
After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article

●—≺ Preface ≻—●

"Some people you helped her, but after she succeeded, she felt that she could do it herself."

Since Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming divorced, her reputation has not been as good as before, and now there is no lower limit in order to make money!

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

was "coded" on a variety show, scolded by the anchor for "getting out" in the live broadcast, and had to lose a smiling face, how did she get mixed up like this? Could it be that she is really not good without Huang Xiaoming?

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

●—≺ The program is coded ≻—●

Yang Ying is an actor, but everyone has never dared to compliment her acting skills, especially after her divorce, it seems that there is no filming all of a sudden, that is, she can still be seen from variety shows.

But in the latest episode of "Let's Run", the audience was surprised to find that Yang Ying's face was thickly beaten.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

Netizens who often watch TV must know that if a star is coded by the program team, it is basically a "death" sentence in the entertainment industry, which is equivalent to having been given up by the capital, and it is impossible to make a comeback in a short time.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

Some netizens think that it may be because they went to see that special "concert" before and was filmed, and some people said that Yang Ying offended the big guy and stepped on thunder, so she was banned.

But now that Yang Ying is divorced and has no Huang Xiaoming as a backer, if there is no chance to appear on the camera, wouldn't it be equivalent to "unemployment"? If there is no filming, I can only go home and pick my feet.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

But it is understandable that the most important thing in the entertainment industry is handsome guys and beauties, one fell and the other was arranged immediately, just like Cai Xukun earlier, obviously the program team has always been holding him to grow hot, but once "something happens", it will be lost to P immediately, and the technology of this PS is also absolutely amazing.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

This time, Yang Ying's is relatively simple, just a code, after all, it is a "memory" chapter, and there are not many shots in total.

But friends who have seen it must know that under the thick yard, it is Yang Ying's face.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

After the show was broadcast, it can be regarded as abusing a wave of fans for Yang Ying, and her fans expressed their heartbreak.

Not only did he not feel that his idol had a problem, but he even scolded the program team, but the fans must be young, and they are willing to distinguish between right and wrong.

The main thing is this idol, you have to lead by example and guide fans in a positive way.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

However, Yang Ying doesn't seem to have realized her own problems all along, when she didn't divorce Huang Xiaoming earlier, she obviously had so many resources in her hands, but she just didn't improve her acting skills, and acted in one film.

Later, after the divorce, the popularity gradually lost and there was no filming, so he began to frequently appear in variety shows, and regardless of the image of what "concert" he wanted to watch, he watched himself in the "little black house".

But even so, Yang Ying didn't calm down to ponder her mistakes, but made quick money and went to live broadcast to sell goods, but this live broadcast completely exposed her current situation, like a joke!

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

●—≺ Live broadcast was scolded and rolled ≻—●

If you haven't watched the live broadcast, you can search for the live broadcast, Yang Ying's performance in it makes people want to laugh and be bitter, and I can't help but ask, "Is this really Yang Ying with an 80 million salary?" Why do you please people so much? ”

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

Yang Ying not only cooperated with the anchors to do various small games in the live broadcast room to mobilize the atmosphere, but even treated the boss Simba respectfully.

When I saw that the public screen was full of my name, I noticed that Simba's face was not very good, so I encouraged everyone to keep calling Simba's name.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

But when Yang Ying lowered her body to please Simba, Simba at this time slowly looked back and said "Get out".

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

As soon as this sentence was released, the live broadcast room was instantly quiet for two seconds, and at this time the bright spot appeared!

Yang Ying is also a big star, although she is a little embarrassed now, but she can't lose her value like this, just be scolded and get out?

But what if Yang Ying can bend and stretch? was treated with such a sentence, although her face was a little embarrassed, but the smile never went down, and she still observed Simba's face while smiling, it seemed that at this moment in her heart, Simba's happiness or not was the most important.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

Seeing this scene, many netizens couldn't accept it, Yang Ying was obviously a goddess, and she was so beautiful before, like a noble white swan.

Even if she doesn't have any acting skills, there are still some people who will chase after her drama just to appreciate her fairy-like appearance.

But now she is forced to please a small netizen, this gap is too big to accept.

When will Yang Ying be able to proudly come back to be her beautiful and noble goddess?

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

●—≺ Can Yang Ying still make a comeback ≻—●

Yang Ying originally had a "good deck of cards", but she was beaten to pieces.

Since she first debuted as a model, she was very lucky to meet her "true destiny", I don't know how many people still remember the wedding of the century, and she was incredibly beautiful on the day.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

After marriage, Yang Ying not only lived a very happy life, but also because of Huang Xiaoming's wife, her fame exploded all of a sudden, and the films continued.

Although her acting skills have always been the place where others are critical of her, after all, her face is there, "her face is in the country", and she can still get a super high salary and play her heroine.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

Even if she gave birth to a child later, when Yang Ying faced the public, she was still beautiful, and the picture of a family of three together still seems so warm now.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

It's just that I don't know when something bad seems to have happened between the husband and wife, and they are no longer so close, even if they attend events together, they are just standing on their own stations, and there is no sweet interaction.

In fact, at that time, the news of the divorce of the two had spread all over the world, but for some reason, there was no response.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

After the divorce, Yang Ying's films are slowly decreasing, and the audience may not see one of her works for a long time.

And with few film appointments, she naturally wants to think of a new way out, and all she can think of is to frequently participate in variety shows.

So for a long time, the audience can always see her in variety shows.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

Originally, I brushed up my good feelings in variety shows, and I can be regarded as having a job, so I can hone my acting skills while I am free, and maybe there will be a chance to act.

But Yang Ying didn't follow the rules well, and her only chance to show her face was gone.

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

Now in the live broadcast room, so unappreciated, it really can't help but make people sigh, the entertainment industry is really a vanity fair that "watches people cook", when you are hot, everyone respects you, and when you have no value, even small netizens ride on the head.

Watching Yang Ying go all the way, do you think she has gone to the end of her good days?

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing


Douyin personal account: Dandan live broadcast room

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing

"Let's Run" program

After Yang Ying's divorce, there is more and more no lower limit! The show was coded, and the live broadcast was scolded by the anchor for "getting out" and laughing