
The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

author:Guanlan Jiangshan History

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The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

The issue of old-age care, especially the needs of the elderly for companionship in life, is a more complex topic.

In the traditional concept of the mainland, "raising children and preventing old age" has become a kind of guarantee for many people's pension.

However, due to various reasons, many children are unable to accompany their parents, which also leads to a lot of empty nesters.

At this time, a new type of pension has emerged, which is called "group pension".

Is this new pension model really good?

Today, we will analyze this problem with a real case.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

Decided to retire in a group

Aunt Wu and her wife Uncle Li have a son and a daughter, the son is doing business abroad all the year round, and the daughter is also studying abroad.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

Aunt Wu and Uncle Li's combined pensions are about 10,000 yuan, and they don't have to worry about their basic life at all, but the life of the old couple is very lonely.

Except for grocery shopping, Aunt Wu rarely goes out. Uncle Li is not a lively person, and the two usually listen to the radio and watch the news at home.

There is also less communication between Aunt Wu and Uncle Li, after all, they have lived together for most of their lives, how can they have so much to talk about?

One day, Aunt Wu saw a news on her mobile phone, talking about the topic of "group pension", that is, inviting like-minded elderly people to care for the elderly together.

This news attracted the attention of Aunt Wu, and Aunt Wu later learned about the matter of "group pension" in detail.

It is understood that this is a pension model initiated by foreign countries, which is very popular abroad.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

Aunt Wu and Uncle Li said: Our family is so big, just the two of us are too wasteful, why don't we find a few people to live with, it will definitely be more lively than now, what do you think?

When Uncle Li heard Aunt Wu's words, he thought about it for a while and felt that it made sense, so the two discussed it like this.

After some discussion, Aunt Wu decided to find her friend Zhang Lan to come and live with her.

Aunt Wu and Zhang Lan have known each other for more than 30 years, and they feel that the other party fully meets their requirements for residents.

Uncle Li thought it was good, so Aunt Wu contacted the other party to take a look.

Aunt Wu contacted Zhang Lan, and Zhang Lan and her wife, Uncle Chen's children, were also working in other places and rarely went home, so they thought Aunt Wu's idea was good, so they readily agreed.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

The two couples sat together and discussed the future pension plan, personal expenses, utilities and other expenses were listed.

During the chat, Uncle Li learned that Uncle Chen liked to play chess as much as he did, which made Uncle Li very happy, and he could play chess with Uncle Chen at any time in the future.

Aunt Wu and Aunt Zhang were also very happy, and they discussed planting some flowers and vegetables in the small yard in front of the door.

In this way, Aunt Zhang and Uncle Chen dragged their luggage in, and the two old couples began their group retirement life.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

Contradictions are first seen

After the two families lived together, Uncle Li and Uncle Chen often played chess together, and Aunt Wu and Aunt Zhang also had endless words.

However, this harmonious and beautiful life did not last long.

In a room, everyone looked up and didn't look down, and soon there was a conflict.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

Aunt Wu is a bit of a cleanliness fetish, she hung a towel for herself in the bathroom, but recently she found out that this towel has been used.

This made Aunt Wu, who was a little clean, unacceptable, but it was not easy to say anything, so she changed it.

As a result, a few days later, Aunt Wu found that her towel was used again, and she took the towel and asked Aunt Zhang if she used her own towel.

Aunt Zhang asked her wife, Uncle Zhang, and learned that he accidentally used it, and Aunt Zhang apologized to Aunt Wu embarrassedly.

Aunt Wu didn't mean to see that they didn't mean to, so she didn't say anything, and the matter was over.

But Aunt Wu found that Aunt Zhang was throwing things and watching TV with a loud noise, and Uncle Zhang often wandered around at home shirtless, and he wouldn't lift the toilet when he went to the toilet.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

It was difficult for Aunt Wu to accept their behavior, so she told her wife Uncle Li about this, but what she didn't expect was that Uncle Li actually said that she was cautious.

Aunt Wu was very uncomfortable, Uncle Li didn't understand her, and said about her, which made her reflect on whether she was really like Uncle Li said?

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

Contradictions erupted

On this day, Uncle Chen forgot to flush it when he went to the toilet, and Aunt Wu couldn't bear it anymore, so she had a quarrel with Aunt Zhang and his wife.

Since that day, Aunt Wu has often stayed alone in the room, but Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang have a very good relationship.

In this regard, Aunt Wu was very depressed, looking at the three of them happily, she felt that she was isolated by them.

Aunt Wu wanted Uncle Li to watch TV and listen to the radio with her as before, but Uncle Li often stayed with Aunt Zhang.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

This is not the most excessive thing, what makes Aunt Wu unacceptable is that she finds that there is something wrong between her wife, Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang.

In the past, Aunt Zhang was not a person who loved to dress up, but recently, Aunt Zhang has become very delicate and has begun to wear makeup and dress up.

Aunt Wu found the eyebrows between Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang many times, and she told Uncle Chen about it, but Uncle Chen said that Aunt Wu thought too much, and he believed that Aunt Zhang was not such a person.

Aunt Wu didn't think she was thinking too much, after all, she had found that something was wrong between the two of them more than once.

When Aunt Wu saw Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang sitting together and chatting again, Aunt Wu had a big fight with them, and scolded Aunt Zhang for being shameless and seducing her wife.

No matter how everyone persuaded her, Aunt Wu didn't listen, and she smashed everything in the house.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

This time the conflict was not so easy to solve, and Aunt Zhang and Uncle Chen also felt that something would happen if they lived together again, so they dragged their luggage to their own house that afternoon.

Aunt Wu, who calmed down, was also wondering if she was too sensitive, but things had already happened, and it was pointless to say more.

Besides, whether they think too much about it or not, only they know it in their own hearts.

Aunt Wu felt that even if nothing happened between them at that time, it was difficult to guarantee that it would not happen in the future, so she didn't dare to bet.

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

Netizens are hotly discussed

Many people have their own opinions on the topic of group pension.

Some netizens feel that living together will definitely have contradictions. Even people who have been with them for decades will have some contradictions, let alone others?

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone

Some netizens said that "group pension" is not such a simple thing, everyone's living habits, personal qualities, etc. are different, which is unavoidable.

If children are with the elderly, they will not have the idea of grouping for the elderly.

In a limited time, I still want my children to spend more time with their parents, which is what they want most.


The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone


[1] What are the risks of the beautiful "group pension"-Xinhuanet

The two couples supported the elderly in less than half a year, and the 64-year-old aunt cried: The wife was almost gone