
Romance of the Three Kingdoms character profile (surname Zhao)

author:The history of the Spring and Autumn Period of Eastern Wu

1. Zhao Zhong:

Zhao Zhong, one of the ten permanent servants in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, once asked for bribes from the soldiers who broke the Yellow Turban Uprising, but he was named the general of the chariot cavalry, He Jin was killed by the ten permanent servants, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao led the troops into the palace and killed Zhao Zhong and others.

Evaluation: One of the ten permanent servants who brought disaster to the country and the people, and died innocently.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms character profile (surname Zhao)

Second, Zhao Hong

Zhao Hong, one of the leaders of the Yellow Turban Army in Wancheng, occupied Wancheng after the three brothers of Zhang Jiao died in battle, continued to fight against the imperial court, and avenged Zhang Jiao.

Wancheng was finally broken by Zhu Jun, and when Zhao Hong broke through, he was killed by Sun Jian.

Evaluation: One of the leaders of the Yellow Turban Army, after the death of Zhang Jiao and other leaders, he continued to fight and would rather die than give in.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms character profile (surname Zhao)

3. Zhao Meng

Zhao Meng, the right military captain in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, after He Jin was killed by the Ten Standing Servants, the Ten Standing Servants fled with the Young Emperor and were taken in by Min Gong, Zhao Meng and others led troops to rescue the emperor, and the future is unknown.

Evaluation: Dragon set character.

Fourth, Zhao Cen

Zhao Cen, Dong Zhuo's subordinate general, when the princes of Guan Dong Eighteen Road jointly attacked Dong Zhuo, Zhao Cen followed Huaxiong to garrison Bishui Pass.

Dong Zhuo later withdrew from Bishui Pass and moved the capital to Chang'an, Zhao Cen took the initiative to surrender to the coalition forces.

Evaluation: Dong Zhuo's unknown people did not appear on the battlefield, and the final result is unknown.

Fifth, Zhao Yun

Zhao Yun, a native of Changshan, Hebei, one of the five tiger generals of Shu Han, and a famous victorious general of the Three Kingdoms.

When Zhao Yun first debuted, he rescued Gongsun Zhan, and the general Wen Chou fought to a draw, and later followed Liu Bei, the south and the north station, and repeatedly made military exploits, the most famous is to rescue Liu Adou in Changban Slope, in Cao Cao's million-strong army, he rode back to the male soldiers alone, killed hundreds of Cao Ying's generals, and became famous in the Three Kingdoms.

Later, Zhao Yun intercepted the river and captured Adou again, and saved Liu Adou for the second time.

After the establishment of Shu Han, Zhao Yun followed Zhuge Liang to conquer Meng in the south, and the Central Plains in the north, with outstanding military achievements, and even at the age of seventy, he also beheaded five Han De father and son, with amazing combat effectiveness, and became the mainstay general of Shu Han.

But unfortunately he was very old and died of illness in 229 AD.

Evaluation: A famous victorious general during the Three Kingdoms period, with a far-reaching reputation.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms character profile (surname Zhao)

Sixth, Zhao Yan

Zhao Yan, the speaker of the late Eastern Han Dynasty, after Cao Cao controlled Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, he falsely accused Yang Biao of colluding with Yuan Shu and wanted to kill Yang Biao, Zhao Yan was very angry at Cao Cao's dictatorship, and wrote a letter to impeach Cao Cao, who was killed by Cao Cao.

Evaluation: The loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty, a few officials who dared to resist Cao Cao in person, of course, had a tragic ending.

Seventh, Zhao Rui

Zhao Rui, Yuan Shao's subordinate general, in the battle of Guandu, assisted the general Chun Yuqiong to garrison Wuchao, but accompanied the boss Chun Yuqiong to drink and have fun all day long, and did nothing, Cao Cao sent troops to attack Wuchao, Zhao Rui led troops to rescue, and was killed by Cao Jun.

Evaluation: Yuan Shao's parallel generals, cannon fodder-level figures.

8. Zhao Fan

Zhao Fan, the Taishou of Guiyang County in the south of Jingzhou, after the battle of Guandu, Liu Bei led his troops to pacify the four counties of Jingnan and sent Zhao Yun to attack Guiyang, but Zhao Fan was unwilling to submit to Liu Bei, and sent Bao Long and Chen Ying to fight, and was easily defeated by Zhao Yun.

Zhao Fan then resorted to a beauty trick, and Zhao Yun was close to him, and let the widow Fan and Zhao Yun, who were said to be captivating the country and the city, meet each other, and wanted to give the hexagram sister-in-law to Zhao Yun, but Zhao Yun saw through the beauty plan and ignored Zhao Fan.

In the end, Zhao Yun captured Guiyang, but Zhao Fan was lucky and was still appointed by Liu Bei as the Taishou of Guiyang.

Evaluation: Dare to fight against Zhao Yun, and he didn't know how to make a beauty trick, but he was lucky and got a good death.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms character profile (surname Zhao)

Nine, Zhao Wei

Zhao Wei, an official in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, entered Shu with Liu Yan in his early years, and after Liu Yan died of illness, he was appointed by his son Liu Zhang as the lord of Yizhou, and was killed in a rebellion.

Comment: Zhao Wei did not appear in the book, but was mentioned by the author when describing Liu Zhang's situation.

