
Lu Kedong: Remember my old chief, Yu Deshui

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the second series of "Rushan Literary and Historical Materials" (December 1991), dictated by Lu Kedong and compiled by Jiang Zhenhua, the original title is "Memories of My Old Chief Yu Deshui"


Comrade Yu Deshui, formerly known as Yu Zuohai, was born on May 22, 1906 in a poor peasant family in Luogezhuang Village, Puji Township, Wendeng County, Shandong Province. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1931 and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in 1933. He successively participated in and led the "1-4" riots that shocked Shandong and the famous Tianfushan Uprising. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as the guerrilla leader of the Red Army in Kunyu Mountain, a member of the Jiaodong Special Committee, the first captain of the Third Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, the commander of the East Naval Division and the commander of the Yantai Weihai Garrison District; After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he transferred to local work. On February 26, 1967, he was framed and persecuted by Lin Biao and Jiang Qing's counter-revolutionary group and died unjustly at the age of 62. Comrade Yu Deshui was extremely loyal to the party and the people, devoted himself to the cause of the proletarian revolution, and made selfless contributions. The Red Army guerrillas under his leadership persisted in fighting in the Kunyu Mountains under extremely difficult and difficult conditions for the revolution, climbing ice and snow, braving the wind and rain, and composing one triumphant song after another of revolutionary heroism. His legendary story is still being recited from generation to generation in the Jiaodong area where he fought.

From the autumn of 1938 to the spring of 1942, I served as a correspondent and guard for Comrade Yu Deshui. After being seriously wounded in April 1942, the organization arranged for me to return to my hometown to recuperate. From that time to the early days of the "Cultural Revolution", Comrade Yu Deshui has been caring for me. In July 1960, I was invited to stay at the home of the old chief in Nanjing for more than 20 days, while he was recuperating at home to write his memoirs. During those unforgettable 20-odd days, except for the time when the old chief led me out to visit the scenic spots and historic sites in Nanjing, I accompanied the old chief almost every day to immerse myself in the memories of the past, and I was fortunate to have a more detailed understanding of the old chief's legendary experience during the war years. I have chosen to recall the following to express my deep nostalgia for the old chief.

The Gao family broke through

One morning in the early winter of 1936, Yu Deshui and underground party members Zheng Tongyu and Song Fushun climbed mountains and crossed the mountains to the house of Gao Shubin, the underground contact point in Wantou Village (now Nanhuang Town), and held a meeting to study the action plan for attacking the Laizi Salt Bureau. This day coincided with Fengjiaji, Gao Shubin's son Gao Chengyi spoke carelessly when he rushed to the market, and was discovered and arrested by the enemy's plainclothes spies. The brutal enemy nailed Gao Chengyi's limbs to the wall and tortured him, and Gao Chengyi finally confessed to Yu Deshui holding a meeting at his house because he could not be tortured. The enemy was ecstatic and quickly surrounded Gao Shubin's home. This sudden situation stunned the party members who were holding a meeting at home for a while. While firing empty guns, the enemy shouted: "Yu Zuohai quickly surrender his guns!" You won't be able to escape this time. "If you don't come out, we'll set it on fire!" Seeing this scene, Yu Deshui was not afraid of danger, ordered Gao Shubin to burn a few documents placed on the kang, and pulled out the box gun from his waist with a "whoosh", and instructed Zheng and Song: "Prepare for a breakthrough, I'd rather die than be captured!" After Gao Shubin finished burning the documents, Yu Deshui bit his teeth, his heart was horizontal, and he shouted: "Rush!" After a few steps to the gate of the courtyard, the three men opened fire on the enemies on both sides of the gate and on the courtyard wall. At this time, the enemy fell down, fled, screamed, and became confused. Taking advantage of the enemy's confusion, the three of them rushed straight into the street. Suddenly, a bullet hit Yu Deshui's left hand, and the blood flowed, but his right hand was still holding the gun to shoot back at the enemy, and the bullets in the chamber of the gun ran out, so he clamped the gun tightly with his legs, and Shishou quickly pressed the bullet. The three of them covered each other, ran while fighting, and after rushing out of the street, they ran out of ten miles in one go, and went up to Quy Nhon Namsan.

