
Recommended, all the way north today~

author:Blue-orange melter

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are all writing the light of civilization

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Experience a journey through red memories

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Red Memory




Recommended, all the way north today~

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Ulanfu Memorial Hall→ Duosongnian Martyrs Memorial Hall→ Red Memory Compound of Moni Mountain Intangible Cultural Heritage Town→ Daqingshan Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Base Exhibition Hall→ Daqingshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery

Ulanf Memorial

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Scenic Introduction: Wulanfu Memorial Hall is located in Xinhua West Street, Hohhot, in the Municipal Botanical Garden, is a modern building with unique national style and Chinese classical architectural characteristics. The Ulanfu Memorial Hall focuses on the glorious journey of Comrade Ulanfu from his birth to embarking on the revolutionary road and finally becoming a time-tested communist fighter.

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Dosong Nian Martyrs Memorial Hall

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Scenic Introduction: Duo Song Nian Martyrs Memorial Hall is composed of the main house, the east wing room and the south room, is an ordinary rural courtyard, the former residence is a traditional residential building in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the display content is based on the revolutionary activities engaged in by the martyrs of Duo Song Nian, there are more than 20 physical objects and more than 80 pictures on display. The Duo Song Nian Martyrs Memorial Hall shows the growth process of Duo Song Nian from his youth to his education, to receiving progressive ideological education, and finally accepting Marx and communist ideas, and becoming one of the early Mongolian Communist Party members and a staunch proletarian vanguard fighter.

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The Red Memory Compound of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Town of Moni Mountain

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Scenic Introduction: Moni Mountain Intangible Cultural Heritage Town perfectly integrates intangible cultural heritage inheritance + intangible cultural heritage project display + cultural creativity + eco-tourism, which not only realizes the functions of intangible cultural heritage inheritance, research and development, red culture, patriotism education, and labor education to expand the research base, but also creates a comprehensive characteristic scenic spot integrating accommodation, catering, sightseeing, leisure and vacation. In 2021, it was rated as a national 4A-level tourist attraction.

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Daqingshan Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Base Area Exhibition Hall

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Scenic Introduction: "Wuyuan Victory" is the first battle of the Chinese army to recover the lost territory since the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, known as "laying the foundation for recovering the lost land and expelling the Japanese invaders", and smashed the strategic ambition of the Japanese invaders to move westward and guaranteed the northwest. Later, the Wuyuan County Government carried out restoration and repair at the original site, and the main project of the memorial park is composed of seven parts: archway, monument, inscription wall, tomb, left and right exhibition halls, Fu Zuoyi theme statue square and cemetery connection road. It has been rated as the fourth batch of key cultural relics protection units in the region, and an autonomous region-level patriotic education base, which is an important base for patriotic education and red tourism.

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Daqingshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery

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Scenic Introduction: An important area of the anti-Japanese struggle in Daqingshan. It is a classic scenic spot of red cultural tourism in Wuchuan County. Daqingshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery is located in the west beam of Qianjie Village, Jingergou Village Committee, Daqingshan Township. Covering a total area of about 2,000 square meters, the cemetery sits north to south, surrounded by mountains, the front yard is the Daqingshan Revolutionary History Memorial Hall covering an area of 500 square meters, the memorial hall is rich in content and detailed, and perfectly reproduces the blood and fire years of the Daqingshan Anti-Japanese War.

Recommended, all the way north today~

Red Memory

Praise the great cause of the founding of the party

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It has numerous revolutionary sites

Step into the red tourist resort

Follow the red trail

Continue the red spirit flowing in the veins

Recommended, all the way north today~

丨Source: Qingcheng Financial Media (some pictures come from the official account, Cultural Tourism Qingcheng, data map)