
@青城文旅 Being "named" at the conference is an incentive

author:Blue-orange melter

On June 30, the 2024 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Tourism Development Conference was held at the Thousand People Conference Center of the Elechuan Grassland in our city. At the conference, Hohhot was frequently "named", which can be said to have attracted enough attention. First, the concert called for "style" service and was praised by the meeting; Second, among the ten tourist routes released, some scenic spots in Hohhot were recommended to the world as the first route separately; Third, when the construction achievements of the four tourism places were displayed and promoted, the campsites in Hohhot such as the Covenant of the Flower Sea and Yunxian were displayed on the big screen as the main campsites.

@青城文旅 Being "named" at the conference is an incentive

First, let's talk about the commonalities of these three "roll calls". Whether it is the "style" service of the concert, or the separate line of scenic spots, or the recommended campsites, these are the concrete embodiment of Hohhot's advantages in cultural and tourism activities. For example, in the "style" service of the concert, Hohhot diverted 50,000 people in half an hour, which is inseparable from the support of hardware infrastructure such as road traffic and other aspects, as well as refined urban management. In recent years, Hohhot has worked hard to build a three-dimensional transportation system, expand the traffic circle, and continuously optimize the travel of citizens, so the advantages of Hohhot can be reflected at such a critical moment as the concert, and the difference of the "style" service can be shown.

@青城文旅 Being "named" at the conference is an incentive

Seizing the advantages, developing their own characteristics, and meeting the experience needs of tourists is one of the most effective shortcuts to "get out of the circle" in the era of national cultural tourism. For example, the low temperature and long freezing time in winter are the climatic advantages of Harbin, and by taking advantage of this advantage, Harbin has developed ice and snow into a characteristic tourism industry, which has successfully attracted tourism enthusiasts from all over the country. Another example is Gansu Tianshui's out of the circle, although what is shown in front of people's eyes is a bowl of Malatang, but Malatang can be out of the circle, and it also has its own unique advantages, one of the secrets is to use local ingredients. It can be said that the dismantling of the three words of Malatang is all a specialty of Tianshui.

Of course, the advantage only provides more possibilities for "getting out of the circle", and whether it can be "out of the circle" in the end depends on what kind of emotional value the city brings to tourists. Tourism is the carrier of culture, and culture is the soul of tourism. With the upgrading of tourism consumption, people's tourism needs are more diversified and personalized, and tourism is no longer just about "seeing the mountains and rivers and seeing the scenery", but increasingly changing to "viewing literature and history, and experiencing life". Joy in the experience and spiritual and emotional satisfaction in the experience.

Hohhot has its own advantages, how to develop the advantages into characteristics, meet the spiritual and emotional needs of tourists when traveling, and get more positive experiences? In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the highest level of need is the need for self-actualization. The author believes that the emotional needs and emotional consumption of tourists in the current travel experience are a manifestation of people's needs for self-realization. For example, in the process of traveling, many people look forward to self-healing through travel experiences. Many people said in an interview, "It's fun and comfortable" "Try more novel ways to travel, mobilize your positive emotions, and forget about unpleasantness." According to the data of the "2023 Xiaohongshu City Walk Trend Report", in the first half of 2023, searches related to City walk on the Xiaohongshu App increased by more than 30 times year-on-year, and soothing mood is one of the main reasons why everyone chooses to take a city walk.

@青城文旅 Being "named" at the conference is an incentive

Then, in such a situation, aiming at the emotional value of tourists, telling good stories, meeting the inner emotional needs of tourists, and triggering emotional resonance is one of the key directions of cultural tourism development. Of course, providing emotional value is also inseparable from the blessing of experience, and it is important to trigger new scenes and create a sense of atmosphere. We hope that Hohhot can "get out of the circle" and be "named" by more people, but we look forward to Hohhot becoming bigger and stronger with its own advantages, telling the story of Hohhot, and making cultural tourism truly a scene for the happy life of ordinary people, so that the "circle" will not be broken.

丨Source: Qingcheng Rong Media (Wang Ying) The picture comes from Xu Ting