
6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

author:Good gravitational force

All content is stated in the article from reliable sources, and is repeated at the end of the article

The entertainment industry is like a TV series, many things are beyond everyone's imagination, and the plot is still ups and downs, making people indulge in the joy of eating melons.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Even the way some couples get along is very interesting, some people have been sleeping in separate rooms after getting married, and even some people who have lived together for more than 20 years have children who have not obtained a license, which is really amazing.

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6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Yinger Fu Xinbo: AA system

Yinger Fu Xinbo met in a variety show, and the interaction in the show was very CP, which attracted a lot of CP fans, but I didn't expect the two to really be together after that.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

After the two got married, Ying'er soon became pregnant, but she was still out filming, but she didn't expect an accident to happen on the scene, which directly led to heavy bleeding and the child was gone.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Later, in the show, Ying'er mentioned that she was very thrifty during the smooth period, and she also wanted to recover faster, and then hurried out to pick up the play.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

At this time, everyone was asking what Fu Xinbo was doing? I also learned from Fu Xinbo's mouth that their marriage was AA.

This incident also caused many netizens to complain, saying that Fu Xinbo was too ruthless, and his wife had to be AA when she was pregnant.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Later, they also explained that Fu Xinbo was responsible for the family's expenses during pregnancy, and Ying'er's own expenses were her own responsibility, because Fu Xinbo also withdrew from the network because of this matter.

Wu Junru Chen Kexin: Cohabitation does not require a certificate

Wu Junru and Chen Kexin met at a film festival, Chen Kexin is a director, so the two have endless topics to talk about in their careers.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Slowly the two began to live together, the two lived in an 80-square-meter house, at first they were very conservative, living in two bedrooms.

Gradually, the wall was broken, and after living together for a year, Wu Junru became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, and many people called Wu Junru "Mrs. Chen" directly when they saw her.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Do you think that the two of them have been married in a low-key manner, but everyone doesn't know, in fact, until 2017, they have known each other for 20 years, and their daughter is 1711 years old, but the two are not legal husband and wife.

Wu Junru has been unmarried and pregnant for more than 20 years and has not yet married, Chen Kexin's character really needs to be considered, but in fact, Chen Kexin has also proposed to Wu Junru many times, but Wu Junru refused.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Until now, Wu Junru and Chen Kexin have not officially announced that they have received the certificate, it seems that they are still in such a state, and now their family harmony is also the most important thing.

Carina Lau and Tony Leung: Sleep in separate rooms

Carina Lau and Tony Leung met during the rehearsal of a stage play, and the two have been in love for a long time, but during their relationship, Carina Lau experienced the darkest three hours of her life.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

After she played mahjong with her friends, she was kidnapped, and indecent photos were taken, although she was rescued three hours later, but there was still a lot of discussion on the Internet.

But Tony Leung still never gives up on Carina Lau, and after ten years of love, the two finally got married abroad.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

I don't know if the kidnapping has too much shadow on Carina Lau, she has a serious cleanliness habit after that, and even her best friend can't stand it.

Before Shu Qi went to her house to play mahjong, because she used her special toilet, she directly threw Shu Qi out and replaced the entire toilet.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Tony Leung has not only had to endure rumors over the years, but also had to endure Carina Lau's temper, which is undoubtedly true love.

The life of the two of them after marriage is also very strange, it is precisely because of Carina Lau's cleanliness that they have no children for so long, and they sleep in separate rooms when they sleep.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Unexpectedly, such a married life would be more than ten years after that, and the relationship between the two has not faded because of this, but has been very happy.

A few days ago, Tony Leung's birthday, Carina Lau also showed her affection on her social account in a high-profile manner, it turns out that it doesn't have to be posted together every day to be a sweet life.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Tao Hong Xu Zheng: Each plays its own game

Tao Hong is the goddess of many people's childhood, many people dare not imagine what kind of man can be worthy of her, but they didn't expect to meet and fall in love with Xu Zheng when filming "Spring Splendid Pig Bajie".

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

This cracked the hearts of many fans, and then the two got married, although fans are not optimistic about this relationship, but it is also a settled fact.

