
Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

author:Audiovisual frontline

God-given marriage, "Liu Guozheng" never dreamed that he would meet the "other half" of his life on the "marriage bridge" in Lugu Lake!

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

The wedding bridge on Lugu Lake

Lugu Lake, at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan, has always had poetic names such as "Oriental Daughter Country", "Where Immortals Live", "The Last Pure Land of Matriarchal Clans" and so on. It's not the first time I've been here. I really like the unique tranquility here, so I come back and forth. I really want to embrace the rippling blue water of this lake again and again, it is so clear and pure that it will make your whole mind become very quiet and quiet all at once. It's very much like the lakeside town of Hallstadt, Austria, that I once cherished so much. After breakfast, I went to wander around the lakeside, and of course I listened to Mozart's piano sonata in the Bluetooth headset, which was also quiet and tranquil. Suddenly, I felt that someone behind me hit me violently, and immediately rushed out of a very loud Shanghai dialect: Zhao Jianren, Allah has been a colleague a long time ago, and Nong still remembers me?

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

Drunken beauty Lugu Lake

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

Princess Island in Lugu Lake

Oops, Nong is "Liu Guozheng"! How can you forget? Of course, this "Liu Guozheng" is naturally not the famous world champion in the national table tennis team, but a young man in his unit more than ten years ago. At that time, I was working in a trade union. Leaders like to play table tennis, and it is better to be happy alone than to be happy with everyone. The union went to buy a double happiness table tennis table, and in his spare time he came to play ball with everyone. Suddenly, a well-mannered young man also came to play. His skills are similar to ours, and everyone wins and loses. At that time, Chinese table tennis had begun to dominate the world, but the hegemony was still very unstable, and occasionally even the team championship would be won by others once or twice, so there were still more people who were happy to watch the game. I remember that in the semifinals of the 2001 World Table Tennis Championships, the Chinese team and the South Korean team faced off. At a very critical and tense moment, Liu Guozheng came on the court, and he actually saved 7 match points in the game, miraculously helping the Chinese team that was already standing on the edge of the cliff to win, enter the finals, and finally win the team championship. At work the next day, everyone met this college student surnamed Lin, why did they suddenly not know each other? Why do you look more and more like Liu Guozheng on TV last night? Even his posture, movements, eyes and temperament when he plays the ball are very much like the world champion Liu Guozheng in the national team! Since then, everyone in the unit likes to play with him, and when he fights, he fights like crazy. If I lose, I lose to a member of the national team, and I deserve it; If you win, you'll be as happy as beating the World Champion!

A hearty laugh, accompanied by a tight hug between the two. I've found you, one of Shanghai's famous enthusiasts! He started calling me: Mr. Zhao. I've read so many of your articles in magazines, and of course I should call it that. It turned out that according to his father's instructions, he came to Sino-Ocean Company to train for two years, then went to graduate school for a doctorate, and after graduation, he came here to set up a studio. As before, when he is not playing, he is still a little fairy, and he still likes to write, paint and carve, and now he is here to engage in garden design for others, and his income is good. He also has a small room with a set of stereos, and he can listen to classical music by himself. Therefore, I hope I have time to go to his place to listen and carefully tune his sound by the way. We walked along the blue lake, watched the white water birds fly off and land, watched the wild ducks slowly swim in the water, and watched a unique aquatic plant in the lake here, the water-based sunflower, and there was a story of their respective life experiences over the years.

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

Birds fly to Lugu Lake

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

Birds in Lugu Lake

Get on a unique "pig trough boat" and walk slowly towards "Princess Island". When the boat went far offshore, "Liu Guozheng" said to me: Look at the bright and dusty lake here, I think of Mozart, and I think of the beautiful and charming Austria that you wrote about Mr. Zhao...... So he told me the story of his father and a Mozart record.

Ala's grandparents are both professors at Tongji University. Tongji and the Germans are inextricably linked. At that time, there was a German-made tube radio with a socket in the back that could be connected to a record player. Grandpa went to buy a record player to play and listen to records, and there were more than a dozen vinyl records made in the Soviet Union or the mainland. Suddenly, somehow, the grandparents in the house went to the countryside, and my father was only a teenager at that time, and he was bored at home alone, so he put on the record to listen to it to relieve his boredom. He pulled out a record at random, but it was a Chinese record, which was Beethoven's "Passion Sonata" played by Yin Chengzong, and the reverse side of the record was also Mozart's "Sonata in C major" K330 played by him. I only saw a passage printed on the record paper sleeve, which was the passionate praise of the revolutionary mentor Lenin for the "Passion Sonata". He was relieved to turn up the volume very boldly, alas, listening to music like this is really enjoyable! After listening to "Passion", I didn't seem to feel anything for a while; Just flip the record over and listen to Mozart's K330. Suddenly, these mischievous, light and beating black notes suddenly formed a beautiful and fresh melody line, like a burst of tender green spring breeze blowing in the depths of the forest, slowly integrated into his body, licking and caressing his young and young heart, licking and caressing, and then gently holding it up, holding it up, and sublimating to a clear and bright realm......

As a result, the B-side of the record, Mozart's K330, was full of noise, and the piano grew fainter until it disappeared.