At this time, it was already dark, and the enemy did not dare to continue the pursuit, so Yu Deshui fainted due to excessive bleeding. Song Fushun pulled out a handful of camelina from the side of the ditch, crumpled it and pasted it on the wound of Deshui's left hand, and then untied his leg strap and tied it up. Taking advantage of the darkness, Zheng and Song carried Yu Deshui on their backs and transferred to Uncle Song's house in Xieshan Village. Uncle Song knew a little about medicine, he brought the lamp and carefully inspected Yu Deshui's injury: the bone of his left hand was shattered, blood seeped out, and his entire left arm was swollen. Uncle Song used scissors to cut open the sleeves of Yu Deshui's clothes, sprinkled a bag of medicinal noodles, and wrapped it in elm bark before the bleeding stopped. Yu Deshui instructed Uncle Song: "Be vigilant to prevent the enemy's retaliation." Tomorrow the enemy may search this area, and at dawn, you pretend to be a dung picker, check by the way, wipe the blood off the road, and I'll leave here tonight. Late at night, with the support of Ding Yutian and Ding Xikun, underground party members of Shangfen Village, Dagushan Township, they were transferred to Shangkuo Village to recuperate.

Although Yu Deshui and the three broke out, unfortunately, the enemy did not catch the three of them, returned and burned Gao Shubin's house, and arrested Gao Shubin and six others in prison, and Gao Shubin's son was pulled outside the west gate of Muping and shot. Gao Shubin's wife was wounded by the enemy and wandered around with his daughter-in-law, begging for food.

Upper and lower wounds

Yu Deshui came to Shangkuo Village and was arranged to hide on the roof of the house of underground party member Ding Lepei to recuperate from his injuries. Ding Lepei and his wife risked their lives and took care of Yu Deshui carefully. Save on the mouth, throw it in the stomach, and give the delicious province to water to nourish the body. Brothers Ding Yutian and Ding Xikun respectively grabbed Chinese medicine as carpenters and bricklayers to treat Yu Deshui's injuries. Yu Deshui lived in Ding Lepei's house for a few days, fearing that he would attract the attention of the enemy after a long time, so he secretly moved to the house of Ding Yutian's third brother Ding Ximing one night to recuperate from his injuries.

One day, Yu Deshui, who was recuperating from his injuries at Ding Ximing's house, suddenly heard the sound of chaotic footsteps outside, knew that something was wrong, and quickly grabbed a pistol to prevent accidents. At this time, Ding Ximing's wife hurriedly hid the water in the kang cave. As soon as Yu Deshui entered the kang cave, the enemy broke into the house, and the enemy put a bayonet on Ding Ximing's wife's heart, forcing her to hand over to Deshui.

Ding Ximing's wife said to the enemy unhurriedly: "Boss, my old woman has a hundred heads, and she doesn't dare to hide in the water, I don't believe you can search it." The two enemies used bayonets to hold Ding Ximing's wife's heart, and the rest searched around the cabinets, but they couldn't find Yu Deshui. However, the captain of the enemy squad still did not give up, looked east and west, and suddenly fixed his eyes on the kang hole blocked with grass, so he ordered the soldiers to take the forging kang. Ding Ximing's wife saw this scene and chuckled in her heart, but this old mother, who was rich in experience in underground struggle, was not afraid of danger, and was in a hurry, and said to the team leader with a smile on her face: "Boss, you are tired, I will boil water for you to drink." As he spoke, he brushed the pot, added two ladles of water, lit a fire, and kept adding grass to the stove. This made the enemies who were going to create the kang dumbfounded, and they thought that since the fire could be burned in the pot stove, there would be no people hiding in the kang cave. The enemy watched Ding Ximing's wife burn the fire more and more, so he scolded viciously: "The son of a bitch, there is a ghost." Impatiently gone. The stupid enemy never imagined that Yu Deshui was hiding in the kang cave at this time, and he was safe and sound. It turned out that there was a small hole outside Ding Ximing's kang (on the side of the pigsty), which was usually plugged and could be pushed open in an emergency. When the fire was burning in the stove, Yu Deshui opened the hole and leaned his nose and mouth against the hole. This is designed for underground party members such as Yu Deshui to hide in an emergency.

Surprise attack on the Salt Bureau

One night in the early spring of 1937, Yu Deshui convened a meeting of more than a dozen guerrillas, including Sun Jiwu, Ding Xitian, Bai Yongsheng, and Liu Songlin, at Yu Jianye's house in Laoyazhuang (now Xu's hometown) to study and arrange a combat plan for attacking the Laizi Salt Bureau.

