
Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

author:Promises and History

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In 1770, the Thonburi Dynasty was established in Thailand by Zheng Xin, a Thai overseas Chinese, and Thai history books refer to Zheng Xin as Daxin the Great.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

Zheng Xin was the only Chinese to claim the title of king overseas, however, before Zheng Xin's imperial throne was hot, he was overthrown by his cronies and established the Bangkok Dynasty.

And his subordinate was Rama I, Thongluan Chokri.

originally thought that Thailand's dynasty surnamed Zheng would end here.

Unexpectedly, Thongluan Chokri gave himself a Chinese name - Zheng Hua, which continued the dynasty surnamed Zheng in Thailand to this day.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

Rama X Zheng Mian and his son Tibanggong

Thongluan Chokri is not related to Zheng Xin, and he has no Chinese ancestry, so why should he have the surname Zheng? And how did he overthrow Zheng Xin?

Pure Chinese, founded in Thailand

This matter is closely related to the history of Thailand's founding.

In ancient times, Thailand was once a dependent kingdom on the mainland, and although the head of state had relatively free space to exercise power, the opinion of the Central Plains Dynasty was still very important when it came to key events such as wars and changes of state power.

Thailand has experienced a catastrophe that has been nearly wiped off the world map by other countries. And the country that invaded Thailand is also a country that has a lot of relations with the mainland - Myanmar.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and in this world of the jungle, this sentence has always been true.

Unfortunately, Thailand was unable to defeat Burma militarily at that time, so it was wiped out by Burma.

Just when Thailand was about to be destroyed, a Chinese stood up to save Thailand, and he was Zheng Xin!

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

Zheng Xin's father, Zheng Yong, was a native of Chaozhou, Guangdong, China, and during the Qing Dynasty, his father came to Thailand to do business with the wave of immigrants.

Zheng Yong has been doing business in Thailand for many years, and his career is also booming, and then he married a Thai woman and gave birth to Zheng Xin, so Zheng Xin has half Chinese blood.

When he learned that the Thai Minister of Finance had no son, he boldly succeeded Zheng Xin as his son.

With his back against a big tree to enjoy the shade, Zheng Xin has a big official adoptive father, and he has developed into a military and political governor of Thailand step by step.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?


When Thailand was invaded by Burma, Zheng Xin and an army of 500 cronies and Chinese resisted fiercely.

After three years of resistance, he grew the army from 500 men to a national army with guns, logistics and economy.

In 1770, Cheng Sin succeeded in ousting Burma from Thai territory and established a new dynasty, the Thonburi dynasty.

A Chinese has made a great cause of becoming an emperor in Thailand, so that Thailand is inevitably stained with Chinese colors in the process of cultural development and inheritance.

However, perhaps because he is Chinese and has only half Thai blood in his body, the ruling order of his new kingdom is not stable, and his own position is also in jeopardy.

The social order of the whole country has not yet settled down, coups can happen at any time, and changing the days of a country was a common thing at that time.

On April 7, 1782, the change came. There was a coup d'état in the court, and Zheng Xin, as the leader of the country, also lost his life in the coup.

The general who initiated the rebellion was Thongluan Chokri, who followed him all the way to the battlefield, and later Rama I, who rightfully succeeded to the throne. Soon after taking the throne, he gave himself a Chinese name, Zheng Hua.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

Portrait of Rama I

There is no blood relationship between him and Zheng Xin, and his succession to the throne is unjustifiable and smells of strong political intrigue.

He did this not to be worthy of Zheng Xin, let alone to commemorate Zheng Xin.

In the event of such a major regime change in the vassal state of the Central Plains Dynasty, the Qing rulers would inevitably be concerned. If the Qing Dynasty learned the truth about the coup, it would inevitably send troops to intervene.

Although Rama I was able to turn Zheng Xin into his defeated subordinate and stabilize the basic political structure of the Thonburi Dynasty, he did not have the confidence to compete with the Central Plains Dynasty.

