
Su Tong: Angels with fox smells

author:Theory of Modern and Contemporary History
Su Tong: Angels with fox smells

Angels with fox smells

Text: Su Tong

The girls on our streets, like the boys, grew up with a natural concept of group, they were often groups of three, gangs of five, gangs did not interact with each other, and when they met on the street, the girls each chirped into the ears of their peers, and sometimes simply spat at each other. This is also a custom of Toon Tree Street, and I said that Toon Tree Street has many strange and inexplicable customs.

  Xiao Yuan and Zhu Zhu two people group formed very early, Xiao Yuan's family lives next door to the chemical factory, and Zhu Zhu's family is at the bottom of the mulberry garden, they live far away, separated by a long toon tree street and the stone bridge over the river, but Xiao Yuan and Zhu Zhu have been inseparable for a long time, every morning Zhu Zhu has to go to Xiao Yuan's house, the two of them always walk together on the way to school or school, Xiao Yuan is thin and tall, the eyebrows are gentle and delicate, Zhu Zhu is a little shorter and a little fatter, but Zhu Zhu has a pair of beautiful black grape-like eyes, Xiao Yuan likes to wear old men's military uniforms and T-shaped leather shoes, the Zhuzhu military uniform is a little newer and smaller, but it is also a military uniform, and they walk side by side through the long toon tree street with canvas school bags, passing the only pharmacy on the way. When passing by the pharmacy, the two girls would speed up their pace, because Lu Luozi stood in front of the pharmacy every day and looked down the street, Lu Luozi carried a string of Chinese medicine bags in his hand, and he would talk to Xiaoyuan and Zhuzhu when he saw them walking by, and one of the things he often said was that you are as beautiful as angels.

  You are as beautiful as angels, said Lumad.

  The boys can't figure out the things between girls.,It's hard to grasp the changes like the international situation.,Later, when I heard the news that Xiaoyuan and Zhuzhu parted ways.,The boys who had a crush on Xiaoyuan or Zhuzhu were surprised.。 The cause of the incident was a sudden rainstorm one afternoon. The sound of the rain scared the middle school owners in the classrooms. It's past school day, and most of the boys are rushing into the rain with their school bags on their heads, while the girls are anxiously standing in the hallway and talking, waiting for their families to bring rain gear. Xiao Yuan and Zhu Zhu were still next to each other that day, Zhu Zhu loudly and happily accused the history teacher of picking her nose in class, but Xiao Yuan's expression looked worried, Xiao Yuan looked at the mist splashed by the raindrops on the playground, thinking to herself why the rain had not come down, her clothes and quilts hanging outside may have been soaked by the rain.

  He was so disgusting, Zhuzhu pulled one of Xiaoyuan's arms and shook it, and Zhuzhu's laughter sounded crisp and unrestrained. Did you see him flick his boogers to the ground? Don't you think he's disgusting?

  It's raining so damn it, why doesn't it stop! Xiao Yuan impatiently pushed away Zhu Zhu's hand, Xiao Yuan said, I'm really anxious, my mother is on the middle class, and the sweater and quilt outside are going to be soaked.

  It was at this time that Miao Qing suddenly greeted Xiaoyuan. Miao Qing walked in front of them with a fine cloth umbrella, they didn't speak, they never talked to Miao Qing, but Miao Qing walked a few steps in the rain, and suddenly turned to look at Xiaoyuan and Zhuzhu. Miao Qing's gaze was a little arrogant and a little mysterious on Xiao Yuan's face. Xiaoyuan, come on, Miao Qing said, let's step together, Xiaoyuan was stunned for a moment, and she looked at Zhuzhu. Zhu Zhu made no secret of her disdain, and Zhu Zhu spat into the hallway. You go first, I'll wait a little longer. Xiao Yuan muttered softly, Miao Qing turned the umbrella handle in her hand, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. She said that the dog bites Lu Dongbin and does not know the hearts of good people. Xiaoyuan looked at Zhuzhu again, and Zhuzhu scolded sharply, you clean your mouth, who is the dog! You're a dog, and when you see people, you wag your tail wildly. Zhu Zhu held Xiao Yuan's hand, she felt that those hands were slowly slipping away, and she saw that Xiao Yuan's face had an embarrassed and uneasy look, which surprised Zhu Zhu. I want to go, Xiao Yuan looked at Miao Qing's back and said, I have to go home to collect my clothes, and then Xiao Yuan rushed out of the corridor, Zhu Zhu heard Xiao Yuan's cry ringing in the rain, Miao Qing, wait for me to go together.