The Leizi Salt Bureau is surrounded by salt farms, and there are patrol posts at night, making it difficult to approach. In view of this geographical location, Yu Deshui believes that he can take advantage of the opportunity of the common people to buy salt at noon and the enemy to return to the house to eat, and disguise himself as a surprise attack. In order not to alarm the enemy, try to fight as quickly as possible, and do not fire a single shot. Yu Deshui's opinion was agreed by everyone.

After dinner the next day, the guerrillas, disguised themselves as salt-buying commoners according to Yu Deshui's arrangement, divided into five groups, and set out from Laoyazhuang towards the Laizi Salt Bureau. At noon on the third day, the guerrillas arrived near the Salt Bureau, mingled with the masses of salt-buyers, and Yu Deshui took off their poles near the corner of the east side of the Salt Bureau's gate, squatted on the ground, and observed the enemy's movements. When the enemies walking outside the door entered the gate one by one, and there was only one sentry pacing back and forth with a big gun on his back in front of the Salt Bureau, Yu Deshui first glanced at the team members and signaled them to prepare for action, and then, took out a small stack of money from his pocket, hurriedly walked to the gate, bent his waist, pretended to be pitiful, and begged: "Boss, I am more than 60 miles away, okay, give me a salt ticket, I should go home early." The sentry stared at the money, his heart was overjoyed, and he reached out to take the money with a smile, and at this moment, Yu Deshui raised his face in one fell swoop, and then kicked him hard in the crotch of his pants, and the sentry "oops", his body shook, and he fell to the ground with a "poof". The salt-buying crowd, stunned by this sudden situation, had not yet woken up, and the guerrillas had already drawn their guns and rushed into the compound. According to the division of labor in advance, there were those who attacked the east chamber, those who occupied the main house, and those who blocked the passage in the courtyard.

The partisans shouted slogans such as "We are the guerrillas of the Red Army, raise your hands, surrender your guns and not kill, the guerrillas give preferential treatment to prisoners." The enemies, who were eating in the house, were so frightened by the shout that they raised their hands almost in unison.

Yu Deshui ordered the team to surrender the enemy's guns, and concentrated more than 20 enemies in two empty houses, propagated the Communist Party's ideas to them, educated them not to work for the palace, and warned them not to oppress the people. At the same time, some of the guerrillas, after making a propaganda campaign to the salt-buying masses, told them to do their best to fill up the salt and leave quickly; Another part of the team smashed open the safe and took out the salt tickets in the cabinet. After the people who bought salt had dispersed and walked away, Yu Deshui took out his box gun and threw it into the air, cut the telephone line on the pole with a "zheng" sound, and asked the team members to lock the enemy's house, and then led the team members to take the captured 13 bicycles, more than 20 long and short guns, more than 1,100 rounds of ammunition, and more than 20 large blades, and calmly withdrew to the area behind the mountain.

The mountain was surrounded

After Yu Deshui led the guerrillas to raid the Leizi Salt Bureau, he quickly retreated to climb the mountain, and held a summary meeting there in the evening. Yu Deshui said: "In accordance with the party's requirements and through the joint efforts of everyone, we did not spend a single shot or bullet, did not injure a single soldier, and put the base salt bureau to the end. This not only gave anger to the poor people and expanded the party's political influence among the masses, but also armed itself and solved the economic difficulties of the special committee. In this operation, everyone showed courage, flexibility and good organizational discipline. However, there are some things that are not well thought out in advance, for example, I didn't expect to force the enemy to hand over the key to open the safe, but I had to throw it with a stone, wasting a lot of time. I can't blame everyone for this, the responsibility is mainly on me. There is not much to say about this, everyone rest for a while, eat some dry food, and prepare to continue the retreat, because the enemy has suffered a loss, and will not give up, we must be vigilant, and rush to the Duogu Mountain west of Lao Yao Zhuang before dawn. ”

