
I am 68 years old, with a pension of 6800, and a blind date with a 59-year-old woman

author:Happy wind chimes

All my articles are original and first published, and they are only posted on today's headlines, and the whole network has been opened to protect rights, and plagiarism and handling must be chased to the end)

The story in this article comes from fan contributions, the names in the article are pseudonyms, the picture is from the Internet, if the plot is similar, it is purely a coincidence, please do not sit in the opposite number!

Dictation: Huang Qingsong

Text arrangement: wind chimes

My name is Huang Qingsong, I am 68 years old this year, and the years have left deep marks on me, but my mentality is still young. Every month, I receive a pension of 6,800 yuan, which is not much, but it is enough for me to live a stable life.

Before I retired, my wife and I discussed that when we retired, we would enjoy life and see the world together.

However, life is always full of uncertainties, and not long after we retired, my wife left this world due to a sudden illness. During that time, I felt like the whole world had collapsed, and I was left alone to face the rest of my life.

After my wife passed away, I lived every day, and every corner of the house was full of her shadow. I looked at the furniture we used to choose together, the flowers and plants we raised together, and the photos we took together, and my heart hurt like a knife.

I live in a two-bedroom apartment of 85 square meters, which carries so many memories for me and my wife. Every time I walk through the door, I feel a warm atmosphere. The furnishings at home are still the same as when my wife was alive, but with a little more dust and loneliness.

Every morning, I would do a set of tai chi on the balcony, breathe in the fresh air and feel the warmth of the sun. Sometimes, I think of the days when I walked and chatted with my wife, and how happy we were at that time.

I am 68 years old, with a pension of 6800, and a blind date with a 59-year-old woman

In the evening, I sat alone in the living room watching TV. There is a romantic drama on the TV, and the hero and heroine snuggle sweetly together. I looked at their smiles and had mixed feelings. I think of the bits and pieces with my wife, and those warm pictures come to my mind. I sighed and turned off the TV.

I walked to the window and looked out at the night view. The city lights are bright, but my heart is lonely.

One day, I went downstairs to buy groceries and met my neighbor, Lao Wang. When he saw me, he greeted me warmly: "Lao Huang, you look good today!" ”

I smiled and responded, "yes, it's nice weather today, come out for a walk." ”

We chatted for a while, and Lao Wang suddenly asked me: "Lao Huang, it's strange and lonely for you to live alone, why don't you find a wife?" ”

I was silent for a moment, shook my head and said, "Besides, I'm still used to being alone." ”

Later I started trying to get out of this sadness, I started chatting with my neighbors, going for walks in the park, and even participating in some senior activities. At these events, I met a lot of elderly people my age, some of whom were also widowed, but they all chose to start over and find new partners.

I am 68 years old, with a pension of 6800, and a blind date with a 59-year-old woman

Once, I was chatting with an old guy named Lao Li, and he told me that he remarried last year and that his life is now more fulfilling and happier than before. He said: "Lao Huang, life is too short, we are all old, why let ourselves be immersed in the sorrows of the past? It's also a good thing to find a companion and live together. ”

Lao Li's words made me fall into deep thought. Yes, I'm old, how much time do I have left for the rest of my life? Why not make yourself happier? So, I also began to have the idea of remarrying.

I have 5 criteria in mind for choosing a mate, and I hope to find a partner with whom I can spend my old age.

I started to keep an eye on the people around me to see if I had a good match. I've also been to a few blind dates, but I always feel like I'm missing that heartbeat.

First of all, I want the woman to be childless, which is not to say that I discriminate against women who have children, but to take into account my own actual situation. I'm older and have limited energy, and I may not be able to take on the responsibilities of caring for my grandchildren like a younger person. So, I hope she can be with me wholeheartedly and have no other concerns.

In terms of appearance, I certainly wanted to find a woman who would appeal to me. It's not about how young and beautiful I'm looking for, but I hope that she will have a unique charm that I will want to spend the rest of my life with.

I am 68 years old, with a pension of 6800, and a blind date with a 59-year-old woman

In terms of character, I want her to be gentle and kind. I have experienced the ups and downs of life, and I know how to cherish and tolerate. I want her to understand me and give me love and support in my time of need.

At the same time, I also hope that she has a certain cultural connotation. In this way, when we get along, we can have more common topics and better understand and respect each other.

Finally, physical health is, of course, the most important thing. After all, we are no longer young, and good health is the cornerstone of a happy life. I hope we can exercise together, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and welcome a wonderful old age together.

Later, the matchmaker introduced me to Ms. Lin, and she said that Ms. Lin was more in line with my requirements. When I heard the news, I was both expectant and nervous. The matchmaker told me that Ms. Lin's criteria for choosing a mate include that the other party has a pension, good health, does not smoke, does not drink, and has a good personality. When I heard these conditions, I was overjoyed because I found that I had fulfilled them.

The first meeting with Ms. Lin was in a quiet café. She wears a plain dress and her hair is neatly combed behind her head, giving her a gentle feeling. We sat down and started getting to know each other.

We started talking about our lives and hobbies. Ms. Lin told me that she is 59 years old and widowed, with a pension of 2,400 yuan a month. Hearing this, my heart moved, and I felt that her situation was somewhat similar to mine.

"And how do you spend your time?" I asked curiously.

I am 68 years old, with a pension of 6800, and a blind date with a 59-year-old woman

"I like to read books, grow flowers, and sometimes travel with my friends." Ms. Lin replied naturally.

I listened to her answer and nodded inwardly. I think her attitude towards life is very positive and in line with my expectations. We talked very speculatively, as if there was an endless topic to talk about.

In the course of chatting, I also began to pay attention to her appearance and demeanor. Although she is no longer young, she is well maintained and looks very temperamental. Her smile is warm and gives a sense of intimacy.

I started to have some anticipation in my heart. I think Ms. Lin not only meets my criteria for choosing a mate, but we also have a lot of topics and interests in common. I began to imagine what it would be like if we lived together.

As we chatted, we turned to the use of pensions. I knew that this was a topic that many elderly people would pay attention to when they went on a blind date, so I took the initiative to put forward my opinion.

"Ms. Lin, I would like to hear your thoughts on the use of pensions." I say this sincerely.

"Well, I think we should discuss it together." Ms. Lin replied with a smile.

I am 68 years old, with a pension of 6800, and a blind date with a 59-year-old woman

"Actually, I would say that you can save your pension for things you love about shopping, traveling, or saving. As for living expenses, I will take care of it. "I was honest about my thoughts.

When Ms. Lin heard my words, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she was moved. She smiled and said, "Mr. Huang, you are really atmospheric and bright. I was worried that we would have a disagreement on this, but now it seems that I am overthinking it, and I think we can try it first. ”

I was overjoyed, I didn't expect my statement to be so highly praised by Ms. Lin. I smiled and replied, "That's great, and I'm looking forward to seeing us through the days to come." ”

She moved to my house the next day to live with me, and I also fulfilled my promise to give her 5,000 yuan a month as our living expenses. Will we be happy? #头条创作挑战赛#

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