  Leaving Zhuzhu alone in the corridor, Zhuzhu saw them holding an umbrella together and gradually disappearing in the rain, and her tears couldn't stop flowing. Zhuzhu's feelings as a girl suffered one of the heaviest blows, and then she wiped the tears from her face, picked up her schoolbag and slapped the cement pillars in the corridor, and Zhuzhu's mouth repeated one after another: traitor, traitor, traitor.

  The next morning, after the rain and the sky was clear, Xiaoyuan waited anxiously for Zhuzhu at home, but Zhuzhu did not come. Xiaoyuan recalled yesterday's events and had a premonition that something might happen between them, and she thought that she would have to go to school alone today. Walking into the school gate of Hongqi Middle School, Xiao Yuan just saw Zhu Zhu and Li Qian kicking the shuttlecock together, Zhu Zhu's skills in kicking the shuttlecock are very strong, Zhu Zhu was waiting for the chicken feather shuttlecock to fall, and quickly glanced at Xiao Yuan with the corner of her eye.

  Traitor, said Zhuzhu.

  Xiao Yuan's face immediately turned pale as snow, she hesitated for a few seconds, and finally lowered her head and walked around Zhu Zhu's side, Xiao Yuan's hand reached into the schoolbag and fumbled, and finally touched a bright pink ribbon, which Zhu Zhu gave her to make a bow a few days ago, Xiao Yuan took out the pink ribbon from her school bag, crumpled it into a ball and threw it on the ground, and then she walked towards the classroom without looking back.

  From this day on, the group of Xiaoyuan and Zhuzhu was divided. Zhuzhu is already a member of Li Qian's group, and Xiaoyuan has taken refuge in the camp of beautiful girls led by Miao Qing after maintaining a loner for a period of time.

  Xiao Yuan now often goes to school with Miao Qing, when they walked past the pharmacy on the east side of Toon Tree Street, Lu Luozi was still standing at the door with a string of medicine bags in his hand, his hair was shaved by someone for some reason, and his head and lips showed the same blue-gray color, when Xiao Yuan pulled Miao Qing and hurriedly ran past him, Lu Luozi reacted as always, and his dull eyes suddenly flashed a light of surprise.

  You are as beautiful as angels. Lun Maniac said.

  Xiao Yuan wanted to know if Madman Lu would say the same thing when he saw Zhuzhu now. But Xiao Yuan will not ask Zhu Zhu, Xiao Yuan and Zhu Zhu are now ignoring each other, occasionally passing by at school or on the street, and they read similar hatred content from each other's faces. Once when Xiao Yuan was picking pears in front of the fruit stand, she heard a familiar sound behind her, Xiao Yuan turned her head sensitively, and she saw Zhu Zhu and Li Qian standing shoulder to shoulder, and Zhu Zhu was still stepping on the ground with her toes. Xiao Yuan didn't want to put up with it anymore, she resolutely picked out a rotten pear from the fruit basket and smashed it at Zhuzhu's body. She heard Zhuzhu scream, a moment that was unforgettable for the two girls who had turned against each other, and they looked at each other with shocked and pained expressions on each other's faces.