As expected, the Kuomintang magistrate of Wendeng County learned that in broad daylight, the Leizi Salt Bureau, which was located between several district offices, had been served to Lianguo by the Red Army guerrillas without firing a single shot. When the enemy was in a hurry like ants on a hot pot, a reactionary element in Laoyazhuang Village reported to the enemy that the Red Army guerrillas were resting and recuperating at the Dugu Mountain Nunnery, and on the afternoon of the day they received the news, two or three hundred of the enemy emboldened the Duagu Mountain from the east and west directions with copper trumpets. In the face of this serious situation, Yu Deshui calmly and calmly analyzed the situation in front of him, and decisively led the team members to break through along the ravine south of the hermitage, using trees as cover. The enemy shot and dodged and pounced on the ravine. Bullets rained down on the partisans, who sometimes returned fire, sometimes leaped forward, and rushed to a cemetery southeast of the hermitage, using the mound and tombstone as cover to shoot at the pursuing enemy. Yu Deshui's two guns fired at the same time, one at a time, and the bullets were not missing, so frightened that the enemy lay on the ground and did not dare to move forward, but just hid behind the tree stump and among the weeds and fired indiscriminately. Suddenly, a bullet hit the left leg of team member Sun Jiwu, and Xiao Li was just about to carry it on his back, but unfortunately he was also shot. Yu Deshui arranged for two team members to carry them on their backs and withdraw first, but Sun Jiwu insisted on staying to cover Yu Deshui's first retreat, neither of them let anyone, and they both wanted to use their lives to win hope for their comrades to survive. Seeing that the enemy was gradually approaching, Sun Jiwu's eyes turned red and shouted at Yu Deshui: "Captain! Are we all going to die here without revolution? If you don't leave, I'll shoot myself! With that, ignoring the pain, he landed on the ground with his right leg, leaped sharply, threw himself on a grave mound, and fired fiercely at the enemy. For a while, the crowd was excited, and the team members had to stay and fight with the enemy. Sun Jiwu turned his head again and roared: "You all want to be prisoners and send them to death!" At this time, it was already dark, and in order to preserve the flame of the revolution, Yu Deshui had to say goodbye to his dear comrades-in-arms with tears; He ordered the team members to use pine trees and rocks as cover, and took advantage of the night to break out of the enemy's encirclement. Later, whenever he mentioned the breakthrough of Duogu Mountain, Yu Deshui said with great sadness that his life was exchanged for the lives of his comrades-in-arms.


Yu Deshui changed his name twice in his life, the first time was in Dalian from the original name Yu Zuohai to Gao Desheng, and after leaving Dalian, he resumed his original name; The second time was to change the original name to the current name in Wenden. The two name changes are very closely linked.

In the harsh winter of 1937, Comrade Li Qi was rescued from prison by the party organization, returned to Jiaodong, and served as the secretary of the Jiaodong Special Committee again. After Yu Deshui learned the news, he was very happy and looked forward to meeting Comrade Li Qi as soon as possible.

One day, Comrade Li Qi made a special trip to Lao Zhang's family and Yu Deshui and the guerrillas in Gouyujia Village, Wendeng County. Reunited after a long absence, everyone was extremely excited. Yu Deshui held Comrade Richie's hand tightly with both hands, looked at Comrade Richie's tortured and thin face, his nose was sore, and tears rolled out of his eye sockets. Seeing this scene, Comrade Richie said to everyone: "I am back, we can fight side by side again, we should all be happy!" Everyone nodded. Yu Deshui picked up his hand and wiped away his tears: everyone really laughed.

Yu Deshui reported the work to Comrade Li Qi, and Comrade Li Qi conveyed the spirit of the instructions of the superiors to the team members, telling the team members that the superiors decided to establish the "Third Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army" in Jiaodong. The organization of the Third Army was based on the Red Army guerrillas in the Kunyu Mountains, and it was first organized into a brigade. Yu Deshui listened to the tears rolling out of his eyes, and set off a strong emotional wave in his heart, the tragic experience of the Gao family, the friendship of fish and water in the upper circle, the retreat of Sun Jiwu after being injured when the Duogu Mountain was besieged, and the scene of Liu and Wang being tortured and killed by the enemy when they were working in Dalian, all appeared in front of him. Especially the unforgettable experience when working in Dalian made Yu Deshui immediately fall into painful deep thought.

Yu Deshui went to Dalian to work for refuge, and was arranged by the underground party organization to work as a coolie carrying sacks in the "Red House" (the place where dock workers worked). Because he often met acquaintances, he was not safe, and he was introduced to Takaya Garden to work, and changed his name to Gao Desheng. Although the name has changed, the appearance cannot be changed. One day was recognized by Song Wenfeng, who was working for the Japanese devils in Dalian, Yu Deshui immediately told the underground party member Xu Lianhai and the comrades Liu and Wang Er, who worked together, in order to be prepared, according to everyone's opinions, Yu Deshui had to leave the garden to work elsewhere.

