
Primary School Creates Junior High School: The Dual Transformation of Learning and Life

author:Kaihuiying Education
Primary School Creates Junior High School: The Dual Transformation of Learning and Life

In the face of this important change, we tend to focus on the accumulation and transition of academic knowledge.

However, at a deeper level, the impact of primary school on junior high school and even the entire academic career is far more than the accumulation of knowledge.

The cultivation of learning ability and study habits is the most valuable asset in primary school.

To give a vivid example: Student A relied on his hard work in primary school and his tactics to solve the problem, and he achieved a perfect score in the junior high school entrance examination and was admitted to the top middle school in the city.

However, after entering junior high school, his grades unexpectedly dropped, and he only scored in the early 60s in mathematics in the first term of junior high school, which made the whole family feel anxious.

In contrast, although student B only "stepped on the line" to enter junior high school with average grades, he was strict with himself and insisted on doing a closed loop of learning - previewing, listening carefully, reviewing, and sorting out the wrong question book.

As a result, during the mid-term exam, student B was admitted to the top 10 in the class.

Primary School Creates Junior High School: The Dual Transformation of Learning and Life

Behind these two very different results is a contest between two different learning styles and mindsets.

Although student A has reached a short-term peak in knowledge mastery, the methods he relies on to brush questions and make up classes have not really cultivated the ability of independent learning and problem-solving.

Although student B had a mediocre start, the closed-loop learning strategy he adhered to was the key to his gradual emergence.

He was not satisfied with mechanical memorization and practice, but cultivated his ability to explore and summarize through preview and review, which is more suitable for the increasing learning burden and difficulty of junior high school.

Many parents and students may focus too much on grades and short-term grades and neglect the cultivation of study methods and habits.

Just as some parents mistakenly believe that a child's test score below 90 points means that there is a problem with learning, this excessive anxiety will not only not help the child's development, but may also undermine the child's self-confidence and cause them to lose interest in learning.

In fact, children need not only knowledge input, but also how to acquire knowledge and solve problems on their own.

Primary School Creates Junior High School: The Dual Transformation of Learning and Life

The transition from primary school to junior high school is not only the connection of subject knowledge, but also the change of learning habits, learning methods and learning attitudes.

Therefore, parents and teachers should encourage children to explore their own learning methods and develop independent thinking and problem-solving skills, rather than simply chasing grades.

The impact of the primary school years on the middle school and the entire academic journey goes far beyond the transfer of knowledge.

It's about how children learn, how they think, and how they face challenges and solve problems.

Cultivating the right study habits and an attitude of active inquiry during this critical period will lay a solid foundation for their future.

So children with poor grades in primary school, this holiday must be

1. Learn to preview and review and sort out mistakes, the tutorial class can teach for a while, but not for a lifetime, and you must have the ability to learn independently.

2. Mathematical calculations and Chinese reading, words and writing are the top priorities of primary school and the foundation of junior high school. You have to train every day during the holidays. Dictate all the words for six years again, and you have to get the wrong ones. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within 20 should be accurate, and read it every day. Most junior high schools with good grades in primary school are not bad, but those with poor primary school are difficult to turn over in junior high school.

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