  I said that Xiaoyuan is a beautiful girl, and Xiaoyuan took refuge in the camp of beautiful girls led by Miao Qing. Miao Qing and her love of photography, and Xiaoyuan naturally fell in love with photography under their influence. At first, they took pictures in the only workers' and peasants' photo studio on Toon Tree Street, and later Miao Qing was dissatisfied with the poor equipment and rough coloring skills of the workers' and peasants' photo studio, she thought that the photographers there always took a fat and difficult look at her face, Miao Qing suggested going to the Veuve Clicquot photo studio in the city center, where she said that her mother's wedding dress was taken there, and it was an old-fashioned and prestigious photo studio that can beautify your appearance as much as you like. The girls were convinced of Miao Qing's authority and gladly adopted her opinion.

  One afternoon in May, four girls arrived at the Veuve Clicquot photo studio in pairs, their school bags stuffed with colorful seasonal costumes, including new sweaters and floral skirts, mink coats for winter, and even a set of Uighur costumes for stage performances. The girls painted their lips bright red and ran up and down the photo studio with their skirts in their arms. Only Xiao Yuan sat quietly on the side, and she insisted on refusing to put on makeup. Miao Qing shoehorned her rouge box to Xiao Yuan, she said, rub a little, rub a little and you will look beautiful, Xiao Yuan still shook her head, she said, I don't rub it, my mother doesn't allow me to rub rouge and put lipstick, she will scold me to death if she knows.

  Xiaoyuan took a two-inch photo in the old white-washed military uniform, which was a two-inch photo of the side, and then she changed into the borrowed Uyghur costume and took a two-inch photo of the front. Xiao Yuan sat under the strong magnesium light, her expression and posture looked cramped and uneasy. The photographer made her laugh, but she couldn't. Miao Qing looked anxious on the side, she had an idea, and suddenly imitated the northern Jiangsu accent of the math teacher and said a joke, Xiaoyuan showed a natural smile, and the photographer took the opportunity to capture Xiaoyuan's smile. Xiao Yuan finally took off the stage costume with a sigh of relief, and she said to Miao Qing, it must be ugly, and I will never take pictures again.

  About half a month later, Xiaoyuan's coloring and enlarged photos were displayed in the window of Veuve Clicquot Photo Studio, and many people saw this beautiful and cute photo of Xiaoyuan. Miao Qing came to tell Xiao Yuan the news, Xiao Yuan still didn't believe it, Miao Qing's face showed an inexplicable color, she said, don't be pretending, you say you don't know, who knows what the hell you are doing?

  Xiao Yuan secretly ran to the Veuve Clicquot photo studio. It was a windy late spring night, the air was filled with the rich fragrance of acacia flowers, and the streets were in a hurry. Xiaoyuan stayed alone in front of the window of the photo studio, staring at the girl in the photo for a long time, the girl was wearing a small silk flower hat, wearing a seven-colored skirt of a Uyghur girl, her eyes were clear and slightly melancholy, and her smile was shy and fleeting. That's myself. Xiao Yuan's eyes gradually filled with tears of joy, and Xiao Yuan realized for the first time that she was beautiful and pure. When someone approached the window and pointed at the pictures inside: she fled to the other side of the street, afraid that people would recognize her. The purple locust tree swayed gently beside Xiao Yuan, and the wind blew down a bunch of lilac flowers. Xiao Yuan looked at the line marks of the blown purple locust flowers in the air, and suddenly thought of the madman Lu at the door of the pharmacy very strangely, and remembered the sentence he repeated as always: You are as beautiful as an angel. Xiao Yuan shuddered, and the joy and sweetness were quickly replaced by a trance. Xiaoyuan came home in the twilight wind, she felt very scared, but she couldn't say what she was afraid of.

  Almost all the girls in Hongqi Middle School knew Xiaoyuan's name, and knew that Xiaoyuan's photo was displayed in the window of the Kai Clicquot Photo Studio, and later the boys also saw Xiaoyuan's photo, and the bold boys dared to follow Xiaoyuan and shout: He Xiaoyuan, from Xinjiang; Xinjiang native, He Xiaoyuan. Some of the boys in the lower grades were so rebellious, and they were so point-blank about the picture of Xiaoyuan -- He Xiaoyuan, who posed as a Uyghur from Xinjiang, and she was a goblin who scratched her head.

