
What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

author:Entertainment Assault
What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Today's topic: What experiences have you had unintentionally?

Text丨Entertainment Assault

Editor丨Entertainment Assault

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000


This article is long and is based on the personal experience of netizens, which will definitely shock you!!!

I don't know if you have this experience: I didn't expect to do something inadvertently, but it brought unexpected results!

As the saying goes, "Intentionally arranging flowers does not bloom, and unintentionally planting willows and willows into shade!" ”


No, netizens have shared their real experiences, and they don't squeak when they see each other!

Beauty,Who can not love it,It is recommended that all lottery shops be replaced with handsome guys and beauties,So that I won't be far from winning the jackpot...

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Looking back now, do you have to thank your tablemates, if it weren't for her, you wouldn't have been able to do so well, although the results were not very good, but this degree is more important than anything else!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Wow, you said that if there is no love, there will be no such good thing, isn't it, everyone is happy now!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Laughing to death, it is estimated that the two boys were stunned directly in place haha!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Oh my God, it's fate, if you don't have a little luck, you can't do it!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

If you don't understand, just ask, what does this have to do with the boss?

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

It's a big loss now, you said you were going to care more about this idle thing, it's okay now...

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Hahahaha, I almost thought you were a master! The puppy thought to himself: You are a real dog!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Forehead... It's really self-fulfilling for others, so I asked him if he regrets it now?

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

No, are you sure it's the right thing for you to do, be careful of being beaten!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Well, well, I didn't study well because I didn't have such a roommate, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go where I was now!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

This... If I were your ex-boyfriend, I really have to thank you, I broke up and didn't forget to worry about other people's lifelong events!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Good guy, then it's really time for you to find a job, who envy me and don't say...

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

This is too much, you can tell me that these two people have achieved positive results, why don't they return other people's things!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Damn, it is estimated that the people in your community hate you to death, and the housing prices in the community will be lowered by you!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

What's so painful about this, I guess it's too late to laugh at home now!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Forehead... I can only say that you are really a master, and sure enough, the luck of those who work hard will not be too bad...

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

What kind of math is this, learn to write well, this talent is really not available to everyone!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Driver: I'm so bad, I deserved to mention it at the time, it's okay now, the girls are all in there...

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Your seasoning bag is amazing, which brand is it, hahahaha!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

The saying that a good person has a safe life is really true, thanks to your kindness, saving this kitten and saving yourself, you must know that masks are really hard to find during special periods!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

It's the first time I've felt so intuitively that it's a good thing to be a social cow, and when it comes to this, I really hate myself for being a social phobia!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

If nothing else, I just want to know how your colleagues are reacting...

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Hahaha, this wave of operations can be cooperated, it's really thanks to you that your cousin's girlfriend can't go back if she wants to go home!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

Oh my God, what kind of fate is this, it must feel very different when we see each other again, after all, this is a fateful friendship!

What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

The content of the above pictures is all comments from netizens, and there is a certain inauthenticity and plot fabrication, I hope that the majority of netizens will eat melons rationally.

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What experiences have you had with unintentional insertion? Netizen: I took a look at the beauty and earned 300,000

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