At that time, the Qing Dynasty was in the reign of Emperor Qianlong, which was the last stage of the Kangqian Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty's military value was still very high, far from being as corrupt and incompetent as in the late Qing Dynasty.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

Since the Qing Dynasty was able to properly control the surrounding dependent kingdoms, it shows that the Qianlong Emperor must have extraordinary skills and abilities.

Although Rama I was not a cowardly man, he was not a fool and would not do stupid things like hitting a stone with an egg.

If problems can be resolved by peaceful means, then we must not start confrontation and conflict between countries.

So, he made up a lie to deceive Emperor Qianlong and the Qing ruling class.

He told others that he was actually Zheng Xin's son, and he was justified when he succeeded to the throne. Zheng Xin suddenly fell ill and died, and he was also put on the throne unprepared.

Father dies and son succeeds, brother dies and brother dies, this has always been a widely recognized standard for power change in the feudal era.

Therefore, if Rama I was really Zheng Xin's own son, the Qianlong Emperor had no reason to interfere in the political changes of the Thonburi dynasty.

In this case, then simply push the boat with the current. As long as the Thonburi Dynasty was still honestly subservient to the feet of the Qing Dynasty, the fundamental interests of Emperor Qianlong were not touched, and he did not care about other details.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

Now that he had told a big lie, Rama I certainly had to make the lie more credible. So he gave himself a Chinese name, Zheng Hua.

Zheng Xin and Zheng Hua do not have any blood relationship, but externally, the relationship between the two of them is father and son.

It is because of this that the Chinese surname "Zheng" will be passed down from generation to generation in the Thai royal family, and the King of Thailand will have his own Chinese name.

That's how Bhumibol's Zheng Gu came about.

As for the fall of the Qing Dynasty later, the Thai emperor still took the Chinese name for his own reasons.

After 200 years of changes, Chinese people in Thailand have occupied all walks of life in Thailand, especially some capital is monopolized by Chinese.

In order to stabilize the situation and social relations, the Thai royal family has used the Chinese name to this day.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

Friendly exchanges and cultural exchanges

In the Thai royal family, there is a well-known princess, she is known as Sirindhorn, who is known as China's expert.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

On April 2, 1956, Princess Sirindhorn was born. She is the second daughter of King Bhumibol and the one most familiar with Chinese culture among the many members of the royal family.

As a child, Princess Sirindhorn was keen to learn about Chinese books, cultural contexts and traditional skills. Under the guidance of the king and royal teachers, she would learn Chinese and write Chinese characters, and gradually became familiar with Chinese culture.

Among the four famous novels in the mainland, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is the one she likes quite a lot. She can read through famous books without help, and can also skillfully explain the contents of the books in Chinese.

In addition to her love of reading, the princess is also very proficient in traditional Chinese musical instruments. Not everyone in China knows how to use difficult instruments such as the erhu and guzheng, but the princess, as a Thai, has a lot of experience in practicing.

It is precisely because she is very fond of China that during her visit to China, she was very excited and very excited to fulfill her long-standing wish.

In 1981, Princess Sirindhorn set foot on the land of China for the first time. The beautiful scenery in front of her shocked her and constantly broadened her horizons. What you see in books and pictures is far less wonderful than what you see with your own eyes.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

She has a strong sense of mission for the cultural dissemination and exchange between the two countries, so during this visit to China, she also wrote down what she saw and heard into books, bringing wonderful insights to more people.

In the course of several subsequent visits to China, the princess's footsteps did not stop at the bustling capital. The remote mountain villages and the frontier lands of the mainland have all left her figure.

The countryside and the city are two completely different landscapes, which will also bring her completely different perceptions.

She is a veritable China expert, as she is fluent in Chinese at the Chinese embassy in Thailand and is able to explain her journey in China to many audiences.

Every word she said didn't sound like a foreigner was deliberately learning to speak Chinese.

She is also a cultural exchange envoy between China and Thailand, promoting further mutual understanding and communication between the two countries.

In fact, not only the Thai royal family is very fond of Chinese culture, but the Thai people's resistance to the Chinese people is not high.

Thailand used to be a country that was less open to the outside world, and the ruling class forbade Thais from intermarrying with the populations of other countries and nationalities. But there is one country that is the exception, and that is China.