  I'll tell you that it was in the early seventies, when there was a lack of news on our Toon Tree Street, and Xiaoyuan's photo became a natural piece of news to be widely circulated. People all looked sideways at the girl next door to the chemical factory, and Xiaoyuan's later doom began slowly with a rise in fame.

  He Xiaoyuan has a fox smell. One girl said to another, don't look at her pretty, in fact, she has fox smell.

  It was a time when the girls' community was filled with such conversations, and the girls were equally interested in this astonishing discovery, especially the girls in Zhuzhu Liqian's camp, who made no secret of their gloating expressions. When they walked past Xiaoyuan, they deliberately took out handkerchiefs to cover their mouths and noses, or fanned them in the air with handkerchiefs to express their disgust. Xiao Yuan was unaware of this at first, she thought it was the newly popular act of spitting on the other party, so she also concocted the same way to shoot back, she heard the other party turn his face and scold, stink, polluting the air. Xiao Yuan subconsciously said, you stink, you pollute the air. After Xiao Yuan finished scolding, she suddenly found that someone was staring at her armpit, so she touched her armpit, and there was nothing under her armpit, and the old military uniform was not scratched or stained with any dirt. Xiaoyuan felt that things were a little strange, and she asked Miao Qing at the same table, what's wrong? Why are they staring at my armpits? Miao Qing scraped the red dye on her nails with a pencil sharpener, she glanced at Xiaoyuan and said, You don't know yourself? They say you have a fox smell.

  Xiao Yuan looked at Miao Qing in horror, and Xiao Yuan's face quickly turned pale as paper. Her whole body trembled in the chair, and she shrunk into a ball as if she was afraid of the cold, and after a long silence, Xiao Yuan recovered from extreme grief, her voice was already hoarse, and her voice suddenly exploded and startled Miao Qing.

  Who made the rumor? Tell me who made the rumor? Xiaoyuan asked Yin Qing.

  I don't know, maybe Zhu Zhu said it first. Miao Qing said.

  A cold light flashed in Xiao Yuan's eyes, and she stood up and looked at Zhuzhu who was sitting in the front row. Zhu Zhu and Li Qian are playing a game of dominoes on their desks. I can't spare her. Xiao Yuan gritted her teeth and swore an oath, and then she took Miao Qing's hand and said: Miao Qing, you know that I don't have a fox smell, why don't you testify to me? Miao Qing didn't say anything, she still wanted to shave all the red dye on her nails. Xiao Yuan snatched the pencil knife from Miao Qing's hand, Xiao Yuan suddenly raised her arms, she said, Miao Qing, let you smell whether I have a fox odor, Miao Qing, you must testify to me. Miao Qing raised her face and looked at Xiao Yuan's armpits, Miao Qing frowned, Xiao Yuan heard her answer casually, I can't smell it now, I'm wearing a sweater now, how can I smell it?

  Xiao Yuan's arms froze in the air, tears streaming from her eyes. Later, she pulled her canvas bag from under her desk, covered her face and ran out of the classroom. It was the time for the fifth class when the electric bell sounded sharply and crisply in the hallways of the school. The boys and girls were running towards the classroom, while Xiaoyuan was dragging her schoolbag and running towards the school gate. Xiao Yuan didn't notice that the contents of the schoolbag were falling along the way, the books, pencil cases, toilet paper, and a photo had been blown by the wind, like an elf chasing Xiao Yuan's back in the wind. It was a sample of the Veuve Clicquot photo studio display, and although it was uncolored, and although it was much smaller, it was indeed that beautiful and proud display photo.

