
"Story" Master Hanshan: "The guest is coming, the guest is coming"

author:Enlighten a little bit
"Story" Master Hanshan: "The guest is coming, the guest is coming"

Continued above:

To the west of the city is a remote and quiet corner of Luoyang City, and Lotus Lane is famous for the many ponds near it to grow lotus flowers. Now the pointed lotus leaf horns are just emerging in the pool water, swaying gently in the spring breeze.

No. 3 Lotus Lane is a small courtyard with a single family.

There is a small garden in the courtyard, there is also a pool of clear water, planted with lotus flowers, and the house is a two-story small building, although it is not a carved and painted building, and it is splendid; It is also small and exquisite, and it has been renovated, and at a glance, you can see that it is the annex of the rich and wealthy Jinwu.

"Quick! Guests are coming! Zhongli shouted into the house.

Suddenly, a clear and tactful voice came from the corridor: "The guest is coming, the guest is coming......"

It's not like a human voice. Zhong Liming looked at it, it turned out to be a parrot nodding and shouting in the cage under the porch, which was very cute, and Zhong Liming, who had been keeping a straight face, couldn't help but smile.

Hearing Zhong Lizheng's shouting outside, a graceful woman walked out of the house, Zhong Liming was stunned when he saw it, and almost screamed.

It turned out that this woman was actually Wei Zifu's daughter Xiuqi!

Unexpectedly, the eldest brother brought her from Xianyang to Luoyang.

"Ah—it turned out to be Eun Gong......" Xiuzhu also recognized the person who came as Zhong Liming. She felt very embarrassed to meet on such an occasion, her cheeks were red with shyness, and she lowered her head in shame.

When Zhong Liming saw Xiuzhu, his mood was also very complicated. I can't help but think of the time I saw Zhong Gonglian robbing people in Weijiazhuang, and the new grave of Wei Zifu in Mangshan not long ago...... Mrs. Wei told him that her daughter had been taken to other places to earn a living. Unexpectedly, he was brought to Luoyang by his own brother to make such a living.

Judging from Xiuzhu's dress and low-voiced demeanor, she is like a maid. But judging from the thin grease powder on her face and the gold earrings hanging on her ears, she doesn't look like an ordinary inferior person, she completely looks like a concubine in the outer room.

"Big brother!" Zhong Liming felt an impulse and shouted angrily: "Are you worthy of Xiuzhu, sister-in-law and nephew?" ”

Zhong Li was like being drunk on the head, and his face was as red as a pig's lung. Still refusing to admit his mistake, he cried out, "How am I? You say! ”

"I don't say you know it yourself."

"I don't understand anything." Zhong Lizheng still wanted to quibble. "If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiuzhu."

"Ask her?" Zhong Liming looked back at Xiuzhu.

Xiuzhu couldn't stand Zhong Liming's aggressive gaze, so she turned around in shame, and didn't dare to look at Zhong Liming anymore.

"Story" Master Hanshan: "The guest is coming, the guest is coming"

The situation was clear at a glance, and Zhong Liming didn't want to say anything more.

He pointed to the lotus flowers in the pond in the courtyard and said, "Big brother, we are born of one father, and we must not forget the legacy of our ancestors. Although we do business, we still have to be like a lotus flower out of the sludge without staining, and we can't insult our Zhongli family! ”

After speaking, Zhong Liming turned around and left. Zhong Lizheng was so angry that he didn't even say a word about leaving him to eat. Xiuzhu wanted to go forward to persuade a few words, but when she saw the brothers looking like this, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to speak anymore, but just watched this benefactor who would help her family in distress walk out of the door.

Bumped into such an incident in Luoyang, which made Zhong Liming feel extremely bad. He was no longer interested in visiting this ancient city, and decided to leave tomorrow and go north to the border to find an opportunity to serve the country.

"Story" Master Hanshan: "The guest is coming, the guest is coming"

I saw the Yellow River flowing and roaring.

The turbid waves of the yellow and clear are surging from the upstream, overwhelming the mountains and seas, and the huge waves are emptied.

It is now the spring flood season, and the ice and snow in the upstream are slippery and melting, turning into spring water downstream. During the Northwest Plateau, there was a lot of rain, which increased the flow of the Yellow River. The waves rushed and rolled from top to bottom, crashing on both banks, and the riverbed was so full that it was almost impossible to hold on, as if it was in danger of bursting the embankment at any moment.

Zhong Liming stood on the shore. Seeing that the situation on both sides of the strait is dangerous, it is very difficult to cross the choppy Yellow River to the other side.

Even the eagles hovering in the valley spun backwards in fright when they heard the thunderous waves, and a group of apes jumped to the shore and fled backwards with a roar when they saw the waves that seemed to be coming towards them.

What to do? Could it be that he was blocked by the Yellow River and could not go to the northern border?

Zhong Liming still didn't give up, so he walked forward along the riverbank. I hope to find a boat and ferry him to the north shore. However, there was not a single boat, only the dead trees that washed down from the upstream, rolled in the waves and disappeared.

After walking for more than ten miles, I finally found a few families at the foot of the mountain. It was all mud huts, and some thatch and stones were built on them for tiles.

Zhong Liming knocked on the broken door of the first family in the east.

Update tomorrow.