On this night, the enemy came to the garden to check the shop, looking for Yu Zuohai, the enemy checked the list I did not find Yu Zuohai, found that Gao Desheng on the list was not present, so he asked Liu and Wang what Gao Desheng was doing, Liu and Wang saw that the situation was not good, and lied to the enemy that Gao Desheng wrote from home that his father was seriously ill and left after work. The enemy did not believe it, and searched everywhere but did not find Gao Desheng. In order to achieve their goal, the enemy poured fire oil on Liu and Wang, sat on a tiger chair, and tortured Liu and Wang to death, but Yu Deshui never knew the real names of Liu and Wang.

Yu Deshui thought, how many of the blood and tears of those well-known, unknown, known, and unknown relatives have been shed for themselves? He couldn't count. Over the years, although he was born and died for the revolution and the people, leaving behind scars, when he thought of his relatives who died for him, he felt that he had done too little and made very little contributions to the revolution and the broad masses of toiling people, and he was even ashamed.

Thinking of this, Yu Deshui calmed down hard, turned his face and saw that Comrade Li Qi looked at him affectionately. He wiped away tears and said: "Comrade Richie, looking back on the struggle life in the past few years, how many revolutionary people's lives have I bought for my life in Zuohai! If I leave the masses in Yu Zuohai, it will be like a fish leaving the water, and I will not be able to live for a day. I lived, worked, and fought among the toiling masses like a fish in water, so I asked to change my name to Yudeshui. ”

Yu Deshui's request was praised and approved by Comrade Li Qi.


On the morning of December 31, 1937, Yu Deshui arrived at Lingshang Village with the First Brigade of the Third Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Army, which had just been formed by the Tianfushan Uprising. When Yu Deshui heard that the landlord of Lingshang Village had a gun, he immediately led several team members to the landlord's house and mobilized him to hand over the gun to support the anti-Japanese resistance. At this moment, the enemy invaded and quietly surrounded the village.

It turned out that after hearing the news that Yu Deshui led the rebel army down the mountain, Li Yuying, the head of Wendeng County of the Kuomintang, and Cong Jingyue, the head of the county security brigade, sent secret agents to secretly follow them, while gathering troops and waiting for an opportunity to annihilate the rebel army in one fell swoop. When they discovered the route of movement of the insurrectionary troops, they immediately dispatched automobiles to transport the five or six hundred local reactionary forces, including the security team, the salt bureau, the township peasant school, and the federation, to the area around Lingshang Village, and set up a pocket formation.

In the face of this unexpected situation, Yu Deshui organized personnel to shout slogans to the enemy: "We are the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, and everyone is responsible for resisting Japan and saving the country!" "Muzzle outward! Down with the traitors and traitors! As soon as he shouted this, the other side stopped shooting and shouted to us: "Since you want to resist Japan, send representatives to negotiate!" The county magistrate is here. Comrade Song Cheng, the political commissar, stepped forward and went to the Kuomintang position alone to negotiate. However, the Kuomintang reactionaries treacherously detained Comrade Song Cheng and continued to attack our army. Our army struggled to break through the encirclement, but in the end, due to the disparity in numbers, 28 squadron cadres and soldiers fell into the hands of the enemy, and Yu Deshui and other personnel who broke out of the encirclement were also covered in blood.

After the enemy escorted Song Cheng and other twenty-nine comrades back to Wendeng City. Three of them, the loyal fighters Jinya Sanzi (formerly known as Xing Jingchang), Wang Hong, and Sui Yuanqing, who participated in the "November 4" riots, were secretly shot and killed. The other 26 comrades were imprisoned in Wencheng Prison and tortured, and after many negotiations by our party, the enemy was forced to release them because of the situation that was gradually forming in the anti-Japanese united front.

Burning down the police station

In the spring of 1938, after Yu Deshui brilliantly completed the task of staying in Cuijiakou, he went west to resist the Japanese, went deep into the masses with great enthusiasm, mobilized the masses to join the army, collected donations, donated guns, and organized militias and local guerrillas. In a short time, the team grew to more than 300 people. On the way to the west, he not only repelled the attacks of the Broadsword Society and the Red Gun Society manipulated by the reactionaries, but also conquered the county seat of Fukuyama in one fell swoop.

In order to keep Yantai and stabilize their positions, the Japanese army ordered martial law in the whole city and stepped up the construction of fortifications outside the urban area. Yantai Xishawong, close to the county seat of Fushan, the enemy has sent heavy troops to guard it, and sent some traitors and puppet troops to the local police station, three steps and one post, five steps and one sentry, patrolling day and night.

