
Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

author:Theory of Modern and Contemporary History






Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Father's love is silent, father's love is traceless, father's love is synonymous with responsibility, and father's love is the banner that children look up to!








Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Father's love is like a mountain, showing perseverance in the ordinary, and there is no lack of strength in the easy-going. There is a sound of murmuring water, but the mountains are silent.


Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

When you are afraid, fatherly love is a stepping stone; When it is dark, fatherly love is a lamp that illuminates; When it dries up, father's love is a bay of water for life, as well as encouragement and a wake-up call.


Calligraphy is an extremely important art form in China

It has been inherited for more than 2,000 years and is prosperous and undefeated

In this process of inheritance

Many "father-son calligraphers"

It has also written a strong stroke in the history of Chinese calligraphy

Father's love is like a mountain, father's love is speechless,

The most memorable part is that a big hand holds a small hand,

One stroke at a time, horizontal and vertical,

Teach us to write black letters on white paper,

Take us on the road of life, no longer faltering.



Three Kingdoms "Big and Small Clocks"

Father Zhong Xuan

Son Zhonghui


Zhong Xuan had a great influence on the history of Chinese calligraphy. His attainments in regular script are extremely high. It was called "the originator of regular script" by later generations. and Wang Xizhi are called "King Zhong". It plays an important role in the creation, development and evolution of Chinese calligraphy. The calligraphy is simple and elegant, the font size is alternate, the overall layout is rigorous and meticulous, and the achievements of the past dynasties are extremely high.


For his son Zhong Hui, Zhong Hui also often spoke bitterly, exhorted in every way, Zhong Hui finally made great achievements, Tang Zhang Huaijun called it in the "Book Break": "A little preparation of muscles and bones, beauty and grass, especially the work of the book." Then it is elegant, and there is the ambition of Lingyun. He and his father were known as the "Big and Small Clocks".


Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

The "Two Kings" of the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Father Wang Xizhi

Son Wang Xianzhi

Father: Wang Xizhi (303-361), a calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, known as the "Saint of Calligraphy", can be said to be the greatest calligrapher in China. Its calligraphy is carefully studied and the posture is pursued, the heart is copied and chased, the strengths of the others are widely drawn, and the body is refined, and it is smelted in a furnace, which has a far-reaching impact. The style is peaceful and natural, the gestures are euphemistic and subtle, and the style is beautiful and beautiful. His son Wang Xianzhi is also a far-reaching calligrapher, collectively known as the "two kings".

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Wang Xizhi writes "father"

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Wang Xianzhi (344-386), Zijing, nicknamed official slave, Han nationality. A famous calligrapher and poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the seventh son of the sage Wang Xi, he was smart and studious since childhood, and specialized in cursive calligraphy. He followed his father to practice calligraphy since he was a child, and he had great ambitions. He is known for his calligraphy and cursive script, but he also has a deep knowledge of regular script and official script.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

"Big and Small Ouyang"

Father Ouyang Xun

Son Ouyang Tong

Father: Ouyang Xun (557-641), a native of Hunan, a famous calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, and the same generation of Yu Shinan, Chu Suiliang, Xue Ji and known as the four masters of the early Tang Dynasty. Because his son Ouyang Tong is also good at calligraphy, it is also called "Da Ou". Ouyang Xun calligraphy perfectly participated in the six dynasties tablet, Si Yi said that it is the long of the wide collection of each family, rigorous and neat, all sides, eight sides exquisite, vivid, just right, known as "the first Tang Kaishu".

