu Mountain, heavy mountains and mountains, the terrain is dangerous, a radius of dozens of miles, across Wendeng, Muping, Rushan and other places. Yu Deshui, Wang Liang, and others took this as a base to form the Red Army guerrillas in Kunyu Mountain, which actively carried out guerrilla warfare and attacked the enemy out of nowhere.

Wang Tuanji had a bully, Jiang Quande, who ran rampant in the countryside and did all kinds of evil, leading his subordinates to collect intelligence everywhere, bringing great harm to our underground party and guerrillas. One night, Yu Deshui and Wang Liang led eight guerrillas to secretly sneak to Wang Tuanji, stop him quickly, drag him to the street and execute him.

Yu Deshui's guerrilla warfare severely dealt a severe blow to the enemy's reactionary arrogance in suppressing the revolution and greatly encouraged the revolutionary confidence of the people of Jiaodong. The spark of the "11.4" riot was spread in the Kunyu Mountains, reflecting the land of Jiaodong

In April 1936, Comrade Li Qi came to Jiaodong to serve as the secretary of the special committee and reorganized the special committee of Jiaodong. After the establishment of the new special commission, Yu Deshui served as a military commissar and was in charge of military work, and the Red Army guerrillas in Kunyu Mountain led by him became more active from then on.

The reactionary forces of the Kuomintang Wendeng 2nd District, which were entrenched in the eastern foothills of Kunyu Mountain, preyed on the common people and endangered the revolution, and Yu Deshui advocated pulling out this nail, and Richie agreed with him.

One night in early summer, Yu Deshui and Wang Liang led the guerrillas to suddenly surround the enemy's barracks. Under the gun, the enemy was frightened, and they all raised their hands together, and the captain of the enemy area standing by the door knew how to do some work, and refused to be captured, so he rushed forward and fought with Yu Deshui. Yu Deshui flew up with a kick and punched him head-on, knocking the guy to the ground: at this moment, a bullet hit Yu Deshui in the waist. Yu Deshui endured the pain, but still raised his gun to point at the enemy and shouted: "Whoever moves, shoot whoever kills!" In a moment, the team rushed into the house, collected the enemy's weapons, and obtained more than 20 long and short guns and more than 2,000 bullets.

In the spring of 1937, as soon as Yu Deshui's back injury improved, he led more than 20 guerrillas to Laoyazhuang at the junction of Muping and Haiyang, preparing to attack the Laizi Salt Bureau: at noon, Yu Deshui and others rubbed forward among the people who bought salt: when they rubbed in front of the gate, Yu Deshui suddenly punched and flew up, and the doorpost was suddenly covered with blood, his hand covered his crotch, and he kept collapsing to the ground. Yu Deshui took advantage of the situation to grab the gun and rushed into the compound of the Salt Bureau with the rest of the team. In a "Hands up, don't move!" At the sound of the shout, the enemies who were eating raised their hands in amazement. In addition to more than 20 guns and more than 1,100 rounds of ammunition, 13 bicycles were also seized with a cash payment of 109 yuan: They used the cash they paid to purchase a mimeograph machine, thus opening up a new world for the special committee to carry out revolutionary propaganda in the urban and rural areas of Jiaodong.

In the past two years or so, the guerrillas of the Kunyu Mountain Red Army led by Yu Deshui and Wang Liang overcame numerous difficulties, persisted in the struggle, killed the enemy and eliminated traitors, constantly expanded the influence of our party and our army, and increased the strength of our party and army day by day, thus creating conditions for the revolutionary storm in Jiaodong to rise again

After the July 7 Incident in 1937, Japanese imperialism launched a large-scale attack on China. At this critical juncture of the life and death of the nation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China resolutely issued a declaration of resistance against Japanese aggression, calling on the people of the whole country to unite to resist Japan and save the country: according to the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Northern Bureau, and the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, the Jiaodong Special Committee headed by Li Qi immediately took action and actively prepared to launch an anti-Japanese armed uprising in Tianfushan

At noon on December 24, 1937, the military flag fluttered on Tianfu Mountain in the east of Wendeng, and the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China held a well-known anti-Japanese armed uprising here, and the Red Army guerrillas in Kunyu Mountain as the only armed force in the uprising were organized as the first brigade of the "Third Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Army", Yu Deshui served as the captain, Song Cheng served as the political commissar, and after the Tianfushan uprising, the brigade was ordered to go west to carry out anti-Japanese propaganda: However, Lingshang Village in the west of Wendeng was surrounded and ambushed by the military and police of the Kuomintang Wendeng County Government, After breaking through the siege, some of the soldiers returned to the Special Commission, and later served as the deputy captain and captain of the second brigade:

After recovering Muping City and fighting the Thunder Temple in a bloody battle, the "three armies" took advantage of the victory in the west to Peng (Lai) Huang (County) and Ye (County) to establish an anti-Japanese base area. In early March 1938, Yu Deshui's Second Brigade and Pengcai's "Second Road" troops converged and were reorganized into the 63rd Regiment, with Yu Deshui as the regiment commander, Lin Hujia as the political commissar, and soon after the establishment of the 63rd Regiment, they conquered Fushan County in one fell swoop, and the pseudo county magistrate Chen Yu was anyway, and more than 300 people accepted the reorganization.