In order to strike a ruthless blow at the enemy, further expand the political influence of our party, and enhance the people's confidence in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yu Deshui, after consulting Comrade Lin Hujia, political commissar of the three armed forces, led his troops to burn the enemy into the police station set up in Sishawang.

The Sishawong Police Station, built on a sandy beach near the highway, is the throat of the enemy's defense and blockade of Yantai's traffic arteries. Yu Deshui first arranged for the Fan detachment to engage the enemy in Yantai City and in the southeast, distracting the attention of the Japanese troops stationed in Yantai in the direction of Xishawong and creating conditions for other detachments to take over the police station. Then several fighters were ordered to take out the enemy sentry and surround the police station. The Japanese soldiers and traitors who were sleeping soundly broke up the camp for a while, and some ran out of the house naked; Some grabbed the quilt and covered their heads and drilled under the bed; Some knelt on the ground and kowtowed and begged for mercy...... At this moment, I only heard Yu Deshui's order: "Set fire!" The soldiers carrying oil drums quickly poured gasoline on the enemy's dormitories, house doors, and firewood and haystacks, and in an instant, the flames whirred out, "The flames burned the night sky red, and half of the urban area of Yantai was red." In the midst of the fire, rubble flew out, and the enemies in the house were screaming in bursts of terrible screams.

Before the battle began, Yu Deshui expected that once the Xishawang police station was taken, the enemy would inevitably send heavy troops to come to the rescue, so he had already sent people to lay a mine array on the road from Yantai to Xishawang, and the enemy really sent reinforcements to Xishawang. But the enemy's reinforcements never expected to be beaten by our ambushes and mine arrays.

Liberation of Yantai

On August 14, 1945, after the Japanese militarists were forced to announce their unconditional surrender, the puppet army entrenched in the Beihai District and the Donghai District was defeated and retreated to Yantai City, plus the puppet army originally stationed in Yantai City, totaling more than 5,000 people. Bandits raised by the Japanese were also stationed near the outskirts of the city, trying to resist to the end. Although the traitors and puppet army have lost their backers, they have Chiang Kai-shek's orders as their spiritual pillars, and they are delusional to wait to be accepted. At dawn on the day the Japanese invaders fled from Yantai, the puppet army took the opportunity to occupy key points in the east, west, and south of Yantai.

According to the order issued by the Yan'an Headquarters and the instructions of the Jiaodong Military Region, Yu Deshui (Yu Deshui was then the commander of the Eastern Naval Division and the commander of the Yantai and Weihai garrison areas) held a meeting in the conference room of the Department of Coldness to study the combat plan for the liberation of Yantai.

At night, our army divided its troops into five routes, and unknowingly and unconsciously pounced around the suburbs of Yantai. At five o'clock, the trumpet of the charge sounded, pouring inside and outside Yantai City, guns and cannons rang out, the sound of killing shook the sky, Yu Deshui commanded the left wing of the three-way troops, straight into the mouth of Shihuiyao. The puppet army guarding here, under the attack of my fierce firepower, fled in the east and west, and has long been unable to form an army. Our army has frequent successes and is invincible. After a whole day of fierce fighting, they occupied all the important places outside the city, and the troops on the left and right flanks were like a big iron pincer, tightly clamping the main road of Yantai, and the enemy had to retreat to the city one after another.

After dark, the headquarters issued an order for a general attack, when a fire was lit in Nanshan in Yantai, and then the sound of three mines (this is the signal for launching a general attack stipulated by the headquarters in advance) came out of the city, Yu Deshui and others led the leading troops, and the sound of killing shook the sky, and captured Yuhuangding first, and then captured the Provincial Office. Throughout the city, the sound of gunfire and shouts of killing were intertwined and resounded. Seeing that the general situation had gone, some of the enemy were forced to surrender, and some rushed to the dock, trying to escape by boat, Yu Deshui ordered the troops to approach the dock and annihilate all the remnants of the enemy.

On 24 August, Yantai City was officially liberated.