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Ouyang Tong (625-691 AD) Tang Dynasty minister and calligrapher. Zitongshi, Han nationality, Ouyang Xunzi. Early lonely, mother Xu taught her father to write. Gong Kaishu, the book has the father's law and is steep, the father and son are equally famous, and the number is "big and small Ouyang". The hand-me-down works include "Dao Yin Master Tablet", etc., Ouyang Tong worked in Kai, and did his best to get the father's law. In his later years, he was quite serious, using raccoon hair as a pen, covered with rabbit hair, and rhino bone as a tube.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Ouyang Tong writes "father"

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

The two masters of the Tang Dynasty

Father Tang Taizong

Son Tang Gaozong

Father: Li Shimin (599-649), Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was the second son of Gaozu Yaoyuan, the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and an outstanding emperor in the history of the mainland. He advocated calligraphy and made the calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty a glorious page in the history of mainland calligraphy. At the beginning of calligraphy, he was taught by Shi Ling, a calligrapher of Sui, and often studied calligraphy with Yu Shinan, Ouyang Xun, Chu Suiliang, etc., and later fell in love with Wang Xizhi. Good deeds grass, hand-me-down works include "Jin Ancestral Inscription" and "Hot Spring Inscription".

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Tang Gaozong Li Zhi (628-683), the word is good, the third emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the ninth son of Tang Taizong Li Shimin, and his mother is the eldest grandson of Empress Wendeshun, the third son. In the twenty-third year of Zhenguan (649), it was located in the Taiji Hall of Chang'an, and created the rule of Yonghui with the legacy of Zhenguan. I am good at calligraphy.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Northern Song Dynasty "big millet"

Father Mi Fu

Tomohito Yuko

Father: Mi Fu (1051-1107), the first name Huang, later changed to Fu, the word Yuan Zhang, the famous calligrapher, painter, painting and calligraphy theorist of the Northern Song Dynasty, and Cai Xiang, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian together called the "Song Four Family". Calligraphy is quite attained, good at seal, subordinate, Kai, line, grass and other calligraphy. Mi Fu on the distribution of calligraphy, structure, with the pen, has his unique experience. He integrates the opposing factors such as wrapping and hiding, fat and thinness, sparseness and density, simplicity and complexity, and his works are hearty. His representative works include "Duojinglou Poems", "Hongxian Poems", "Yanshan Ming" and so on.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Mi Fu writes "father"

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Mi Youren, the eldest son of the Northern Song Dynasty calligrapher Mi Fu, won the appreciation of Song Gaozong. The father and son are known as "big millet". In the early years, he was well-known for his calligraphy and painting, and in the fourth year of Xuanhe of the Northern Song Dynasty (1122), he should be elected to the palm of calligraphy. Gong calligraphy, although not caught his father, but like the king, the children of the Xie family, but has its own style.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Northern Song Dynasty "Three Sus"

Father Su Xun

Sons Su Shi and Su Zhe

Father: Su Xun (1009-1066), the word Mingyun, self-named Laoquan, Han nationality, Sichuan. The writers of the Northern Song Dynasty, together with their sons Su Shi and Su Zhe, are famous for their literature, and are known as the "Three Sus", all of whom are included in the "Eight Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties".

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Su Shi, the word Zizhan, the number Dongpo layman, a native of Sichuan. He, his father Su Xun, and younger brother Su Zhe are famous for their poetry and writing, and they are known as "Three Sus". His calligraphy draws nourishment from the "two kings", Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, Chu Suiliang, Xu Hao, Li Beihai, and Yang Ningshi, and strives to innovate on the basis of inheriting the tradition.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Su Shi writes "father"

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Su Zhe (1039-1112), the character Ziyou, the same uncle, the late Yingbin widow, Han nationality, Sichuan, Northern Song Dynasty writer, poet, prime minister, one of the "Tang and Song Dynasty Eight Families". Su Zhe is not only talented in poetry and writing, but also quite accomplished in calligraphy. His calligraphy is quite close to his brother Su Shi, and his calligraphy is chic and free, neat and orderly. The hand-me-down ink blots include "Snow Post", "Snow Poetry Post", "Chariot and Horse Post", "Clear and Cold Post" and so on.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Father and son