On September 18, 1938, the 63rd Regiment was reorganized into the 15th Regiment of the Eighth Route and Five Branches, and Yu Deshui succeeded as the commander: after that, under the command of Yu Deshui, the 15th Regiment smashed the attack of the recalcitrant Cai Jinkang and Qin Yutang twice, killed more than 100 enemies, captured more than 50 enemies, captured more than 110 long and short guns, and successfully defended the safety of Huangxian County and Zhaoyuan Central Base Area:

In the autumn of 1939, the unit was downsized, and the detachment set up a traffic battalion, with Yu Deshui as the battalion commander. During this period, he escorted Xu Xiangqian, Li Yu, Wu Kehua and other CCP leaders. In June 1940, the Fifth Brigade was reorganized into the Fifth Brigade, and Yu Deshui served as the commander of the 14th Regiment of the Fifth Brigade.

However, in the first anti-communist upsurge, it was occupied by Zhao Baoyuan, the Kuomintang Ludong guerrilla commander, Zheng Weiping, the Weihai commissioner and security commander, and Cong Jingyue, Ding Xuanting, Miao Zhankui, and Wang Xingren, the "Niu Mao" commanders of the Donghai District (now Weihai and parts of Yantai). Not only did they not resist Japan, but they formed the "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" (that is, the coalition army that resisted the Eighth Route Army) and frantically brutalized the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians in the East China Sea. In order to remove this stinger, Yu Deshui led the 14th Regiment to return to the east and launched an attack on the recalcitrant army with the 17th Regiment. After three days and nights of fierce fighting, the main force of the Anti-Eighth Coalition Army was severely damaged, more than 2,000 enemies were annihilated, and more than 30 machine guns and more than 1,500 rifles were captured, thus uniting the anti-Japanese base areas in the Donghai District and the Daze Mountain Area.

In August 1941, Yu Deshui served as the commissioner of the East China Sea District and the deputy commander of the military division, and led the people of the East China Sea to carry out a desperate struggle against the enemy and the puppet, successively swept away more than a dozen recalcitrant commanders, re-liberated the Kunyu Mountains, and further consolidated the anti-Japanese base areas.

Defeat the US Chiang army

In August 1945, Yu Deshui was transferred to the commander of the Eastern Naval Division and the commander of the Yantai and Weihai garrison areas, and Zhong Xidong served as the political commissar. At this time, when the Japanese invaders surrendered, the US imperialists supported the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek clique to snatch the fruits of victory everywhere, and specially entangled more than 5,000 puppet troops in the Beihai area, the Donghai region and Yantai, and occupied the key points in the east, west and south of Yantai on the day of the Japanese army's retreat. Yu Deshui and Zhong Xidong led their troops to Yantai in accordance with the instructions of the Central Military Commission and the Jiaodong Military Region. Yu Deshui commanded the troops to first break through the lime kiln mouth, quickly seize the key parts such as Xishawang, Yuhuangding, Yantai Mountain, and the port wharf, and together with friendly and neighboring troops, annihilated more than 1,000 enemies, and victoriously liberated Yantai City.

Unwilling to accept defeat, US imperialism has been sending warships into Yantai Port since 1 October, threatening to negotiate with our troops on the one hand, and forcibly landing troops on the other hand, in an attempt to establish an invasion base on the Yantai front, jamming the neck of the Bohai Bay, and cutting off the sea communication line between China's eastern and northeastern base areas. For this reason, Ye Jianying, chief of staff of the 18th Group Army, lodged a strong protest with the headquarters of the US military in China. In order to smash the conspiracy of the United States and Chiang, our political commissar Zhong Xidong stepped forward to negotiate with the US military and sternly rejected the unreasonable demands of the US military. Yu Deshui commanded the troops to build fortifications on the front line of Yan and Wei, and was ready for battle.

On October 16, the U.S. ship suddenly drove away. Yu Deshui and Zhong Xidong immediately saw through the enemy's conspiracy to prepare a surprise attack, and ordered the troops: "Keep an eye on the enemy's movements and prepare for battle!" As expected, the next morning, the U.S. military supported Zhang Liye's puppet army originally stationed in Yantai, raised the banner of the 37th Brigade of the Kuomintang Shandong Security Army, and sailed into the territory with more than 20 ships and gunboats, occupied Kongtong Island, and stopped passing ships.

Just as the enemy was celebrating the "victory", at dawn on the 29th, Yu Deshui ordered the troops stationed in Yantai to attack in two directions and annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop, thus thwarting the provocation of the United States and Chiang and preserving the fruits of the victory of the Jiaodong people's War of Resistance.

English name: 傲千古

In April 1949, Yu Deshui, then the first deputy director of the People's Armed Forces Department of the Jiaodong Military Region, was ordered to lead the army to the south and served as the commander of the Sixth Army Division of the Zhejiang Provincial Military Region.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yu Deshui successively served as deputy director of the Logistics Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Military Region and deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. Ten years of catastrophe and the devastation of human lives, Yu Deshui, a legendary hero, was not spared, and was persecuted in the early days of the movement, unfortunately died in prison on February 26, 1967, at the age of 62.

Before his death, the respected Premier Zhou was extremely concerned about the unjust case and death of Deshui, and a special task force was dispatched to investigate and deal with it. Yu Deshui's memorial service was held in Hefei on February 19, 1979, and the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China decided: "In the 'Cultural Revolution', all the false accusations and untruths imposed on Comrade Yu Deshui by Lin Biao, the Gang of Four and their agents in Anhui will be overturned, and Zhaoxue will be completely rehabilitated and his reputation restored." ”


Wendeng Literary and Historical Materials, Vol. 17 (December 2002)