
Guan Yu broke through in Maicheng, if he listened to Wang Fu's advice and took the big road, would he succeed?

author:Peeksman says history

Guan Yu broke through in Maicheng, if he listened to Wang Fu's advice and took the big road, would he succeed?

Wei, Shu and Wu are mutually contained, Jingzhou is the land of the four wars, Eastern Wu has always coveted Jingzhou, Jingzhou is the frontier of Western Shu's march into the Central Plains, Jingzhou has become a place where Wu Shu must fight, and it is also a place to restrict the alliance of Wu and Shu.

It is no problem for the north to reject Cao Cao, because Cao Cao has been unable to unify the world since the Battle of Chibi, and he only defends but does not attack; Donghe Sun Quan can't do it, because Dongwu wants Jingzhou, and it can't be given if you don't give it. It's like a hungry wolf trying to eat a goat, and the goat can't make peace if he wants to! Guan Yu's mistake was to lead his troops to attack Cao and stay away from the base camp, so that Sun Quan could succeed. It should sit along the Yangtze River, echoing the north and south, the north and Cao Cao, and the east rejecting Sun Quan, waiting for the situation to change.

Guan Yu broke through in Maicheng, if he listened to Wang Fu's advice and took the big road, would he succeed?

When passing the five levels, how many enemy soldiers were encountered, and with my sister-in-law, I didn't also pass the level and kill all the way out, how to go to Maicheng, even a small soldier and a small general couldn't beat it, and I didn't kill a general, and I was captured alive. Think about how many Cao generals Zhao Yun killed in the longboard slope and a million army. And Zhang Fei is even more fierce, Cao Bing and Cao Jiang can't stop it at all, only to die.

Guan Yu actually made sufficient defensive preparations for Eastern Wu, and he was quickly defeated for three reasons: First, he made a strategic mistake, violating the strategy of Eastern Wu and Eastern Wu and rejecting Cao Cao in the north, causing Eastern Wu to betray the alliance and attack Nanjun. The second is that the rear is empty, internal discord, Mi Fang and Fu Shiren have no soldiers in their hands, and they have a gap with Guan Yu, so they are forced to surrender. Third, they could not stabilize the morale of the army, and the Jingzhou sergeants fled and scattered.

Guan Yu broke through in Maicheng, if he listened to Wang Fu's advice and took the big road, would he succeed?

You must also know that the loss of Jingzhou and the defeat of Guan Yu are all determined by Guan Yu's character; Even if you don't fail this time, you will fail in the future. Dong and Sun Quan, he can't get along, he looks down on Sun Quan, and he even looks down on his own people, he despises Mi Fang and Fu Shiren, causing Mi Fang and Fu Shiren to surrender to Eastern Wu, he offended Liu Feng, Liu Feng and Meng Da did not move

He even looked down on Zhuge Liang and Huang Zhong, and in his heart Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, he could afford it, how could this kind of person be undefeated. Zhang Fei also knelt to Yan Yan, Liu Bei also knelt to Zhuge Liang, the husband can bend and stretch, and only then can he stand up to the sky.

Guan Yu broke through in Maicheng, if he listened to Wang Fu's advice and took the big road, would he succeed?

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