  In the afternoon in the laziness and silence of late spring, there were few people on the street, the sun shone directly on the melon peel husks and garbage heaps all over the ground, there were swarms of flies hovering over the street, Xiao Yuan stumbled and ran with her schoolbag, and when she passed the pharmacy, she saw the filthy Lu madman again. Lu Luozi shook the herbs in his hand at Xiao Yuan, he said, you are as beautiful as an angel, but you have to take more medicine, don't be afraid to take medicine, Xiao Yuan avoided Lu Luo, Xiao Yuan sobbed as she walked, she said, I don't want to be beautiful, you go to be beautiful, why do you want to spread rumors and slander and hurt me?

  Xiao Yuan's revenge on Zhu Zhu came quickly and violently.

  The next day, Zhuzhu passed by the stone bridge when she went to school, and she saw two tall and burly boys standing on the stone bridge, one of whom was Xiaoyuan's brother. Zhuzhu thought they were watching the scenery on the river, she chewed bubble gum and walked to the top of the bridge, the two boys grabbed her braids coldly, Zhuzhu just wanted to call between her nose and lips and had been punched, she heard Xiaoyuan's brother say, if you dare to bully Xiaoyuan again, I will throw you into the river. Zhuzhu sat on the ground, the bubblegum in her mouth falling on her leg with blood foam, and she saw a tooth stuck to the bubblegum. My teeth, beads cried sharply, but the two boys had already run down the stone bridge. Someone walked across the stone bridge and saw Zhuzhu sitting with her mouth covered in blood, crying and cursing someone. They went to pull Zhuzhu's hand, who did you let Zhuzhu fight? Zhu Zhu said while crying, who else could it be? It was He Xiaoyuan, she hooked up with the hooligan Ah Fei, and she made them knock out my teeth.

  Zhuzhu is a stubborn girl, and Zhuzhu wraps that tooth in a handkerchief and goes to school. She stood in front of the window facing Xiaoyuan's house, she picked up a brick and smashed the window glass of Xiaoyuan's house, and then shouted at the window, fox smell, fox smell, He Xiaoyuan, you have fox odor, your family has fox odor. Zhuzhu saw a pale face flash in the room. She knew that it was Xiao Yuan, and she knew that Xiao Yuan would not dare to come out and fight back now.

  After Zhuzhu walked into Hongqi Middle School, she went straight to the principal's office, and she opened the handkerchief with her teeth wrapped in it and showed it to the principal. Ha Xiaoyuan hooked up with the hooligan Ah Fei, and Zhuzhu cried and reported to the principal, and Ha Xiaoyuan let the two hooligans knock out my teeth.

  The principal and the head teacher called Xiao Yuan to the office, and they asked Xiao Yuan to look at the tooth on the table, Xiao Yuan turned her face to look at the two posters on the wall, her expression was indifferent and quiet.

  Did you make people beat Xiao Zhuzhu?

  She deserved it.

  Why hit her?

  She made my rumors.

  What rumors? She made your rumors so you can beat her?

  Xiao Yuan bowed her head and no longer made any defense. She heard the principal and the class teacher take turns reprimanding her, and the principal asked her to write a copy to check for mistakes. Xiaoyuan's leather shoes creaked on the concrete floor, and finally she stood up and said, I don't write checks, but I can tell you now, Zhuzhu's mother used to be a prostitute, Zhuzhu's father used to be a bandit, Zhuzhu and several boys were dating at the dock, why did you let me write the check, why didn't you let her write the check?

  Xiao Yuan finished what she had thought of in one breath, and then ran out of the office without permission, and she heard the principal and the head teacher angrily shouting her name in the back. She knew she was in trouble, but she couldn't control the burning revenge, Xiao Yuan ran all the way, she heard her heart pounding violently, something hard stuck in her throat, making her feel suffocated, Xiao Yuan stood on the playground. She spat mouthfuls into the lawn, but nothing came out, only mouthfuls of spittle.

  Xiaoyuan's bad luck came to prison like this.

