
A community in Guangling County carried out a series of theme activities of "Celebrating July 1st, Not Forgetting the Original Heart, Feeling the Party's Kindness, and Building New Achievements".


In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, review the glorious history of the party, eulogize the great achievements of the party, and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. In the past few days, the general party branch of Xiguan community in Guangling County has carried out a series of activities of "celebrating July 1st, not forgetting the original intention, feeling the party's kindness, and making new contributions", showing the high-spirited spirit of the party members and cadres, and further enhancing the cohesion and centripetal force of the party organization.

A community in Guangling County carried out a series of theme activities of "Celebrating July 1st, Not Forgetting the Original Heart, Feeling the Party's Kindness, and Building New Achievements".

In order to give full play to the role of red culture in casting souls and educating people and cohesion, and encouraging the majority of party members and cadres to further invigorate their spirits and forge ahead, on the morning of June 30, Xiguan community organized all party members to visit the Yanbei Xinghuo Party History Education Exhibition Hall to carry out the celebration of July 1st activity of "revisiting the red memory and forever shouldering the mission of the times". Under the solemn party flag, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party. Party members said that as the most solid force in community construction and development, they will practice the declaration with dedication, set up a benchmark with action, convey warmth with true feelings, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and let the party flag fly high on the front line at the grassroots level.

A community in Guangling County carried out a series of theme activities of "Celebrating July 1st, Not Forgetting the Original Heart, Feeling the Party's Kindness, and Building New Achievements".
A community in Guangling County carried out a series of theme activities of "Celebrating July 1st, Not Forgetting the Original Heart, Feeling the Party's Kindness, and Building New Achievements".

On the occasion of July 1st, the community literary and artistic team also presented a program with the theme of loving the party and the country, expressing the firm belief of the residents in the jurisdiction to always follow the party. The program will be the party's revolutionary history in the singing and crying touching deeds as cultural elements into the performance, everyone put on the Red Army uniform, incarnate the Red Army soldiers who are advancing bravely, experience the hard years of the revolutionary martyrs, feel the fearless revolutionary spirit inspired by the war years, and inspire the party members in the jurisdiction to learn the history of the party and understand the history of the party in the performance, so that the red gene and red culture will be passed on from generation to generation.

A community in Guangling County carried out a series of theme activities of "Celebrating July 1st, Not Forgetting the Original Heart, Feeling the Party's Kindness, and Building New Achievements".
A community in Guangling County carried out a series of theme activities of "Celebrating July 1st, Not Forgetting the Original Heart, Feeling the Party's Kindness, and Building New Achievements".
A community in Guangling County carried out a series of theme activities of "Celebrating July 1st, Not Forgetting the Original Heart, Feeling the Party's Kindness, and Building New Achievements".

Source: Guangling Financial Media (Reporter: Zhang Pengfei)

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