
In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

author:Guanlan Jiangshan History

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In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

Most of the blessings for the New Year are: Wishing you prosperity, all the best, all wishes come true...... These words of blessing express one's blessings to one's family and friends.

But no one thought that an unsmooth New Year's MMS would allow the police to catch the murderer who had been absconding for 21 years.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

What kind of MMS message is it? How did the police solve the mystery?

It all started in 1997.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

Killing people in the street

At around 10 p.m. on 22 August 1997, a man who had apparently drunk a lot of alcohol was wandering the streets.

Everyone saw this staggering drunk man and avoided it one after another, lest he get into some trouble.

The drunk man was walking aimlessly, and suddenly saw a figure, this person was Officer Huang, the head of the bailiff detachment of the local court.

Officer Huang has always been very upright, not afraid of power, and doing his best to maintain the safety of the place, such a person has become the most hated person by the local gangsters.

After the drunk man saw Officer Huang's figure, he thought of his younger brother and told him that he had formed a bond with Officer Huang.

The drunk man wanted to be imposing in front of his younger brother, so he decided to teach Officer Huang a lesson.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

I saw that the drunk man took out a knife and stabbed Officer Huang directly, because the incident happened suddenly, Officer Huang had no defense, and when he wanted to resist, the drunk stabbed him several times, and Officer Huang was killed on the spot.

The surrounding people were stunned by this scene, and only reacted after a moment and immediately called the police.

The drunk man only came to his senses at this time, he realized that he had killed someone, and hurriedly fled the scene.

The police immediately rushed to the scene of the crime after receiving the police call, and when they found that the deceased was Officer Huang, everyone was shocked, who was so arrogant, killing people on the street, and killing a people's policeman.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

The identity of a drunkard

According to the description of eyewitnesses, the suspect is the gangster.

This little old five's real name is Zhang Mouwu, because Wu is similar to the pronunciation of five, so he is called little old five.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

Zhang Mouwu was born in a very wealthy family, his father was the president of the local court, and his brother was a public security policeman.

Zhang Mouwu is the youngest child in the family and has always been pampered, so his personality is very arrogant, and his father and brother support him behind his back, causing him to be arrogant and domineering.

As long as Zhang Mouwu encounters something unpleasant, he will directly do it with someone, and even if the other party calls the police, it will be useless.

Earlier, Zhang Mouwu was sentenced to prison twice for theft, but he was released within two days.

Everyone knows that Zhang Mouwu has a father and a brother to settle everything for him, which also leads to him becoming more and more lawless.

Slowly, Zhang Mouwu became a local bully, and he also accepted a lot of subordinates.

When his name was mentioned locally, people avoided it, and no one wanted to provoke such a bully.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found
In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found


On August 22, 1997, Zhang Mouwu drank too much alcohol and happened to meet Officer Huang, who wanted to be majestic in front of his subordinates, so the opening scene appeared.

Zhang Mouwu was shocked when he killed Officer Huang, even though he usually did all kinds of evil, but he didn't kill anyone.

He still knew the truth of killing for his life, so he immediately fled the scene.

Even if Zhang Mouwu escaped, the people around him still recognized him.

The police quickly set up a task force to investigate the case.

Although the police immediately arrested him, they still did not find any trace of Zhang Mouwu.

In that era when there was no surveillance, it was difficult to find a person to log in, so the best time to arrest was missed.

Since then, as if there is no such person as Zhang Mouwu, the police have spent a lot of police force and still have no clues.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

The police felt that Zhang Mouwu was able to successfully abscond, and Zhang's family must have helped, but there was no evidence, so they could only stare at the nervous family.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

The road to chasing the murderer

In 2018, Jilin Province restarted the investigation of the "August 23 homicide case" that had not been solved for many years.

The Baicheng City Public Security Bureau attached great importance to this case and specially appointed Ren Chuang, deputy head of the Criminal Police Brigade, to set up a special case team.