After marriage, I watched the goddess live very happily, and I was happy for her, but with such a beautiful wife at home, Xu Zheng was still not satisfied, and kept messing with flowers and grass outside.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Xu Zheng has also been exposed by China's No. 1 paparazzi Zhuo Wei many times to spend the night with different women, but there have been no rumors of the breakdown of the marriage between the two, netizens can't help but sigh that Tao Hong can really bear it.

But in fact, Tao Hong is not able to bear it, but they play their own games, on the previous show, Tao Hong once said that "marriage itself is a conspiracy", which also shows from the side that there is actually no emotion between the two people, just cooperation.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

On the show, Jin Xing asked Tao Hong what she thought of the women around Xu Zheng, but Tao Hong didn't seem to care, and said: "That's not bad, it means that I have a good vision."

Later, Tao Hong embarked on the road of MLM after meeting Zhang Ting, and the two really played their own games.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Zhang Jiani Maichao: There is no divorce, only widowhood

Zhang Jiani met Mai Chao at a party, and when Zhang Jiani walked into the room, he was directly amazed by Mai Chao, and at that time he had already silently decided in his heart that this woman was his future wife.

The two lived very happily together, and after Zhang Jiani's 27th birthday, Mai Chao proposed to Zhang Jiani, and also promised to say "We are not divorced, only widowed".

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Everyone sent their blessings to this talented and beautiful couple, thinking that their wedding would be a big one, but they didn't expect it to be just a low-key certificate, and the wedding has not yet been settled, causing netizens to complain.

After marriage, Zhang Jiani also gave birth to two children for Mai Chao, and seeing that the young couple was doing well, netizens didn't worry about the wedding ceremony anymore.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Unexpectedly, the husband and wife who once swore by the mountains and the sea would face such a problem as cheating, and the paparazzi Li Da Hammer photographed Mai Chao being alone with a woman in a hotel room for four minutes late at night.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

This incident quickly aroused discussion among netizens, and when everyone was still speculating about the truth or falsehood, they didn't expect Zhang Jiani's Weibo to directly make this matter a real hammer.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Since then, the news of the divorce of the two has been circulating on the Internet, but Zhang Jiani has refuted the rumors, and the two have not divorced until now.

Many people are speculating that Zhang Jiani's non-divorce is for the sake of her children on the one hand, and because she is rich in buying super, and only she knows whether Zhang Jiani is happy or not.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Rainie Yang and Li Ronghao: Long-term non-locality

In 2015, Li Ronghao disclosed his relationship with Rainie Yang on the show, in fact, as early as the beginning of the year, Li Ronghao posted an intimate photo with Rainie Yang, but it was deleted immediately, and the two also interacted frequently on Weibo.

The first time the two appeared in public was at Li Ronghao's concert, on the stage, Li Ronghao suddenly kissed Rainie Yang, which attracted many people to say that it was too sweet.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Li Ronghao proposed to Rainie Yang on her 34th birthday, but he didn't expect to get the certificate two months later.

After marriage, the two also interacted frequently, and Li Ronghao's "Plum Sauce" was also made for Rainie Yang, and everyone is saying that Li Ronghao's songs have become sweet after marriage.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Although the relationship is very sweet, they insist on Dink's life, and in addition, the two rarely see each other, and may not even see each other for a year.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

Because both of them have their own careers, neither party wants the other to give up their careers because of themselves, and they also understand each other.

It is precisely because they see each other less that they cherish the time they spend together every time they meet.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license


The lives of these celebrity couples are very different from the lives of normal couples, but this also proves that each couple has a different way of getting along.

Maybe in the eyes of others, marriage must be lively and lively, and it must always stick together, but some people just like a plain life, so as long as both parties live happily.

6 celebrity couples who have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they sleep in separate rooms, and they have lived together for 20 years without obtaining a license

After watching the way these five celebrity couples get along, what do you think?


Jiupai News [November 25, 2022] "Zhang Jiani's husband bought a super suspicious cheating, spent 4 hours with the girl's hotel, Zhang Jiani responded: I can afford to love, I can let go" [February 24, 2017] "Wu Junru has a daughter, but she won't get a certificate with Chen Kexin!" What do these celebrity couples think? 》

Beijing News [December 2, 2018] "AA system after marriage? Fu Xinbo responded: We are in charge of our finances》

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