
These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

author:Hero Chen Xiaobai

Police and gangster movies are TVB's ace dramas, and Sir and Madam in them are even more professional and dedicated, with extraordinary temperament.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

Many viewers wonder why TVB's police are so handsome, in addition to their acting skills, there is actually another possibility, that is, they were originally policemen.

01 Ma De Zhong

TVB's classic police officer is indispensable to the captain of the Flying Tigers played by Ma Dezhong, with a height of more than one meter and eight meters, a model-like figure, a refreshing and capable face, and a well-trained professional police temperament.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

But in fact, Ma Dezhong was already a police officer before he entered the industry, and he was still a G4 special policeman, that is, a police officer responsible for protecting visiting political dignitaries, heads of state and senior officials in Hong Kong.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

Ma Dezhong not only plays the policeman, but also plays the doctor and firefighter professionals, and sure enough, the person who has been a special police officer is Niu Bi.

02 Lin Jiahua

People who often watch TVB must be no stranger to Lin Jiahua, he is TVB's golden supporting role, and he is also the top three artists with the worst TVB skin.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

Lin Jiahua's role as a policeman is not prominent, but what stands out is the traitorous role of "Iron Horse Looking for the Bridge", but in fact, he was also a policeman before entering the industry.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

He also won the Silver Rooster Award, the highest honor, at the Police Training School, and after becoming a policeman, he also served as the host of "Junior Police Training".

03 Lin Baoyi

Lin Baoyi doesn't need to introduce much, whether it is Zeng Jiayuan in "Forensic Records" or Yao Xuechen in "Mind Reading Detective", all the police roles he has played are charming.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

Before Lin Baoyi entered the industry, she not only worked as a police officer in the PTU mobile unit, but also worked as a firefighter, band drummer, etc., with such rich life experience, no wonder her acting skills are so down-to-earth, and every role is played naturally and realistically.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

It is said that Lin Baoyi will come back to TVB this year to shoot the new drama "Criminal Investigation 12", let's look forward to it together.

04 Zhang Jiahui

Zhang Jiahui was admitted to the "Royal Hong Kong Police Junior Training School" when he was more than ten years old, and after graduation, he worked as a patrol officer for 4 years, and later resigned to join the entertainment industry because he wanted to be transferred to a criminal police officer without success.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

Although Zhang Jiahui has the experience of being a police officer and has played many police roles after entering the industry, he has never become popular.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

It wasn't until the appearance of the movie "Witness" that Zhang Jiahui finally got ahead, and the role he played in "Witness" was a robber hostile to the police, and his fate really made people.

05 Huang Zhixian

Wong Chi-yin, who has served in ATV and TVB and has acted for decades, was also a member of the Hong Kong police and a classmate of Ma Dezhong at the Police Academy.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

Huang Zhixian's most impressive roles are all related to the police, such as the renegade undercover spicy ginger in "Stealth Sniper", the black police villain Pan Xueli in "Thunder Sweeping Drugs", Cheng Yusen in "Iron Detective" and so on.

These TVB actors were police officers before their debut, and they played police officers after their debut, can they be regarded as returning to their old jobs?

Huang Zhixian, who is now nearly sixty, still has a proud figure of 40-inch chest muscles and eight-pack abs, and sure enough, professionally trained people are different!