
Apple's iOS 19 system was exposed: codenamed "Luck"

author:Jane Technology

Apple held the WWDC developer conference on June 11, 2024, at which Apple launched the new iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and other operating systems.

Apple's iOS 19 system was exposed: codenamed "Luck"

According to Apple's past operations, the official version of iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and other systems will be launched in September, so Apple's main job now is to fix various problems in the new system.

However, the new iOS 18 has not yet been released, and now the iOS 19 system has been exposed.

Apple's iOS 19 system was exposed: codenamed "Luck"

According to foreign media reports, Apple has completed the basic software work to be released in 2024, and now iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and other beta versions have been handed over to developers, and then Apple will focus on the development of next year's operating system, including iOS 19, macOS 16, visionOS 3, etc.

苹果也公布了 2025 年操作系统的代号,其中 iOS 19 代号为"Luck"、macOS 16 代号为"Cheer"、visionOS 3 代号为"Discovery"、watchOS 12 代号为"Nepali"。

There may be a friend here who wants to ask, Apple has not even released the official version of iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and other operating systems, why is it starting to study next year's iOS 19 and other systems?

Apple's iOS 19 system was exposed: codenamed "Luck"

In fact, this is the routine operation of major mobile phone manufacturers, because software development takes a long time, in order to ensure the stability and innovation of the new system, so these manufacturers will lay out in advance.

Of course, since iOS 19 is still in its early stages, there are no new features to be introduced, but we will continue to monitor it in the future.

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