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

United Kingdom Sunny After Rain M40.3 XD loudspeaker

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

Italian vocal rhyme post-stage guts

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

Italian vocal pre-level guts

"The boat is far away with a light boat, and the wind is fluttering with a blowing clothes." It turned out that the father of my colleague from Xiaolin was also admitted to Tongji University after the reform and opening up, and he was fortunate to be a disciple of the famous garden expert Chen Congzhou when he was in graduate school. It's no wonder that Lin is so obsessed with traditional Chinese culture and art. After going ashore, we revisited the "Princess Island" together and read the legendary story of a heroic woman who was forced to become the "princess" here. Then the black pig trough boat rocked us again to his studio, which was hidden away in a room by the lake. As soon as I stepped into his "one acre and three points of land", my eyes suddenly lit up, and this place was like a "miniature version" of Suzhou garden! What hall, hall, pavilion, pavilion...... The whole nine yards; Small bridges and flowing water, forests and trees, mountains and rocks are steep, and lotus leaves are fields. The lady who had seen him knew that the two of them had met the "wedding bridge" here for the first time. However, Alabe is a Mosuo ethnic minority, and Alaa is a Shanghainese who is "tick and tick"! Allah doesn't "get married". The two of them did "meet each other" when they came to Lugu Lake for tourism. This female compatriot of mine in Shanghai said with a smile. Step straight into his "little room". As soon as the room lights came on, I was a little surprised: there was a 40-square-meter listening room, and in the most prominent position there was a pair of Italian Unison Research Smart 845 mono bile amplifiers! Plus a pair of British-made flagship Harbeth M40.3 XD loudspeakers. As soon as the power is turned on, a pair of huge 845 galls, lined with a white and delicate special ceramic heat shield behind it, are like the eyes of the giant pillar, and the transparent lamp glows with an amber-like halo, how warm and dissolving, soothing! A preamplifier is also of the same brand in Italy, all of which are made of cherry wood, highlighting the elegance of Italy's world-class design, and a CD player is a silver German Burmester (Berlin Sound) 061. I took a quick look around and saw that the interior environment, whether it was the ceiling, the surrounding walls or the floor, had also been well treated with sound absorption. I was pleasantly surprised and patted the back of this "Liu Guozheng": I didn't expect you kid to be really a "successful person", it's really amazing! I quit my hotel and spent the next three days trying to get his "super audiophile" sound equipment in the best possible condition.

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

Feng Zikai: Red cherries, green plantains

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

Mozart Piano Sonata Record - Japanese pianist Mitsuko Uchida's performance of the penguin "Samsung Obihua" business card "Philips" version

Paint sound and color | Mozart on the shores of Lugu Lake

Mozart Piano Sonata Recording - A recording of Mr. Yin Chengzong's performance from the "Talent Art Dictionary".

"The streamer is easy to throw people, red cherries, green plantains." Enjoy the recordings of the Steinway Grand Piano with a full set of Unison Research Smart 845 Mono Bile Pre and Amplifier, which is the most wonderful and unforgettable musical enjoyment in this life. Like his father, Kobayashi's colleague's favorite piece is also this Mozart K330, he has the penguin "Samsung with flowers" business card "Philip" version played by Japanese pianist Mitsuko Uchida, and the German Gramophone Company Yellow Label DG version played by Portuguese pianist Pires, but the most favorite is the performance recording of Mr. Yin Chengzong produced by "Talent Art Dictionary", which was recorded by Chinese disc recorder Liu Da in May 2012 at St. Peter's Cathedral in Chelsea, USA. This is truly a forgotten album with excellent recordings. He put this record titled: "The Black and White Church" into the record player, and Mr. Yin Chengzong's long-standing and old, skillful and mellow piano sound immediately sounded. Listen, how sweet, moist and brilliant this sound is! From the crystalline beating notes of the first movement of K330, I seem to see Mozart's eternally childlike face, and in this clear and charming melody, I seem to hear the innocent and hearty laughter of this genius from time to time! The maple in the mountains is gorgeous, and the clouds on the ridge are white; Lugu clear water, swaying flowers. It's really "after the new rain in the empty mountain, the weather is late in autumn." The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone is upstream. "At this moment, I can't wait to travel through the misty thousands of years of time and space, fly to the prosperous and vast Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty, come to the Youyou Rim River, and invite Mr. Wang Majie (Wang Wei), who is good at music and rhythm, to the red clay stove, a cup of tea, and three incense, so that he can listen to the full set of Italian Unison Research (sound rhyme) Smart 845 mono bile pre- and post-amp and British flagship Harbeth (first sunny after rain) M40.3 XD The sound of the Steinway grand piano playing in the speakers. In this way, Mozart, the sound of the piano is pale, the flowing water is turbulent, the grandeur is brilliant, there is the bitter fragrance of plum blossoms, there is the red and pine wind, there are also clouds steaming and the sun and the moon are rotten, and the sun and the moon are the same light! I didn't know the taste of meat for three months, and I couldn't even taste any salty, sweet, sour, bitter and spicy for a long time. Hate only hates my clumsy and incompetent thin and dry pen, even if I think hard for three days and three nights without sleeping, "for Yi to make people haggard", I will never be able to copy one thousandth of this peerless beauty and charm!

Before returning to Shanghai, my colleague Lin "Liu Guozheng" walked into a local table tennis hall with me, and once again you attacked and defended, silver balls flew, swinging rackets and fighting, sweating, and playing a game of table tennis.