10. Zhao Qu

Zhao Qu, Jicheng's subordinate who assassinated Shi Weikang, after Ma Chao broke through Jicheng, he beheaded Weikang all over the house, but continued to reuse Yang Fu to join the army, Yang Fu recommended Zhao Qu to Ma Chao, but in fact, he arranged for Zhao Qu to be an internal response and break Ma Chao.

Yang Fu raised troops to attack Ma Chao in Lucheng, Ma Chao led troops out of Jicheng to attack Lucheng, and when the siege was unfavorable and wanted to retreat to Jicheng, Zhao Qu took the opportunity to attack, closed the city gate, and killed Ma Chao's wife and children, and finally Ma Chao was forced to take refuge in Zhang Lu.

Evaluation: A loyal and righteous person, endure humiliation and bear the burden, and avenge the master.

11. Zhao Ang, Zhao Yue and his son

Zhao Ang, Zhao Yue and his son are Wei Kang's generals, Wei Kang surrendered to Ma Chao, but was beheaded by Ma Chao, Zhao father and son under the leadership of Yang Fu, plotted to attack Ma Chao and avenge Wei Kang.

When Zhao Ang, Yang Fu and others raised troops in Lucheng, Zhao Yue served under Ma Chao and was soon killed by Ma Chao.

Zhao Ang's entire family was also killed by Ma Chao.

Evaluation: A loyal and righteous man, avenging the Lord, was almost killed by Ma Chao.

Twelve, Zhao Yan

Zhao Yan, the protagonist of Cao Weishen's most successful fortune-telling case.

Zhao Yan, an ordinary person in Pingyuan County, once met Guan Yan, but Guan Yan concluded that the nineteen-year-old Zhao Yan only had three days to live, Zhao Yan was shocked, and immediately went home to tell his father, Zhao's father immediately took Zhao Yan to find Guan Yan, and begged Guan Yan to save Zhao Yan, Guan Yan had no choice but to give Zhao Yan advice, and finally Zhao Yan successfully saved his life, and his life span was added by a white-bearded old man, becoming ninety-nine years old.

Evaluation: One of the protagonists in the magical legend of the Three Kingdoms, of course, is fictional!

Thirteen, Zhao Lei

Zhao Lei, Guan Yu's subordinate official, when Guan Yu attacked Xiangyang, Wang Fu suggested to Guan Yu that the loyal and upright Zhao Lei replace Pan Jun to garrison Jingzhou, but Guan Yu was unwilling to listen.

Later, after Lü Meng crossed the river in white clothes and attacked Jingzhou, Guan Yu regretted very much that he did not follow Wang Fu's advice, while Zhao Lei followed Guan Yu to retreat, and also made many suggestions to help Guan Yu escape from Jingzhou.

In the end, Zhao Lei persuaded Guan Yu to break through from Maicheng and flee back to Shu, but unfortunately Guan Yu's troops were captured, and Zhao Lei also died in the chaos.

Evaluation: Guan Yu is a more reliable and capable official, but unfortunately he was not reused by Guan Yu.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms character profile (surname Zhao)

14. Zhao Zuo

Zhao Zuo, Liu Bei's subordinates did not drive, after Cao Pi forced Emperor Xian of Han to abdicate and proclaimed himself emperor, Zhao Zuodong Zhuge Liang arranged and dozens of ministers to persuade Liu Bei to ascend the throne and become emperor.

Evaluation: Shu Han dragon set of characters, used to make up the numbers.

Fifteen, Zhao Rong

Zhao Rong, a general of Shu Han, when Liu Bei attacked Eastern Wu and avenged Guan Yu, Zhao Rong served as the general of Hehou and followed the expedition together, and defeated the sneak attack of Chun Yudao of Eastern Wu, and the future is unknown.

Evaluation: Shu Han dragon set role.

16. Zhao Zhi

Zhao Zhi, the minister of Eastern Wu, when Liu Bei avenged Pingguan Yu and attacked Eastern Wu in a big way, Sun Quan was forced to have no choice but to declare himself a vassal to Cao Wei, because Zhao Zhi was sent as a diplomatic envoy to Cao Wei.

But when Zhao Shi arrived in the Wei State, he was neither humble nor arrogant, and he did not disgrace his mission, and yes, Cao Pi did not dare to despise Eastern Wu.

Evaluation: Soochow's outstanding diplomatic envoy, brilliantly fulfilled the diplomatic figure, and fulfilled his mission.

XVII. Zhao Tong, Zhao Guang

Zhao Tong and Zhao Guang are Zhao Yun's sons, but they are far worse than their fathers, and they do not have any battlefield achievements, and they only appear when Zhao Yun died of illness and reported to Zhuge Liang.

Evaluation: The tiger father actually has a dog!

Romance of the Three Kingdoms character profile (surname Zhao)

Eighteen, Zhao Zhi

Zhao Zhi, the marching Sima of the Shu army, when Zhuge Liang died of illness in Wuzhangyuan, Wei Yan dreamed that there were two horns on the top of his head, and he was very puzzled, so he asked Zhao Zhi about the good luck, Zhao Zhi knew that it was a bad omen, but he didn't dare to say it directly, so he fooled Wei Yan and said that the horns on the head of the unicorn were auspicious signs, but later when he met Fei Yi, he told the truth that there were horns on the head, and the knife was moved on the head.

Comment: A character related to Wei Yan, but he also came and went without a trace!

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