Comrade Yu Deyu's marksmanship is very accurate, to the extent that he can pinch wires on horseback. In August 1939, Yu Deshui led the 63rd Regiment to stand by on the east side of Shuangshan Mountain in Ye County. The enemy stationed in the county town often came out to sweep in our defense area, and each time they swept back, our army beat them back. The enemy was furious. One day, the enemy attacked our army again, with very heavy firepower, seized the top of Shuangshan Mountain, and took advantage of the favorable terrain to frantically attack our position. I, the regiment's commander's guard, were really worried at that time, because the enemy was only more than 100 meters away from our command position, and if we didn't do it, there was a danger that the whole regiment would be destroyed. In this grim situation, the regiment commander Yu Deshui was calm and unhurried, and ordered me to give him a horse crutch gun. "Bang", "Bang", "Bang...... In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen bullets were fired, and the dozen or so enemies who rushed in front were all knocked down, and the enemies behind saw that the situation was not good, and they did not even dare to collect the corpses, and they fled for their lives. At this time, we launched a fierce counterattack against the enemy, causing the enemy to flee in confusion and suffering numerous casualties. These dozen bullets played the prestige of our army. Since then, the enemy has never dared to act rashly. In the years that I followed Yu Deshui, I often encountered this kind of scene. People praised Yu Deshui as a sharpshooter.


In November 1939, I was seriously injured in the Battle of Dazhuangtou in Qixia Yashan, and was placed in the Fifth Detachment Medical Center to recuperate. During the period of recuperation, Yu Deshui has been caring for me. One day, Yu Deshui made a special trip to visit me at the medical center and asked me how my injuries were. When he left, he took out three yuan from his waist and handed it to the nurse and said: "Comrade Xiao Lu is seriously injured, you can take these three yuan to buy an old hen and stew some soup to nourish his body." "The nurse and I knew very well that the three yuan was Yu Deshui's allowance for three months, so I refused to accept it until Yu Deshui said that it was an order, and the nurse had to accept the three yuan. At that time, both the nurse and I were moved to tears. Thanks to the care of Deshui, my injuries healed quickly.

One morning in the winter of 1941, Yu Deshui and I got up early as usual. As I made his bed, he said to me, "Today is the sixteenth day of the winter month, and tomorrow is your great eye." As he spoke, he took out two catties of dried shrimp from his bag and handed it to me and said, "I don't have anything else this year, you can take this dried shrimp home and make a dish." "I really didn't expect that in the hard years of war, he would keep my wedding day firmly in his heart. Before I went home and left, he handed me a small pistol and repeatedly told me to be careful on the road, because the power of Nanhuang was not consolidated, and I should be vigilant at home, just in case.

In the spring of 1942, due to injuries and overwork, I was not physically suitable for life in the army, and was organized to go home to recuperate. From the time I returned home to recuperate until the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, Yu Deshui and I kept in touch by letter, and he always cared for my family materially and spiritually. In July 1960, I was invited to visit him in Nanjing. I remember that on the day I arrived in Nanjing, the weather was exceptionally sunny, and Yu Deshui and his wife went to the station to take me home. The furnishings of his house are very simple, and his life is very simple. But for more than 20 days when I lived at his house, he had to be prepared by his wife for me. His wife told me: "Lao Yu asked you to come to Nanjing for several months, but he was reluctant to eat, and the money to the old district of Jiaodong was also less, mainly to save two dollars, so that you could enjoy the happiness and express his gratitude to him and the party organization for you, a loyal revolutionary soldier and a capable guard." ”

One day, on the way to the martyrs' cemetery, Yu Deshui said to me earnestly: "Lao Lu, we living people are now enjoying the happiness of socialism, but we must not forget those martyrs who sacrificed for the revolution!" Later, I learned that in order to express his nostalgia for the martyrs, he always gave money to some martyrs in Jiaodong regularly. I looked at his journal, which contained many names, mailing addresses and remittance figures.

More than 20 days have passed. I was really reluctant to leave. In addition to giving me some pastries and clothes, Yu Deshui also bought me some books and encouraged me to educate my children well and grow up to take over the revolutionary class. At this time, I couldn't control my feelings, tears flowed, and Yu Deshui and his wife also cried. He and his wife took me to the station in person. Before getting into the car, Yu Deshui held my hand tightly and told me repeatedly: "Brother, I will come more when I have time in the future." "I promised him. Little did we know it would be the last time we would see each other.

Although Comrade Yu Deshui has left us for more than 20 years, every time I see a photo of the two of us, my heart is like a knife, and I cry all over my heart.

Old chief, you are not dead, you will always live in my heart and in the hearts of the people of Jiaodong.


Rushan Literature and History Materials, Volume 2 (December 1991)