
The city's 2024 Hope Project "Dream University Action" was launched (with application conditions and funding standards)

author:Bozhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

The Youth League Municipal Committee, together with relevant units, will focus on the 2024 Hope Project "Dream University Action" and "Growth Assistance Plan" from June to September to help students from disadvantaged families complete their studies. In 2024, the city plans to subsidize no less than 800 freshmen in difficult universities and no less than 1,200 students in difficulty.

The city's 2024 Hope Project "Dream University Action" was launched (with application conditions and funding standards)

Conditions for students who receive the "Dream University Initiative":

Students from disadvantaged families who are admitted to undergraduate and vocational colleges in the 2024 college entrance examination (Note: college upgrades, independent enrollment, etc. are not within the scope of the subsidy).

Conditions for students who receive assistance from the "Growth Assistance Program":

Students from disadvantaged families who are studying in primary and secondary schools (including vocational and technical schools) in the city with excellent moral character and outstanding school performance.

In addition to the above conditions, priority will be given to students who meet the following conditions: students who have family difficulties due to the laid-off and unemployed parents or serious or long-term illness of family members or sudden changes in the family; Students who are covered by the minimum subsistence allowance or orphan allowance; Children of martyrs or disabled servicemen who have been recognized by the Veterans Affairs Bureau and have been renewed for new certificates, children of veterans who have been demobilized, those who have returned home with illness, or those who have participated in the war and test; Children of AIDS patients or AIDS-infected persons who have been diagnosed by the competent medical department or by a qualified diagnosis and treatment department; Children of farmers who have been expropriated from land in urban planning areas and have difficulties in living; Children of disabled persons who have been issued certificates by the Disabled Persons' Federation; children of model workers in difficulty; left-behind children and children of migrant workers with family difficulties; Students whose family financial conditions are particularly difficult due to other reasons.

The city's 2024 Hope Project "Dream University Action" was launched (with application conditions and funding standards)

Funding Criteria for the Dream University Initiative:

3,000-8,000 yuan/person, according to the student's family economic situation will be subsidized in different grades (except for special donations designated by the donor).

Funding Criteria for the Growth Booster Program:

1,000-2,000 yuan/person, according to the student's family economic situation (except for special donations designated by the donor).

The city's 2024 Hope Project "Dream University Action" was launched (with application conditions and funding standards)

Data map


5555290 of the Municipal Hope Project Office;

7210348 of the Tuanwuyang County Party Committee;

7623094 of the Mengcheng County Party Committee;

8812791 of Tuanlixin County Party Committee;

5522702 of the Tuanqiaocheng District Committee;

5996035 of the Working Committee of the Education League of the High-tech Zone.

Source: Bozhou Audiovisual Network

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