Father Zhao Mengfu

Son Zhao Yong

Father: Zhao Mengfu Yuan Dynasty calligrapher, painter, writer. The word Pleiades, the number Songxue Road people, Huzhou people. A descendant of King Defang of Qin, the son of Taizu of Song. Smart since childhood, reading and reciting, for the writing and writing. After the fall of the Song Dynasty, he returned to the Yuan Dynasty and was named the Duke of Wei, and he was Wenmin. Proficient in music, calligraphy and painting are particularly good at fame, and the seal is good at true cursive, with the deepest attainment and the most extensive influence on the real book and line calligraphy.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Zhao Mengfu writes "father"

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Zhao Yong, the word Zhongmu, the son of Zhao Mengfu. The year of birth is unknown, died in 1360, with his father's shadow into the office, the official to the collection of virtuous people, and the same knowledge of the Huzhou Road governor's office. Painting has a father's style, part-time calligraphy, true, line, cursive inheritance of family learning, its book has the "exquisite" name.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Wen family father and son

Father Wen Zhengming

Son Wen Peng

Father: Wen Zhengming's calligraphy and painting attainments are extremely comprehensive, poetry, literature, calligraphy, and painting are all excellent, and he is known as the all-round talent of the "Four Uniques".

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Wen Zhengming writes "father"

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Wen Pengjing calligraphy, less family learning, beginner Zhong Xuan, Wang Xizhi, after the effect of Huaisu, self-contained. In his later years, he devoted himself to Sun Guoting, and the seal and the most quintessential were seen, especially the fine seal carving, and the style was stable. Good at writing ink bamboo, the old pen is vertical and horizontal, straight into the room of the same text. It is also a landscape, and it is made like a father's style.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Fushan Father and Son

Father Fu Shan

Son Fu Mei

Father: Fu Shan was originally a loyal and honest scholar, indifferent to fame and fortune, and diligent in studying. His calligraphy beginners Zhao Mengfu and Dong Qichang can almost be real. He is rich in learning, has a deep knowledge, and has a lot of personality. The theory of "Four Nings and Four None" put forward by him is extremely incisive, and has universal significance and far-reaching influence on the entire art category.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Fu Meigong poems, good at calligraphy and painting, can also carve seals, seal carvers Qin and Han, especially fine bronze. The method of learning the father of landscape is simple and interesting.

Once Fu Shan was drunk and made cursive writing, Fu Mei followed Wang Xianzhi's example and replaced his father's calligraphy with his own, Fu Shan woke up and sighed: "I was drunk yesterday and wrote evenly, and now I look at it, and I am about to die." As a result, Fu Mei 56 died of illness, and the white-haired man sent the black-haired man.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Qing Dynasty "Two Beams"

Father Liang Shizheng

Son Liang with the same book

Father: Liang Shizheng (1697-1763), minister of the Qing Dynasty. The word Yangzhong, the name Xianglin, also known as Wenlianzi, is a native of Qiantang (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang). Yongzheng eight years to explore flowers, the official to the East Pavilion University scholar, died in Wenzhuang. Calligraphy beginner Liu Gongquan, followed Zhao Mengfu, Wen Zhengming, late teacher Yan Zhenqing, Li Yong. He is the author of "Yayin Collection". His son, Liang Tongshu, was also a great calligrapher.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Son: Liang Tongshu (1723~1815), the character Yuanying, was the son of Liang Shizheng, a famous minister of the Qing Dynasty. Erudite and knowledgeable, especially for calligraphy, Liang Tongshu is good at the line, initially learn Yan, willow brushwork, middle-aged people with Mi Fu method, people in their later years to change the natural environment, prestigious 60 years and not decaying, the word seekers are endless. He likes to use a long sharp soft hair, dip in the ink full, the pen is fast, and think that the edge is long and smart, soft and soft, the ink is full, and the pen is fast. Liang Tongshu is skillful in calligraphy, the font is handsome and free, and there is a kind of graceful state without false embellishment.

Father's love is like a mountain: the "father" written by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Lao Tzu is a hero

Look at the famous calligraphers of the past dynasties

Dad's calligraphy is good

My son's calligraphy is not bad either

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