
In the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, which rank is Sun Wukong ranked in?

author:Wen read history

In the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, which rank is Sun Wukong ranked in?

Author: Wen Reading History (I hope you will support and pay more attention to Wen Reading History)

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I. Introduction

In ancient Chinese myths and legends, the hierarchy of immortals is intricate, full of mystery and legend. Since ancient times, countless literati and folk artists have been exploring the mysteries of this system and trying to solve the mysteries of it. And in this system, Sun Wukong is undoubtedly the most eye-catching existence. As the protagonist of "Journey to the West", he has won the love and admiration of countless people with his unique personality and strong strength. So, in the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, which rank is Sun Wukong ranked? This article will analyze and discuss from multiple perspectives.

2. Overview of the Chinese immortal hierarchy system

In the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, which rank is Sun Wukong ranked in?

The Chinese immortal hierarchy has a long history, and its formation and development have been influenced by a variety of factors, including the infiltration of Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and other religious and philosophical ideas. In this system, the gods and goddesses are divided into different ranks and levels, each with its own unique characteristics and status.

Generally speaking, the Chinese immortal hierarchy can be divided into the following levels:

In the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, which rank is Sun Wukong ranked in?

The lowest level of immortals, such as the land lord and the mountain god, who are usually responsible for managing a piece of land or mountains, have a lower status but have a wide influence in folk beliefs.

Middle-level immortals, such as the Eight Immortals, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, etc., usually possess certain magical powers and mana, which can affect the fate and well-being of human beings, and also have an important position in folk beliefs.

High-level immortals, such as the Three Qings, the Four Emperors, etc., are usually considered to be the high-level gods of the Heavenly Realm, possessing incomparably powerful supernatural powers and mana, and can dominate the fate and development of all things in the universe.

3. Sun Wukong's strength and status in "Journey to the West".

In the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, which rank is Sun Wukong ranked in?

As the protagonist of "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong's strength and status are well known. He has seventy-two changes, somersault clouds and other supernatural abilities, can defeat all kinds of demons and monsters, and protect Tang Seng to learn from the scriptures. On the way to learn the scriptures, Sun Wukong not only showed great strength, but also showed wisdom and courage, and became a hero and model in the eyes of everyone.

However, in "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong's status is not as prominent as his strength. He was originally recruited by the heavenly court and named "Bi Ma Wen", although the official is small, he is also organized and has a fortune. Later, he made trouble in the Heavenly Palace because he was dissatisfied with the treatment of the Heavenly Court, and was pressed by the Buddha under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years. It wasn't until Tang Seng passed by the Five Elements Mountain that he rescued him and took him as an apprentice. On the way to learn the scriptures, although Sun Wukong has made great achievements, his status in the heavenly court has never been truly improved.

Fourth, the rank of the Monkey King in the Chinese immortal hierarchy system

So, in the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, which rank is Sun Wukong ranked? This is a question worth exploring.

First of all, judging from Sun Wukong's strength, he is undoubtedly a high-level immortal. He has powerful supernatural powers and mana, and can defeat all kinds of demons and monsters, and protect Tang Seng to learn from the scriptures. This kind of strength is very rare in the immortal hierarchy system, and it is enough for him to rank among the high-level immortals.

Secondly, judging from Sun Wukong's status, his status in Heavenly Court is not high. Although he was named "Monkey King", this title was only in name and did not bring him substantial power and status. On the way to learn the scriptures, although he made great achievements, his status in the heavenly court has never been truly improved. This also shows that in the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, strength and status are not always proportional.

Finally, judging from Sun Wukong's identity and background, he is not a high-level deity in the heavenly realm. He was originally just an ordinary stone monkey, and he became an immortal after cultivation. There is a clear gap between his identity and background and that of the high-level gods of the Heavenly Realm such as the Three Qings and the Four Emperors. Therefore, in the immortal hierarchy system, it was difficult for him to rank among the highest level of immortals.

Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that in the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, Sun Wukong's strength is enough to make him one of the high-level immortals, but his status in the heavenly court is not high, nor has he reached the level of the highest level of immortals. Therefore, we can rank the Monkey King in the upper middle position, and the specific rank can vary according to different systems and standards.

5. The status and influence of the Monkey King in Chinese culture

In addition to his rank in the Chinese immortal hierarchy, the status and influence of the Monkey King in Chinese culture cannot be ignored. As the protagonist of "Journey to the West", he has won the love and admiration of countless people with his unique personality and strong strength. His image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become one of the important symbols in Chinese culture.

The image of the Monkey King not only reflects the ancient Chinese people's pursuit and admiration for bravery, wisdom and justice, but also reflects their exploration and understanding of nature and the universe. His story and image have been widely disseminated and passed down, and have become one of the treasures of Chinese culture.

At the same time, the image of the Monkey King has also had a profound impact on modern society. His bravery, wisdom and righteous spirit have become one of the values pursued and admired by people in modern society. His stories and images have also been widely used in various cultural products and art forms, and have become an indispensable part of people's lives.

VI. Conclusions

To sum up, Sun Wukong ranks in the upper middle of the Chinese immortal hierarchy system, and the specific rank can vary according to different systems and standards. But no matter what rank he is in, he is a very important immortal figure. Although his strength and status are not as prominent as those of the high gods of the Heavenly Realm, his story and image have left a deep imprint on Chinese culture. As the protagonist and hero of "Journey to the West", he has not only won the love and admiration of countless people, but also had a profound impact on modern society. Therefore, we should have a deeper understanding and study of the important cultural symbol and character of the Monkey King, so as to better inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

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