  A punishment report was posted in Hongqi Middle School, and the person who was punished was He Xiaoyuan, a beautiful girl who was once famous on Toon Tree Street. The day after the notice was posted, the principal called Kai Clicquot Photo Studio and asked to get rid of Xiaoyuan's photo. He told the other party on the phone that the photo had affected the order of the school and caused a lot of trouble to the school authorities, and he begged the other party not to display the photos of his students in the window in the future. The people in the photo studio were at a loss to respond, but they still made an active cooperation and quickly removed Xiaoyuan's photo.

  Xiao Yuan has become silent since then, and she no longer approaches any girls, including Miao Qing, of course. Xiao Yuan spent the last school career alone, when graduation was approaching, the girls were the same as the boys, half of them would go to the countryside or farm to work, the other half would stay in the city according to the policy, their various small groups were now falling apart, forming two distinct camps, going to cut the queue every day crowded in the corridor to discuss the strange and distant future life, the group of girls who stayed in the city centered on Zhuzhu, still intoxicated by the domino game on the desk. Xiao Yuan stood alone in an unnoticed corner eating melon seeds or meditating, Xiao Yuan didn't want to talk to any girl, and other girls didn't want to talk to Xiao Yuan anymore.

  One morning in September, many trucks dressed in red and green drove into Toon Tree Street, taking the girls who had gone up the mountains to the countryside. Xiaoyuan, a beautiful girl next door to the chemical factory, is also among them. I saw her standing in the last truck, the red flowers on her chest reflecting her paleness and melancholy. Xiao Yuan did not cry like some girls, nor did she shout heroic slogans all the way like some girls, Xiao Yuan leaned on the railing of the truck, calmly scanning the crowd of farewells, she saw Zhuzhu chasing the truck, Zhuzhu waving a red scarf in her hand. She knew that Zhuzhu was here to send Li Qian, and the red scarf was given to Zhuzhu by Xiaoyuan, and now Xiaoyuan wanted to get it back, but the gongs, drums and noise covered the entire sky, even if Xiaoyuan really asked Zhuzhu for the red scarf, Zhuzhu would not hear it, and even if Zhuzhu heard it, she would pretend not to hear it. Xiao Yuan is a sixteen-year-old girl, so Xiao Yuan knows the other sixteen-year-old girls best.

  The truck slowly drove in front of the pharmacy, and Xiao Yuan found that Madman Lu was not there, and she wondered why Madman Lu disappeared on such a lively day. Xiaoyuan stood on the car and was puzzled, so she asked a boy in the same car, why haven't you seen Lu's madman for a long time? Do you know where he went? The boy struggled to hear Xiaoyuan's question clearly, he used the palm of his hand to charge the microphone, and reported another shocking news in the noise around him, Lu Madman is dead, Lu Madman is taking medicine and eating to death every day.

  The farm where Xiaoyuan cut the queue is far north. It had been five years since Xiao Yuan returned to Toon Tree Street, and her face, which was known to be white as snow, had become dark and rough five years later, and she walked with her shoulders shaking like a man, and when Xiao Yuan walked across Toon Tree Street with her luggage on her shoulders, no one recognized her as the beautiful girl next door to the chemical factory.

  Only Zhuzhu recognized Xiaoyuan at a glance, they met unexpectedly on the stone bridge, when the two women were very embarrassed, Zhuzhu went down the bridge, Xiaoyuan went up the bridge, they didn't speak at first, and Zhuzhu walked a few steps back to find that Xiaoyuan was also standing at the bridge. The two women stared at each other from half a stone bridge, and then it was Zhuzhu who broke the awkward silence first.

  I'm invoicing at the Veuve Clicquot Photo Studio, when are you going to take pictures, Zhu Zhu said.

  I don't like to take pictures, so you might as well take more photos. Xiao Yuan smiled faintly and touched her armpits, Xiao Yuan said, I have a fox smell, and you are as beautiful as an angel. Do you know? You are white and plump now, and you are as beautiful as an angel.

Source: Novel Classics