
It's not looking up to the U8 Shenzhong Passage after the opening of the first car: a Wuling Hongguang

author:Pretend to be hi-skinned

At 15 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened for trial operation, and after the opening of traffic, the driving time from Shenzhen to Zhongshan will be shortened from the current 2 hours to 30 minutes.

The video officially released by BYD shows that in order to congratulate the successful opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, hundreds of U8+ U9 crossed collectively, and the scene was very spectacular.

However, to everyone's surprise, the first one to successfully pass through the channel and reach Zhongshan was a Wuling Hongguang, which aroused the attention and heated discussions of netizens.

It's not looking up to the U8 Shenzhong Passage after the opening of the first car: a Wuling Hongguang
It's not looking up to the U8 Shenzhong Passage after the opening of the first car: a Wuling Hongguang

Some netizens commented: He cornered quickly, did not slow down, and could not see his taillights. Some netizens said that Wuling Hongguang is also a national god car, and there is nothing wrong with it; The highway is originally convenient for ordinary people to pass by ordinary cars.

Wuling Motors officials also noticed this incident, and mentioned when forwarding that "the Shenzhong Passage is the people's road, and Wuling is fortunate to accompany the owner through this road." ”

It's not looking up to the U8 Shenzhong Passage after the opening of the first car: a Wuling Hongguang

It should be reminded that after the official opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage yesterday, it attracted many people to check in, which caused a large congestion, and the original 30-minute journey took 1 hour and 40 minutes to navigate.

There are two main reasons for congestion, one is due to accidents, and on the other hand, there are also people who illegally stop in the emergency lane to take pictures, which brings more traffic pressure to the already congested roads.

It's not looking up to the U8 Shenzhong Passage after the opening of the first car: a Wuling Hongguang
It's not looking up to the U8 Shenzhong Passage after the opening of the first car: a Wuling Hongguang

Source: Fast Technology