
Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

author:Gu Sheng explained

debuted as a child star, what stars can you think of? may be the first thing that comes to mind is the two actors Zhang Yishan and Yang Zi. They have appeared in the public eye since "Family with Children", and now they are still persisting on this road and creating more works.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

And Yang Tong, who was once the most popular young actor in the 80s, gave up this hot acting opportunity and successfully became a diplomat to contribute to the country.

How many parents want their son to become Jackie Chan, if there is a talented child like Yang Tong, most of them will let their children continue to follow this path and create a road to success for him. However, Yang Tong's parents were very supportive of his choice and chose another path when his resources were at their best.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

In 1979, 8-year-old Yang Tong accompanied his brother to audition for "Who is the Most Can", but was favored by the director at a glance. resolutely wanted to invite Yang Tong to participate in this drama, and Yang Tong's performance did not disappoint the director, and better showed the character image.

Even the directors and producers who watched from the sidelines were very satisfied, thinking that Yang Tong was born to eat this bowl of rice, and he was very aura since he was a child, and he could perform in such a natural state. A small actor like Yang Tong is rare, and he has also gained great popularity in this drama.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

Many people have also known Yang Tong, and Yang Tong's life has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Originally, Yang Tong wanted to live a simple life like children of the same age. Now Yang Tong's childhood is about to be occupied by acting, and after standing out from the drama "Who Can Be the Best", Yang Tong's acting path is getting wider and wider.

Yang Tong was just an ordinary child at the beginning, he was born in Qingdao and was born in this world in 1971. Yang Tong has been a lively and clever child since he was a child, living in a loving family. It's really rare for a child as smart as him.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

In the most carefree time, play with a group of children. His childhood was so splendid, no one could have thought that Yang Tong had such a talent, and he didn't know that he would take the road of acting in the future.

The closest thing to acting is probably watching those actors play a character vividly on TV, some characters who seem to come out of a book. Only these experiences can also make Yang Tong shine in the entertainment industry, isn't this innate. His future is bright, and the future is limitless.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

And Yang Tong is really well-known after the broadcast of "The Tenth Bullet Hole", and his wonderful performance has made countless viewers full of praise. He became a hot child star, and his success changed his life in a new way.

He is very different from his peers, but it doesn't seem to be relevant to his future path. Many young actors who debut as child stars are also very likely to engage in this industry when they grow up. But Yang Tong is different, he is not complacent because of his achievements in his acting career, but has a greater career in his heart.

Becoming a diplomat is something we never thought about. This inevitably makes us think about Yang Tong, who was once an actor who won many awards at a very young age. After Yang Tong became famous, the script he received has not been interrupted. He has played a very meaningful and valuable drama "Four Little Friends", so he has received a lot of praise.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

In 1982, Yang Tong also won the Outstanding Child Actor Award for "The Flying Crane", he has worked with many big-name stars, and he should have been a soaring star in the entertainment industry. He debuted young, has a lot of experience, and has accumulated a lot of resources, which are his advantages, but his achievements in his acting career ended at the age of 14.

After the age of fourteen, Yang Tong did not appear on the big screen, which is a pity for many people. Even many people are speculating about what caused Yang Tong to stop acting? In 1984, "The Magical Sword Tower" was the last drama in his life. Although he is young, he has been debuting for several years and has been ahead of many people.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

Yang Tong chose to quit the showbiz at his peak, and many people were very puzzled. Such an opportunity is something that many people can't find with a lantern, but Yang Tong can give up calmly, which is also a kind of courage. He spends all his time studying, and only by studying can he realize his dreams.

That acting experience was just an episode in Yang Tong's life, and it did not constitute his entire life. Because he had another choice in life, Yang Tong was admitted to Beijing Second Foreign Language University with outstanding foreign language results. As he matures, he becomes clear about his goals.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

And he has been working hard towards this goal, he has left behind the path of an actor, and Yang Tong has a new future in his eyes. Because of that actor's experience, he also added a lot of troubles. There are always classmates around him who recognize him as the actor and care about his current situation.

In the explanation again and again, Yang Tong was also more sure that his path was correct. Those emotions that should have been cut off are to be reaped, and he has to run towards the new rising sun. The future is unknown, and all he can do is to take the current path well.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

In the end, Yang Tong became an excellent diplomat, and when the mainland negotiated with other countries, these diplomats represented our Chinese attitude. What an honorable profession, but with great responsibility comes a great deal of responsibility, because diplomats represent not only individuals, but all Chinese.

Since Yang Tong joined the company, his work has been very good, no less than his excellence in acting career. He served as the head of the second group of overseas Chinese affairs at the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, and also held other positions. He has never smeared us internationally, on the contrary, his eloquent and generous speech can better reflect the posture of a major mainland country.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

Although it was a different path, Yang Tong did not abandon the chaos at the beginning, but showed it in front of us with a new look, how shocking. From Yang Tong, we can see that knowledge is above all else. There have been many child stars who have debuted, some will continue to persist in the entertainment industry, and some will find another way.

However, the entertainment industry is an unpredictable circle, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, whether this road can protect one's life is still unknown, or it is more practical to have a full stomach of knowledge. Yang Tong did it, he did not let his dream become a regret, but realized it step by step and became a better person.

Famous child star Yang Tong: A smash hit in the 80s, he didn't follow the film when he grew up and became a diplomat

Finally, we hope that through the story of Yang Tong, more people will not be affected by interests and leave regrets when facing their dreams, and they will only do what they want to do once in life, and getting what they want is the greatest satisfaction.

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