For many years, the murder of Officer Huang has been a pain in the hearts of the Taobei District police. They have never given up on finding the murderer, and as long as there is a clue, they will go all out to search.

Due to various reasons, Officer Huang's case has not been able to make a breakthrough, which makes everyone very frustrated.

Under the leadership of Ren Chuang and others, the special case group began to conduct in-depth analysis and research on this case.

They combed through all the clues of the case, investigated the suspects one by one, and formulated a detailed investigation plan.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

The "August 23 Murder Case" lasted 21 years, and Ren Chuang and his task force faced tremendous challenges.

The passage of time has led to significant changes in the suspect's appearance and identity, and the suspect may have been deliberately hiding, making the pursuit extremely difficult.

After many discussions and studies, the special case group sorted out ideas for handling cases that might produce clues.

They decided to focus on Zhang's family and see if they could find any useful clues.

In contact with Zhang's family, Zhang's family has always said that they will actively cooperate with the police investigation.

Will the Zhang family, who doted on Zhang Mouwu like that, really cooperate with the police?

I also know that this is impossible, but if they could have stopped Zhang Mouwu's criminal behavior earlier, the tragedy of Officer Huang would not have happened.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

Ren Chuang and the others also knew this, they did not let go of any possible clues, and dealt with the Zhang family many times, and finally Zhang Mouwu's brother said that he leaked his mouth.

Zhang Mouwu's brother said that he heard that Zhang Mouwu had already died of illness.

This made Ren Chuang realize that the Zhang family must have a connection with Zhang Mouwu, but there was no evidence, so they decided to expand the scope.

Investigate the mobile phone information of people who are related to Zhang Mouwu, hoping to find something.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found


Ren Chuang led the team members to verify and check the thousands of messages on their mobile phones one by one, and finally, found a special MMS message in these messages.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

This MMS is a New Year's message sent during the Chinese New Year, and there is a picture and a text in the MMS, and it is these words that make everyone suspicious.

The content of the text is: Nanhe Mountaintop, both civil and military, on the occasion of this festival, send wishes.

This text can be said to be completely unrelated to New Year's greetings, especially the words Nanhe, mountaintop, and civil and military, which make people scratch their heads.

Ren Chuang felt that this might be the code of Zhang Mouwu and his family, so he pondered this text repeatedly.

Suddenly, he thought that Zhang Mouwu had no culture, and it was impossible to use such an obscure code, could it be an inverted sentence.

The Nanhe River is Henan in turn, and the top of the mountain is the top mountain in turn, and there is a Pingding Mountain in Henan, and the civil and military shuangquan refers to Zhang Mouwu.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

Ren Chuang guessed that Zhang Mouwu might be hiding somewhere in Pingdingshan, so he led the team to Pingdingshan immediately.

The mobile company found that the person who sent this text message was named Zhang Wen, and Zhang Wen's ID card showed that the date of birth was the same day as Zhang Mouwu.

Zhang Wen also went to Taonan a few years ago, which made Ren Chuang even more suspicious that Zhang Wen was Zhang Mouwu.

After Ren Chuang saw Zhang Wen's photo, he was even more sure that he was Zhang Mouwu, because he was very similar to Zhang Mouwu's brother.

After identifying the suspect, Ren Chuang immediately arrested him.

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

Zhang Mouwu, who has been absconding for 21 years, never thought that he would be arrested by the police because of an MMS message.

Although justice is late, the villain Zhang Mouwu was sentenced to death, and the case is finally over.


In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found


[1] Baicheng, Jilin: The suspect stabbed to death the judge and absconded for 21 years and was arrested for a "riddle" - Yangzhou Guangling Procuratorate

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found

[2] An MMS message unravels the murderer who has been on the run for 21 years: Jilin Baicheng "08.23" homicide case investigation documentary-Qinhuai Political Law

In 2018, the man received a 16-word New Year's message, and the police: The murder fugitive 21 years ago has finally been found