
If you hadn't permed my hair like that, your brother wouldn't have had a chance to marry me, right?

author:The old idle life

I have a good relationship with my sister-in-law, Yanling.

But don't get me wrong, we're just family.

Or that it's a sister and brother.

If you hadn't permed my hair like that, your brother wouldn't have had a chance to marry me, right?

I've always considered myself the chief matchmaker for her and my brother.

If I hadn't messed around, they wouldn't have gotten together.

Every time I said to my brother aggressively, "You don't want to play music with me, you know?" You must know that I helped you find this daughter-in-law, if it weren't for me, you might still be a bachelor now! Hurry up and pour your brother a thank you wine! ”

Then I was held down and beaten by my brother, and the laughing family couldn't straighten up.

My sister-in-law, Yanling, would cooperate with me, and every time I said this, she would say yes, "If it wasn't for the second child who made a mess and permed my hair like that, you really wouldn't have had a chance to marry such a good daughter-in-law as me!" ”

In this regard, my brother could only sigh speechlessly, saying that this brother was raised for nothing, and he didn't know if it was his own brother or brother-in-law.

Sister-in-law Yanling would rattle with laughter every time she heard him say this, and said that if you don't want this brother, I will take it.

To be honest, our family has a very good relationship for more than 30 years, there is really no brother discord, uncle and sister-in-law discord, concubine discord happens, living together has never blushed, everyone humbles each other, helps each other, can be called a five good family.

All this is due to the fact that I have a sister-in-law who understands righteousness and is straightforward, and it is inseparable from the efforts and tolerance of everyone in our family, and of course, my lubricating role in it is indispensable, because my brother can marry my sister-in-law, and I really have to thank me.

I remember it was the late eighties, I was sixteen and my brother was in his twenties, and he owned a barber shop in town.

At that time, there were not many barber shops, and my brother learned the trade from the master of the state-run barber shop very early, and after the master retired, he came out of the state-run barber shop and opened a barber shop in our town, but I didn't expect to make a name for himself very quickly.

What did my brother say? The guy is very handsome, and he is honest, and I am the two extremes, I belong to the kind of two-skinned face, the kind with super big guts, even if the cannon barrel dares to drill into it and study it.

My brother is honest, does things at a glance, and is very attentive in everything.

Otherwise, his old father would not have recommended him to come out of the state-run shop and start his own barber shop.

My brother loves the hairdressing profession and finds it quite rewarding to bring out the best in people.

Therefore, most of his customers are female customers in our town, especially those young girls and daughters-in-law in their twenties and thirties, which are also the most profitable group in the barber shop.

In order to learn the latest skills, he even has to go to the provincial capital every once in a while to study, consult with his brothers and sisters, and learn the latest hairstyles.

That time, my brother heard his brother say that there was a new perm and dyeing process in the provincial capital, and he was in a hurry to prepare to leave, and I happened to be in the store, so he asked me to help him close the store, and I happened to have nothing to do that day, so I planned to play in the store for a while before going back.

I would fiddle with the clippers, the scissors, the perm tongs, and the hands would make the haircuts, thinking about how I would make the most beautiful hairstyles for my customers as a barber.

At this moment, a surprised voice came from the door, "Huh? It is said that the barber is very young and handsome, but I didn't expect it to be so young? Do you really know how to cut your hair? ”

I immediately turned my head to look at it, and I was immediately shocked.

Good guy, it's a big beauty, I've never seen such a good look when I'm so big.

If you hadn't permed my hair like that, your brother wouldn't have had a chance to marry me, right?

She looks like she is in her twenties, wearing a decent dress, small high-heeled cloth shoes, and two small braids, which are indeed a little rustic compared to her outfit, but her face is good-looking, not worse than those big stars in the painting.

Hearing her questioning, I immediately puffed up my chest, waved the scissors in my hand and posed and said, "Heroes don't ask where they come from, ambition is not old, young doesn't mean I can't cut my hair, if you're really an old man, you should be worried, can they know what beauty is?" Can I cut your hair beautifully? ”

After saying this, she nodded again and again, "Really, how old are you this year?" It should be less than twenty, right? ”

"I'm so tender! If you have to say that I am young, I will admit it, who doesn't like to be said to be young? Yes, sister! ”

She covered her mouth and giggled, then put the small leather bag on the chair, "They all say that you have a good perm, but I didn't expect you to have a very sharp mouth, so what kind of hairstyle do you think I am suitable for?" ”

I pretended to circle around her, making a smack-smacking sound in my mouth, and then pulled out a chair for her to sit down, "To be honest, with your appearance, any hairstyle will only add luster to you, and it can't hide your natural beauty, so if you do it here, I'll give you a unique hairstyle, and I guarantee that you will hit the telephone pole as long as you go out!" ”

She was so amused by me that she couldn't stop laughing, and it took a long time to say that she could design it for her as I wanted, and she wouldn't give me money if it wasn't good-looking.

