
Du Hua Nian: framed the prince for fornicating with Concubine Rou, put Li Rong in prison, and forced Pei Wenxuan to jump into the river, the emperor was ruthless enough

author:Let's talk about film and television

Text/Wei talks about film and television "Du Hua Nian" is adapted from the novel "The Eldest Princess", which is an interpretation of the original work

After three generations of the Shangguan family, Emperor Li Ming had only two princes, one from the crown prince Li Chuan, the son of the empress of the Shangguan family, and the other was Li Chang, the son of Concubine Rou.

The word "soft" is taken from her real name, her real name is Xiao Rou, she is from an ordinary family, she entered the palace early when she was young, and became a palace maid.

Li Ming did not have a good time when he was still a prince, and Xiao Rou spent his youth in the cold palace with him, so that Li Ming has always had a peculiar feeling for Xiao Rou.

Later, when Li Ming was still the prince, Xiao Rou was given a marriage to a minister by the queen at that time, but not long after marrying, Li Ming became the emperor, and after a few years, the minister died of illness at home, Xiao Rou first shaved the monk, and later met Li Ming in the temple, and returned to the palace after the spring breeze, and has been favored in the harem for decades.

Concubine Rou's son Li Chang was only ten years old, extremely intelligent, won the emperor's heart, and was crowned a prince at a young age, which was the youngest prince since the opening of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Du Hua Nian: framed the prince for fornicating with Concubine Rou, put Li Rong in prison, and forced Pei Wenxuan to jump into the river, the emperor was ruthless enough

And the reason why Li Ming loves Concubine Rou so much and takes a fancy to Li Chang is just because he can no longer tolerate it, the power of the Shangguan family is above the imperial power, and he needs to use them to balance the power of the court and finally realize his political ambitions.

And the abolition of the crown prince Li Chuan is the most important step to prevent the family from controlling the imperial power. Li Ming took every step of the way in the matter of abolishing the crown prince, and the emperor's mental skills were fully revealed.

The first step was to abolish the Yang family and let Concubine Rou's brother Xiao Su go to the northwest, become the king of Zhenbei, and get the military power in the northwest.

The second step is to let Concubine Rou establish the Supervision Division, and with the help of the ability of the Supervision Division, Concubine Rou can get political capital, have the Han clan as a support, and have her own supporters in the imperial court.

In the third step, the Supervision Department began to strictly investigate the people around Li Chuan, and pulled out the large and small cases of the Shangguan family, and Li Chuan's harem struggled non-stop, originally trying to maintain the family relationship with marriage, but finally became a struggle in the East Palace by the families behind several concubines.

Du Hua Nian: framed the prince for fornicating with Concubine Rou, put Li Rong in prison, and forced Pei Wenxuan to jump into the river, the emperor was ruthless enough

This puddle of mud was pulled out, and finally gave Li Ming a reason to abolish the prince. However, it is impossible for Li Chuan and the Shangguan family to sit still.

The battle at the border was urgent, Li Chuan looked at the thatched cottage and tried to persuade Qin Lin to go to the battlefield, and Qin Lin did not live up to this expectation, and it only took fifteen days to recapture the lost city and stabilize the northwest defense line.

The stability of the northwest defense line and the transfer of military power seem to be on the verge of being transferred, and the situation that Li Ming has worked so hard to set up is about to fall short, which completely stimulates Li Ming.

So Li Ming signaled Concubine Rou to hold a banquet, and then framed the prince Li Chuan for blaspheming the concubine, after Li Chuan was imprisoned, he quickly put the queen under house arrest, Li Rong was imprisoned, Pei Wenxuan and Li Mingxu and the snake, pretending to be willing to cooperate with him to arrest Qin Lin, only to survive.

After that, Pei Wenxuan jumped into the river and escaped from Huajing, lobbied the family to win support for Li Chuan, and finally saved enough money and food, recruited soldiers, and let Qin Lin lead troops to besiege Huajing.

Du Hua Nian: framed the prince for fornicating with Concubine Rou, put Li Rong in prison, and forced Pei Wenxuan to jump into the river, the emperor was ruthless enough

Qin Zhenzhen climbed the snow-capped mountain alone to find Qin Lin, allowing Qin Lin to escape the ambush.

Then Pei Wenxuan and his courtiers forced the palace, and finally got Li Chuan to ascend the throne. But the throne obtained in this way is also destined to the situation that the subsequent family will be prosperous and the tail will not fall. The emperor Li Chuan, who was born under this environment, also completely smoothed out the young man's heart.

