
The party branch of Gaojiaqi Village, Tuban Town, Linxian County, warmly carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st".

author:Microscopic scriptures

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further enhance the cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of the party organization, strengthen the ideals and beliefs of party members and cadres at the village level, strengthen the sense of party spirit and purpose of party members, and lead the majority of party members to be disciplined and disciplined, on June 29, the party branch of Gaojiaqi Village, Tuban Town, Linxian County, organized all party members to carry out the party day activities with the theme of "welcoming July 1st, clarifying party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and keeping the original intention".

The party branch of Gaojiaqi Village, Tuban Town, Linxian County, warmly carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st".

During the activity, all party members, under the leadership of Zhang Jianrong, secretary of the party branch, raised their right fists together, solemnly swore in the face of the bright party flag, and revisited the solemn promise made to the party and the people when they joined the party, "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" The oath was sonorous and powerful, and echoed for a long time.

The party branch of Gaojiaqi Village, Tuban Town, Linxian County, warmly carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st".

Subsequently, Zhang Jianrong, secretary of the village party branch, gave a vivid party lesson to the party members present with "knowing discipline, being honest and honest, and being a good Communist Party member in the new era". led everyone to review the history of the party's struggle, told how to be a qualified party member, and studied the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China". It is pointed out that every party member should keep in mind his political identity, consciously strengthen the cultivation of party spirit and enhance the spiritual realm, and actively participate in the work of the village, especially the promotion of major work, such as the construction of beautiful villages, the improvement of the living environment, and the phased key work, etc., and use practical actions to influence and drive the surrounding masses, so as to promote new progress and new results in various work.

The party branch of Gaojiaqi Village, Tuban Town, Linxian County, warmly carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st".

Zhang Jianrong emphasized that first, it is necessary to deeply study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", figure out what can and cannot be done, and more consciously learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline, and abide by discipline; First, it is necessary to comprehensively understand and master the party's discipline regulations, enhance the sense of discipline, and build a strong ideological line of defense by participating in party classes and reading party documents. Second, it is necessary to consciously abide by the party's discipline. It is necessary to internalize the party's discipline in our hearts and externalize it in our actions, and always use the party's discipline to regulate our words and deeds, so as to achieve the unity of knowledge and action. Third, it is necessary to strengthen self-supervision. We must always keep a clear head, self-supervise and restrain our own behavior, and discover and correct deficiencies and mistakes in a timely manner. Fourth, it is necessary to give play to the exemplary and leading role of party members. It is necessary to set an example, take the lead in setting an example, and use our own practical actions to influence and lead the masses around us.

The party branch of Gaojiaqi Village, Tuban Town, Linxian County, warmly carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st".

On the day of the event, the secretary of the village party branch and representatives of party members also visited party members, old party members and the elderly in day care centers in difficulty, conveying the party's care and warmth. During the visit, we took the initiative to inquire about their physical condition, understand their living conditions, convey concern and condolences, help solve practical difficulties, listen to their opinions and suggestions, and thank them for their contributions to the party's cause on behalf of the organization. Party members and old party members in difficulty have said: "Thank you for the party's concern for us, we are proud of being a member of the Communist Party, we must not forget our original intention, forge ahead, continue to exert our residual heat, and contribute to the development of the village." ”

The party branch of Gaojiaqi Village, Tuban Town, Linxian County, warmly carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st".

Through the theme party day activities, party members and comrades deeply feel the care and care of the party organization, and at the same time, the cohesion, appeal and centripetal force of the grassroots party organizations in the jurisdiction have been enhanced, and the level of service for the people has been better improved. (Liu Wenyan)

Editor: Wei Honghui

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