
How was the golden decade of the Republic of China Let's look at the decade of Hitler and Stalin

author:Li Congjia's War Teahouse
How was the golden decade of the Republic of China Let's look at the decade of Hitler and Stalin

There is a saying that the economy of the Republic of China is a golden decade, but the army cultivated in the golden decade of the Republic of China is really not a strong army, and it can only resist the enemy's steel with flesh and blood when the Japanese army attacks on a large scale. Whether the golden decade is strong or not depends on who you compare it with, and compared with the decade of Hitler and Stalin, the golden decade of the chairman of the committee is not worth mentioning at all.

How was the golden decade of the Republic of China Let's look at the decade of Hitler and Stalin

(This steel mill has good capacity, but it was not in the hands of the Chinese at that time)

In the golden decade of the Republic of China, the steel output in the hands of the chairman of the committee was almost stagnant. In 1927, China's steel output was 30,000 tons, and by 1937, the total steel output of the factories in Guannai was only 50,000 tons, of which 10,000 tons of steel production belonged to Yan Xishan in Shanxi, and 10,000 tons of steel production belonged to Liu Xiang in Sichuan. The Republic of China in the golden decade did not make much progress financially, and the fiscal revenue of the Republic of China government before the Anti-Japanese War was only more than 300 million dollars. Throughout the golden decade, the government of the Republic of China produced a total of 1,802 artillery pieces, 6,003 mortars, 10,000 and 421 light machine guns, 514,169 rifles, and 335,162 shells.

How was the golden decade of the Republic of China Let's look at the decade of Hitler and Stalin

Compared with the Beiyang period, the number of military production capacity in the golden decade has only doubled, which in the eyes of Stalin and Hitler means that all of them should be shot. Hitler came to power in 1933 and only began to expand his armaments in September 1934. From 1935 to 1937, Germany produced a total of 190 tanks, and it was not until 1937 that Germany achieved the technical standards for tank No. 2, and in 1937, Germany produced a total of 247 tanks and self-propelled guns, Britain produced 969 tanks, and France produced more than 400 tanks.

How was the golden decade of the Republic of China Let's look at the decade of Hitler and Stalin

In 1938 and 1939, Germany's tank production suddenly increased, with the production of tank No. 1 exceeding 1,600 and tank No. 2 nearly 2,000, and finally gathering a huge military force of nearly 3,600 tanks before World War II. During the French campaign, the Nazis defeated France, which had 3,000 tanks. After Germany entered the world mode, its production capacity was even more amazing, producing a total of 46,857 tanks, self-propelled guns, 159,144 artillery pieces of various types, and 189,307 aircraft of various types; The navy produced six battleships, three battle cruisers, eight heavy cruisers plus 1141 U-boats.

How was the golden decade of the Republic of China Let's look at the decade of Hitler and Stalin

The Nazis against the Soviet Union also became a war machine on an astonishing scale under Stalin's leadership. Before the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, Stalin spent 15 years increasing the Soviet Union's Soviet steel output from 690,000 tons (due to the civil war, the Soviet steel production in 1924 was less than 1/3 of that in 1904), increasing steel production by nearly 30 times (18,713,000 tons), and increasing the total industrial output of the Soviet Union by four times in 15 years. Before the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, the Soviet army was equipped with a total of 115,900 artillery pieces and 11,000 tanks, and the total strength of the Soviet army increased from 1.51 million in 1938 to 5.37 million in 1941.

How was the golden decade of the Republic of China Let's look at the decade of Hitler and Stalin

The Soviet Union had a lot of problems before the outbreak of the war, but at least it could afford to lose a big business. In the fierce battle of the Soviet-German war, the Soviet Union produced a total of 105,251 combat vehicles, 516,648 artillery pieces, and 157,261 military aircraft, and together with the United States and British allies, they killed the Nazi army with a torrent of steel. Even in terms of making money, the chairman of the committee is not as good as his counterparts in World War II. In fiscal year 1934, after Hitler came to power, the German military spent only 1.95 billion marks, or more than $700 million in US dollars, which was only double the revenue of the Republic of China government in 1937. However, by 1938, Germany's military spending had reached $17.25 billion, an almost tenfold increase in four years, and by 1944 it had risen to 132.8 billion marks, and Nazi military spending had risen nearly 100 times.

How was the golden decade of the Republic of China Let's look at the decade of Hitler and Stalin

Hitler engaged in the military industry, and his ability to grab money was amazing; Stalin was also a peerless genius in industrial construction, and compared to them, our chairman was far behind, he was only the worst dictator.

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