
Carry the banner! Why did the European Iron Lady become the vanguard of anti-Russia

author:Wang Gongzi's wealth circle
Carry the banner! Why did the European Iron Lady become the vanguard of anti-Russia

I decided to open a separate article to tell you about a person:

The Iron Lady of Europe: Estonian Prime Minister Kallas.

This lady has just been nominated for the post of the EU's top diplomat, and it can be said that her opinion still has a very big impact on the EU.

Kallas is the Prime Minister of Estonia and has lived through the former Soviet Union and later the collapse of the Soviet Union, where her father served as Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.

Carry the banner! Why did the European Iron Lady become the vanguard of anti-Russia

From an early age, she was influenced by her father's politics, which laid the foundation for her later political career.

According to media reports, Kaya Kalas was only 11 years old when her father took her to East Berlin in 1988, not far from the Berlin Wall, when they looked at West Berlin together.

Her father's influence on her was very great, and from his father's mouth you could feel his dissatisfaction with Soviet rule, as well as his desire for freedom and democracy, because the reality was hot in front of him.

Carry the banner! Why did the European Iron Lady become the vanguard of anti-Russia

One East Germany, the other West Germany, the same land, the standard of living of the people is very different, one is full of violence and hatred, the other is free and open.

As an independent sovereign state, Estonia has been ravaged by Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union in its history.

Estonia was ruled by the Russian Empire for more than 200 years, beginning in 1710. On February 24, 1918, independence was declared and the Republic of Estonia was established. The next day, the Germans occupied Tallinn. In November of the same year, Soviet Russia declared sovereignty over Estonia.
In February 1920, Soviet Russia recognized the independence of Estonia. In August 1939, the Soviet-German Union signed a secret treaty that included Estonia in the Soviet sphere of influence

During World War II, the Soviet Union signed the "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact" with Nazi Germany for its own interests, and even vainly wanted to divide its sphere of influence with Germany and jointly expand its borders.

What I didn't expect was that Hitler's ambitions would not stop there.

Carry the banner! Why did the European Iron Lady become the vanguard of anti-Russia

The Soviet Union did not expect that Germany would shoot at itself and directly press the border.

Interestingly, when the German army marched into Estonia, the Estonian masses cheered and danced, believing that Germany had come to liberate them, and even openly turned against the water and joined the German army against the Soviet Union.

This embarrassed the USSR and greatly annoyed it. I don't understand what the Soviet Union did to make Estonia hate it so much, and it must have endured all kinds of torture, suffered from the obscenity of the Soviet Union for many years, and finally the opportunity came.

Carry the banner! Why did the European Iron Lady become the vanguard of anti-Russia

The final result may be clear to everyone, because of the participation of the United States during World War II, the war ended faster, and the Soviet Union won the victory.

The Soviet Union's cruel treatment of Estonians, most of those who rebelled against the Soviet Union at that time were executed, and the rest were exiled to Siberia, which is a human tragedy.

By 1952, the proportion of Estonians in the republic had fallen from 90 per cent in 1941 to 48 per cent.

Estonia's real chance of independence and freedom came after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when they regained themselves, their own territory, their independent personality, and their free spirit.

Russian troops on the territory of Estonia were completely withdrawn in 1994.

Estonia joined the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 2004 and became a member of the Schengen Convention on 21 December 2007

It can be said that Estonia lived in the shadow of Soviet rule until it became an independent and sovereign state.

Carry the banner! Why did the European Iron Lady become the vanguard of anti-Russia

Since joining the EU and NATO, the economy has continued to develop, and national security has been guaranteed by NATO, which can be said to have soared, which can be understood:

Why is the Estonian Iron Lady not afraid of Russia at all. (Economically developed, safe and secure)

Now, as one of the supreme leaders of the European Union, she does not believe that Russia's victory over Ukraine can stop her, and she is all too familiar with Russia's history.

Carry the banner! Why did the European Iron Lady become the vanguard of anti-Russia

Therefore, she believes that the Russian-Ukrainian war is not only aimed at Ukraine, but also includes the world order and the European security framework, which is very sober.

Russia is also focusing on this anti-Russian vanguard.

It has always been included in the important list of wanted people in Russia.

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