
3~5 years before retirement, please keep in mind the "three don't say, three don't do" to ensure a smooth transition to retirement

author:The old garden is silent and slow
3~5 years before retirement, please keep in mind the "three don't say, three don't do" to ensure a smooth transition to retirement


Approaching retirement, everyone's heart is complicated and mixed. Some people want to retire as soon as possible, leave the workplace, and enjoy a leisurely life; Some people want to continue to struggle in the front-line position, and try to delay retirement if they can delay retirement; Some people plan to start a vacation mode after retirement and travel around the world......

However, in the past 3 or 5 years before retirement, we have not really retired after all, we still have to do our best and always remember to be cautious in our words and deeds.

Do your job, try your best to do it well, don't do what you shouldn't do, don't say what you shouldn't say.

3~5 years before retirement, please keep in mind the "three don't say, three don't do" to ensure a smooth transition to retirement

3~5 years before retirement, please keep in mind the "three don't say, three don't do" to ensure a smooth transition to retirement

1. Don't speak ill of colleagues and leaders.

The ancients said: "Idle talk is not about people's wrongs".

In the past few years of retirement, we should try our best to maintain a good relationship with colleagues and leaders, and do not easily offend anyone, especially not to speak ill of colleagues or leaders behind our backs.

You must understand a truth, the wall has ears, and if you evaluate your colleagues in front of others, if it is spread out, then it is tantamount to creating unnecessary trouble for yourself.

If the relationship between colleagues is not handled well, everyone is in the same office every day, getting along day and night, looking down and not looking up, if the relationship is tense, it will be very embarrassing to meet.

Therefore, usually keep your mouth shut, no matter how unaccustomed you are in your heart, don't easily comment on others, talk less and listen more, which is the best way to behave in the world.

3~5 years before retirement, please keep in mind the "three don't say, three don't do" to ensure a smooth transition to retirement

2. With colleagues of the opposite sex, don't make excessive jokes.

Many older middle-aged men have a more humorous personality, and sometimes in the office, they often joke with their colleagues, which can enhance the relationship between colleagues.

However, we should be careful to keep our distance from colleagues of the opposite sex and not to make excessive jokes. For example, some older single female colleagues, who are in their 30s and have not married and started a family, now there are many of them, don't ridicule or ridicule others, people have not been married for so many years, there must be a reason, don't give advice to others at will.

Chat with colleagues of the opposite sex, don't probe into the other party's privacy, some topics can't be talked about in depth,

3~5 years before retirement, please keep in mind the "three don't say, three don't do" to ensure a smooth transition to retirement

3. Don't show off in public.

The ancients said: "The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it."

When we are approaching retirement, we try to keep a low profile, and in the unit, we must appropriately reduce our sense of existence, and usually do not say something to show off in public.

People who are too high-profile are often not very popular, and they are easy to provoke the envy of others. Therefore, no matter how rich you are and how rich your assets are, you must keep a low profile and know how to be humble, so that you can live more steadily, make fewer enemies, and act steadily and far.

3~5 years before retirement, please keep in mind the "three don't say, three don't do" to ensure a smooth transition to retirement

1. Do not do work unrelated to your own work.

Approaching retirement for 3 or 5 years, the most important thing for us during this period is to seek stability, so in terms of work, we should not take the initiative to take on heavy burdens, nor should we take the initiative to accept some difficult work tasks.

Just do your job well, if it has nothing to do with your own work, don't take the initiative to take it, if you do a good job, there is not much chance of promotion, if you don't do it well, when you make a mistake, then it will have a great impact on your work.

Therefore, a smart person is to guard his own one-third of an acre, and leave other things alone, this is not indifference, but for stability.

3~5 years before retirement, please keep in mind the "three don't say, three don't do" to ensure a smooth transition to retirement

2. Don't do things that corrupt morality.

The ancients had a saying: "The evening festival is not guaranteed". It means that some people have reached old age and have done some things that ruined their reputation, causing the good reputation they have accumulated for most of their lives to fall short.

Therefore, when we are about to retire, we must pay attention to our words and deeds, stick to the bottom line of morality, and never do something that corrupts morality.

Don't have ambiguities with other colleagues of the opposite sex, don't do something sorry for the family, don't go to any entertainment places to consume, such as chess and card rooms, foot bath shops, leisure centers, it is best not to go, so as not to affect the harmony of the relationship between husband and wife.

3~5 years before retirement, please keep in mind the "three don't say, three don't do" to ensure a smooth transition to retirement

3. Don't do risky things and seek stability in everything.

The last point, in fact, is the most important point, that is, in the years when we are approaching retirement, we must not do some risky things, and we must be stable in everything.

For example, quitting your job to start a business, changing jobs for a high salary, or investing in business or stock trading, these are all risky things, try not to touch them.

Even if others tell you what to do to make money, you must be vigilant, don't trust anyone easily, keep your job, keep your money bag, as for the things that get rich overnight, think less, face temptation, and think rationally.