Chinese can enjoy an equal living environment and living space in Thailand, and can also freely form families with Thais. The children they gave birth to are the same as those of thousands of Thai citizens.

So by the 21st century, the number of Chinese people living in Thailand has exceeded 14%, and it is still rising.

As far as Thailand is concerned, maintaining friendly exchanges with China will only be a good thing to do.

China's economic influence is getting bigger and bigger, and the scope of economic achievements is getting wider and wider. Communicating with China and deepening cooperation with China will also enable them to seize more economic opportunities and achieve rapid development.

Prime Minister's daughter, Sino-Thai bridge

In the course of exchanges between China and Thailand, there is an event that has cross-era significance, that is, the story of Thai brothers and sisters who come to live in China.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

The protagonist of this incident is a 12-year-old Thai boy named Chang Huai, and an 8-year-old Thai girl named Chang Yuan.

The siblings came from an influential family in Thailand, and their father was also the chief adviser and close friend of the Thai prime minister at the time.

A pair of little siblings left their homeland and came to China, where they were also welcomed and cared for by the Chinese leaders.

They became Premier Zhou's children, and in the homes of Premier Zhou and Comrade Deng Yingchao, they also felt quite a strong warmth of home.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

The low mood of leaving home and missing relatives was gradually relieved by the care of the two Chinese elders.

Premier Zhou and Sister Deng had no children of their own, and they almost dedicated their lives to the revolution. But they are very fond of children and are always able to care for and educate the next generation in the most appropriate way.

Chang Huai Chang Yuan brothers and sisters, for the original stranger Prime Minister and the Prime Minister's wife, they also have more and more dependence.

They came to China in 1956, when they were both very young, but they had a huge mission. They also played an indispensable role in the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand.

In 1975, the two countries established diplomatic relations, which was a welcome outcome for both sides. For Chang Yuan, this is also an important node in her life that is very memorable.

In Chang Yuan's home, there is a photo that has been treasured, on which is Deng Yingchao, the eldest sister Deng, who is carefully holding a two-year-old child in her arms and gently kissing his cheek.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

That little boy is Chang Yuan's son, and he has a very special name, Chang Nian Zhou.

Remembrance is remembrance, but also commemoration. And the word Zhou naturally refers to Premier Zhou.

Premier Zhou played a very important role in Chang Yuan's upbringing, like a respected teacher, like a kind father, and sometimes even like an equal friend.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

Chang Yuan received his teachings and benefited from it for life. Chang Nian Zhou's name is the most direct proof of Chang Yuan's deep feelings for Premier Zhou and Sister Deng.

Not only does her mother have an indissoluble bond with China, but Chang Nianzhou is also very fond of China. From 1985 until 1987, he was educated at Beijing Experimental No. 2 Primary School.

The Chinese-style education system attaches great importance to the construction of students' learning foundation and the cultivation of learning ability, although he often studied in primary school at that time, but this learning experience will be unforgettable for him.

In the process of growing up, he gradually clarified his goal, to contribute to China and Thailand to meet the world's opportunities and go to the world.

Therefore, in 2001, he founded a strategic company in Thailand to provide consulting services for enterprises, participate in China's reform and opening up economic policies with practical actions, and also witness China's rapid changes with his eyes.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

His family is a very special Thai family. China has a deep influence on them, and many of China's cultural colors are concretely expressed in family life.

Like his mother, he is committed to contributing to the cause of Sino-Thai cooperation and exchanges.


When you think of Thailand, many people think of the relationship between China and Thailand.

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

Thailand has been deeply influenced by China, and they have carried a part of Chinese culture since ancient times when they developed as a vassal state of China.

The Chinese identity of the first generation of Thai pioneers gave later Thai kings Chinese names. This special cultural phenomenon is enough to prove the bond between China and Thailand.


The Paper·Why do the kings of Thailand have the Chinese surname "Zheng"?

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand? A Thai family's lingering Chinese affection

Why does the King of Thailand have a Chinese name? How did a Chinese become emperor in Thailand?

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