In order to realize his political ambitions, Li Chuan became very tyrannical and killed countless people, especially after he lost his beloved Qin Zhenzhen, he used quick success to suppress the family and make the world turbulent.

He imprisoned his mother, killed his uncle, beheaded half of his clan, and finally poisoned his eldest sister Li Rong.

Although the Northern Expedition was successful in the end, breaking the shackles of the family, it was also criticized by historians in the history books.

And now that Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan have been reborn, under the planning of the two of them, the situation has changed in a new way.

The military power in the northwest, although it was Xiao Su on the surface, Li Rong secretly arranged Qin Lin into the team in advance, and let Li Chuan come to the battlefield in person, and took the most difficult first half.

Du Hua Nian: framed the prince for fornicating with Concubine Rou, put Li Rong in prison, and forced Pei Wenxuan to jump into the river, the emperor was ruthless enough

Although the relationship between Li Rong and the Qin family was prematurely discovered because of the "case of the Qin family being framed for collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country", because Xiao Su relied on Qin Lin on the battlefield in the early days, and later the "Qin case" was overturned as compensation, the Qin family also gained a firm position in the northwest.

Although Xiao Su controls the vast majority of the army in the northwest, these people are all from the era of the Yang family, each of them belongs to their own families, and they have no loyalty to Xiao Su, a cold general who is halfway through the war and parachutes in to grab credit.

As long as Li Rong cut off the support of Concubine Rou and Li Mingchao, and Xiao Su cut off money and food, those soldiers and horses would immediately lose their value. Therefore, the move of military power has been offset by half of Li Rong with Qin Lin.

Then there was the move of the Supervision Division, which was also grabbed by Li Rong in advance. What Li Ming wanted was to let Li Rong build the Supervision Department first, and when the time was ripe, he would hand it over to Concubine Rou.

But only what she spelled out was her own, and the Inspectorate was able to become Concubine Rou's political capital back then, because all the people in it were the Hanmen who she led up, so the Hanmen trusted her.

Du Hua Nian: framed the prince for fornicating with Concubine Rou, put Li Rong in prison, and forced Pei Wenxuan to jump into the river, the emperor was ruthless enough

And now the Supervision Division was single-handedly selected by Li Rong, and her reputation was also killed by her, even if Concubine Rou is directly promoted to the head of the Supervision Division, Li Rong can quickly override Concubine Rou. Therefore, Li Ming was also ruined by the Inspector Division's move.

In the end, it was to disintegrate Li Chuan's popular will and use the harem to support Li Chuan's family, now Li Chuan does not marry so many women, and the Shangguan family is also clean after Shangguan Ya's self-examination, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Li Chuan personally went to the north to supervise the army and fought the most difficult battle, and after that, it was almost impossible to move Li Chuan's prestige.

Now, as long as they go on steadily, Li Chuan's crown prince position will be difficult to shake. But the problem is that Su Rongqing is also back.

Moreover, Su Rongqing was already reborn when Li Rong set up a banquet to choose a horse, so he must know that in the future, Li Chuan will be forced to a desperate situation by Li Ming step by step, until he is finally abolished.

Du Hua Nian: framed the prince for fornicating with Concubine Rou, put Li Rong in prison, and forced Pei Wenxuan to jump into the river, the emperor was ruthless enough

In fact, he doesn't need to do anything, as long as he stops Pei Wenxuan from lobbying the family at the last moment, then Li Chuan will be dead.

Knowing that this is the case, his attitude towards Li Ming and Li Chuan is still ambiguous, and even favors Li Rong at the critical moment, there is only one possibility, that is, he wants to lurk by Li Chuan's side and give Li Chuan a fatal blow at the last moment.

If Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan hadn't been reborn and came back, Su Rongqing's plan would indeed be good. It's just that Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan are back, so when Li Rong established the Supervision Division, Su Rongqing's reaction was so big.

Because Li Rong disrupted Su Rongqing's plan, Li Rong had actual power, and Su Rongqing knew that Li Rong would never betray Li Chuan, so his plan to wait for Li Chuan's demise must be changed.

Du Hua Nian: framed the prince for fornicating with Concubine Rou, put Li Rong in prison, and forced Pei Wenxuan to jump into the river, the emperor was ruthless enough

Therefore, Su Rongqing desperately tried his best to prevent the establishment of the Supervision Department and the rise of Pei Wenxuan, because he clearly knew that the power of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong would eventually be transferred to Li Chuan.

Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong in this life chose to let go of the past and took a new path, but will Su Rongqing be?

I am talking about film and television, a post-90s full-time mother, an independent writer, focusing on book reviews, film reviews, and entertainment reviews. #长文创作激励计划#