
The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation


"The window shines late during the day, and the deep courtyard doesn't know how much spring it is." In this hustle and bustle of the world, how many people have fantasized about having a quiet courtyard to comfort their tired souls.

And if you have a courtyard at home, you might as well "plant some green plants", white walls and tiles, you can also smell the fragrance of a yard, there is a small courtyard at home, you can't lack "these five things", not superstitious, are the experience of the older generation, let's take a look at it together.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

First: bamboo

In the courtyard, bamboo always plays an indispensable role. With their lightness and ethereal attitude, they dot the space, bringing a touch of serenity and elegance, however, there are some details that require special attention when planting bamboo.

Bamboo has an unusually well-developed root system that, if left unchecked, can cause damage to the surrounding building structure;

Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, it is advisable to dig a deep groove in the ground, pour it with concrete and close it. This can effectively limit the root system expansion of the bamboo and protect the overall structure of the garden.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

Walking into the courtyard, the breeze blows through the bamboo forest, and the slender bamboo branches sway gently, in order to better reflect the beauty of bamboo, the number should not be too much. Too much bamboo will not only look cluttered, but it will also ruin the overall layout of the courtyard.

As the poet Du Fu said in "Joyful Rain on a Spring Night": "Good rain knows the season, when spring happens." "The same is true for bamboo cultivation, which needs to be seasoned and moderate to achieve the best results.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

The selection of bamboo materials is also particularly important, slender rather than thick bamboo can show its unique beauty, each bamboo should maintain a certain distance between each bamboo, sparse and sparse state can show the beauty of bamboo lightness;

Wang Wei described it in "Lu Chai": "I don't see people in the empty mountains, but I hear people's voices." This kind of sparse arrangement can make people feel a different kind of tranquility and harmony, and the beauty of bamboo can not only be presented, but also add endless poetry and vitality to the whole courtyard.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

The second thing: trees

Trees are undoubtedly an indispensable element in a well-arranged courtyard, whether they are towering old trees or new seedlings, they bring vitality and endless poetry to the courtyard.

Generally speaking, the trees in the courtyard should be distributed according to the height level, and the most taboo is to plant a large tree in the center of the courtyard, because this will not only block the sun, but also may increase the humidity of the environment, so that the whole home atmosphere appears cold and damp, as the ancients said, "insufficient yang", which will make the interior feel gloomy and affect the comfort of living.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

If you're looking for good luck, choose trees that are traditionally seen as bringing good luck. For example, the locust tree symbolizes tenacity and longevity in Chinese culture; Osmanthus is known for its fragrance and is regarded as a mascot;

The plum tree is endowed with a symbol of perseverance and nobility because of its hardiness and early spring flowering; The pomegranate symbolizes fertility and blessings; Begonia flower language is full of wealth; Palms symbolize peace and longevity.

In the shade of the trees, in the early morning, the sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow, the breeze blows, the leaves rustle, the sun sets, the shadows of the trees in the courtyard are elongated, and the sound of the drizzle hitting the leaves is simple and pure, which makes people yearn for it

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

The third thing: flowers

Everyone who loves the garden is because they can plant their beloved flowers and plants in this vast small world. When spring comes, a hundred flowers bloom, bees and butterflies fly, the breeze blows, and the scene of flowers and trees is always exciting.

For the choice of flowers and plants, there is not much attention, whether it is a strong flower, or a simple flower, as long as they exist in a group way, clusters and clusters compete to open, diffuse with fragrance, you can make people feel a piece of vitality.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

The sun shines through the leaves dappled with light and shadow, the flowers sway gently in the breeze, exuding a faint fragrance, and the flowers and plants dance in the spring breeze. Red, yellow, purple, white, all kinds of colors are intertwined to form a sea of flowers.

As Li Qingzhao described in "Like a Dream Order": "I often remember the twilight of Xiting, and I am drunk and don't know the way back." In this sea of flowers, people seem to forget time, forget the hustle and bustle of the world, and find inner peace and satisfaction in the fragrance of flowers.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

Fourth: stone

Where there is water, there are mountains, and the choice of stone is particularly important when arranging. The black tone of the stone, with some edges and corners on the surface, can bring a sense of natural wildness and agility, making the waterscape more vivid and realistic.

In the courtyard, a path is paved with pebbles, and the winding path leads to a secluded path, and each pebble seems to whisper, telling their story for thousands of years. The trail doesn't have to be too regular, and the scattered layout adds a touch of natural randomness.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

The placement of each stone is carefully designed, which not only avoids the trampling of flowers and plants, but also brings people a unique natural experience, as depicted in "The Story of the Peach Blossom Spring": "At the beginning, it is extremely narrow, and only then can people be passed." After dozens of steps, it suddenly became clear. This winding path takes people into a remote artistic conception;

Next to the water feature, the black stone contrasts with the clear water, creating a strong visual contrast. The natural beauty of the water flowing between the stones and splashing is perfectly presented through the clever combination of black stone and water features.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

Fifth: water

In the courtyard, whether it is a small pond or a small well, it can add more aura to the whole space, making it lively and poetic. However, when it comes to setting up these water features, attention to detail is particularly important.

The water outlet of the water feature must be accurately measured many times to ensure its flatness, and the error should be strictly controlled at about 1 mm. In this way, when the water is discharged later, the water flow will be more uniform and there will be no faults. This precise control is not only for the sake of visual beauty, but also to present a sense of natural fluidity, making people feel as if they are in the middle of the landscape.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

On a quiet morning, I walked into the courtyard and shimmered with a shallow shimmer of light. The surface of the water is like a natural mirror, reflecting the surrounding flowers and plants, as if also the beauty of nature quietly flows into the heart.

The water in the small pond is crystal clear, the fish and shrimp swim leisurely in the water, and the aquatic plants sway gently, as if reciting an ancient poem softly: "The pond grows spring grass, and the willows in the garden become songbirds." "Flowers and trees complement each other, and the glimmer of the water surface gently tells the beauty.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

When arranging water features, in addition to focusing on technical precision, it is also necessary to incorporate natural elements. Choose the right stones and plants, skillfully matched, to create a natural atmosphere.

A small well, the surface of the water is like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds and the scenery in the courtyard. There are some stone benches and flowers placed by the well, and the time is shallow in a corner, and the time is worry-free. One step at a time, one at a time, keep a touch of warm sunshine, and wait for the trees to bloom.

The family has a small courtyard, and the "five things" cannot be missing, which is not a superstitious saying, but the experience of the older generation

Conclusion: In this courtyard, perched quietly, such as a clear spring out of the dust, clean up all worries, look up the mountains, rivers and fields, and bow down the fence flowers. It's beautiful.

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