
The online communication activity of "Context on the Roof, Meet Generation Z" was launched

author:Market Information Newspaper New Media

Market Information News On June 30, the launching ceremony of the network communication activity of "The Cultural Context on the Eaves and Meets Generation Z" was held in the Taiyuan Jinci Museum, which was guided by the Network Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, sponsored by the Provincial Cyberspace Administration and the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, and implemented by Shanxi Radio and Television Station. Qian Jin, Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Information Office of the Provincial Government, announced the launch of the event.

The online communication activity of "Context on the Roof, Meet Generation Z" was launched

The leaders and guests at the meeting jointly promoted the starting rod Photo by Niu Yuhang

Shanxi is the only province in the country that has preserved a complete architectural system from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. The online communication activity of "Context on the Eaves, Meet Generation Z" aims to explore the fashionable elements and international communication elements of ancient buildings in the context of "national trend", and make Shanxi ancient buildings "popular" in cyberspace through online and offline linkage, large screen and small screen resonance, network platform assistance, and Internet celebrity response, so as to attract more young people to understand ancient buildings, check in ancient buildings, "play" with ancient buildings, and fall in love with ancient buildings.

The online communication activity of "Context on the Roof, Meet Generation Z" was launched

Guo Jiangping, deputy director of the Internet Information Office of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, delivered a speech Photo by Niu Yuhang

At the launching ceremony, the wonderful sharing of ancient construction experts, the help of well-known social platforms, the Yellow River Fusion Media Short Video Alliance, which gathers the power of media integration in cities and counties across the province, and the participation of some universities in the province added help to this event.

The online communication activity of "Context on the Roof, Meet Generation Z" was launched

Liu Yingkui, director of Shanxi Radio and Television Station, presented the flag to the interview group Photo by Niu Yuhang

It is understood that the activity will last for three months, based on the rich resources of ancient buildings and cultural relics in Shanxi, from the four dimensions of a "eaves" millennium, "eaves" chiseling, village "eaves" village language, and "fort" eaves, selected millennium ancient buildings, ancient towers, ancient villages, and ancient castles, with a young perspective and youthful language, and the "Z generation" across time and space dialogue, vividly tell the story of ancient architectural relics, and show the humanistic and historical inheritance behind the ancient buildings and the cultural heritage on the eaves.

The event received attention and support from key platforms such as Tencent News,, Weibo, Douyin, Xiaohongshu, and Bilibili. From the cultural field, 17 influential and representative online celebrities participated in offline and online activities, with a total of more than 26 million fans.

(Niu Yuhang)

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