
People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

author:Dressed Beauty Girl
People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

Nowadays, the concept of life is very popular, in fact, there are many people who have a misunderstanding about abandonment, thinking that abandonment is just throwing things, and discarding useless things that are not needed and used in time.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

Although the bottom meaning of renunciation is to abandon objects, it is to rise to the heart through the screening of objects,

Let's really know ourselves what is needed and what is not.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

When you learn to "let go" from everything around you, you can live a simple and comfortable minimalist life.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits, you can enter the minimalist mode, for a more relaxed life, you might as well give it a try.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

01. Abandon objects - material minimalism

Start sorting out your belongings, sorting all the items at home, clothes, shoes and bags that you haven't worn for more than a year, electrical appliances that haven't been used for a long time, bottles and cans that are not used on idle treadmills, stacked plastic bags, disposable lunch boxes and chopsticks, as long as you don't need things, you should give them up in time.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

Empty the environment at home, you will feel comfortable, 15 minutes a day, clean the room regularly and deeply, break away, by discarding items, you will be more aware of non-rigid needs do not buy.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

Material desires will be reduced, material minimalism will be achieved, the quality of owned items will be improved, the quantity will be reduced, and the items will be streamlined, which will not only make the environment better, but also reduce unnecessary housework.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

02. Break away from cluttered things - energy minimalism

People who think too much will get tired, sometimes it is more important to complete than perfect, we must allow imperfect things to appear in life, and not be done by some cluttered chores. Don't set limits for yourself, others can score 100 points, but you may not be able to do it, as long as you work hard.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

Rationalize your energy more, complete one thing within the specified time, focus on one thing, reduce waste of energy, and spend limited energy and mind on things that are truly meaningful.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

03. Abandon excessive consumption - financial minimalism

In a fancy world, it is difficult for us not to be tempted, we want too much, and we can't achieve it, we will have the psychology of overconsumption, overdraft credit cards to consume in advance, and buy things beyond our ability for vanity.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

If you want to live a minimalist life more easily, you can stop overspending, close your credit card, be clear about your income and expenditure, be wary of consumerism, stick to bookkeeping, and not spend passively.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

04. Break away from the people who consume you - the relationship is minimal

There are some people or things in life that will only provide you with negative energy, a steady stream of consumption of you, stay away from this kind of interpersonal relationship, stay away from the people who consume you, streamline the circle of friends, do not have a minimalist relationship, do not participate in unnecessary gatherings, low-quality socialization is not as good as high-quality solitude, reduce ineffective socialization, learn to enjoy solitude, and precipitate yourself.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

05. Break away from "nonsense" - express minimalism

Language is a double-edged sword, if you use it well, it will become your helper, and if you don't use it well, it will become a "stumbling block", because there are many people in life who always talk around the bush, speculate on other people's thoughts, and comment on people and things they don't understand, causing too many misunderstandings. The expression is minimalist, straightforward, not verbose, not complaining, not talking nonsense, which can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

06. Break away from "negative emotions" - minimalist mentality

We must learn to clear our emotions, stop self-internal friction, always maintain a normal heart, and don't dwell on the past. Just do what you decide now, don't regret it, accept your imperfections, let go of negative emotions, and make your mindset more minimalist.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

07. Break away from "bad habits" - live a minimalist life

Procrastination, laziness, staying up late, lack of self-discipline, these are all bad habits in life, there is nothing on the surface, but these bad habits will only make your character worse and worse, slowly lose enthusiasm, and do everything badly.

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"

08. Break away from "multi-goal" - the goal is minimal

Have a plan for your life, don't be ambitious, set effective goals, don't covet the comfort in front of you, have a long-term plan, instead of doing a lot of things can't do well, it is better to focus on doing 1~2 things, work hard to do a good job, and determine the goal to reduce a lot of "detours"

People's Daily recommends: Develop 8 "break away" habits and start living a "minimalist life"


These 8 "renunciation" methods will make your life into a minimalist mode, less unnecessary troubles, more relaxed and comfortable, you can do it if you want to live a minimalist life!

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