I said no problem, and then I started fiddling with the ironing stick, saying it was a perm stick, and in those days it was a fire tong.

Don't be surprised, perm was perm at that time, use red-hot fire tongs to perm, anyway, I think that's the case, as for what the principle is still I still can't figure out, who told us not to do this?

I circled around her at least seven or eight times, stood behind her and began to scratch my ears and cheeks, don't look at the excitement I said, in fact, I don't know anything about haircuts, I don't know where to start.

But if you say it, you can't be a fart that goes out, right? I decided to break through myself, what if I could?

I've never eaten pork and I've seen pigs go, but I've also seen my brother perm people's hair, but I can't remember the specific steps.

I tried my best to reminisce, and then pretended to talk to her casually, telling her that I was going to give her a new hairstyle, which was my first attempt, and asked her not to be surprised, she was definitely the most beautiful boy in the whole town.

She covered her stomach with laughter, and said that I went to say that cross talk should be more promising than cutting hair, I really didn't know what cross talk was at that time, if I said that I knew about storytelling, I heard a lot of Shan Tianfang.

I started to do it ruthlessly, first cut her hair, and found that I couldn't cut it evenly, so I could only fix it where it was not neat, and I couldn't see any trace of the two twist braids that I repaired in the end, leaving only a short ten centimeters of hair.

When she saw it, she asked curiously, can it still be hot at such a short time? I patted my chest and said no problem, it definitely looks good when it comes out.

Then I began to heat it with the perm tongs, and I rolled it up for her, and the smell of burnt paste filled the whole little barbershop, and she looked in the mirror with round eyes, and finally realized that something was wrong.

And then..... Her hair was on fire..... I hurriedly brought a basin of water and poured it on her head.

Our eyes widened, her face had changed from ruddy to pale, from pale to bruised, from bruised to dark, and the short stubble on her head seemed to remind her that today's experience was not a dream, but a real thing, and that her hair had been ruined by me, and completely ruined.

I hung my head and didn't dare to look at her, and it took her a long time to turn her head through gritted teeth, "Are you really a barber?" ”

Now I know that it is useless for me to speak in the vernacular, so I have to tell the truth, "I am the barber and his brother!" ”

"Then how dare you...... My hair is like this, what do you say? How else do I go out and meet people? ”

She stared at me like a tigress, and I guess if I didn't answer correctly, she would pounce on me and nibble at me.

"Sister, don't be angry, it's not the first time for me, or I won't take your money, don't you think?"

"You still dare to take money like this?" Her eyes, which had been wide and round, widened again.

"So what do you say? It's all like this, why don't you wait for my brother to come back and cut it for you? But we'll have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest! ”

"I wonder now how you had the audacity to cut my hair without knowing anything?" I could hear the creaking of her back molars, and I could only lower my head and whisper, "You're good-looking, I don't think I can make a big difference if I can't......"

If you hadn't permed my hair like that, your brother wouldn't have had a chance to marry me, right?

She stopped talking, but I could still hear the sound of her teeth rubbing clearly, and it made me feel at the bottom of my heart.

"Do you know what I want to do now?" It took a long time for her to look at the messy hair in the mirror and complain.

"You're going to want to bite me to death, right?" I can hear grinding my teeth, and I don't know what she wants to do. Joke!

"That's not right! I want to beat you to death, a bear child, if I were your brother, I would have to beat you eighteen times a day!" You're a scourge! ”

"Sister, don't say that, in fact, there is a way, when my brother comes back, there must be a way to help you deal with this hair!"

"So how do I get out now? You tell me! She asked, standing up wet and staring at me with sharp teeth.

"Simple! You wait for me for a while, and I'll make sure you have a way to get out!" "I ran out of the barbershop.

Thinking of letting her calm down first, I had time to think of a way, not to mention that I really came up with a way, found the old Li Tou in the town, went to buy a very beautiful straw hat, and then happily carried it back to the barbershop.

Her eyes were red, I don't know if I cried, I hurriedly offered the straw hat like a treasure, "Wear this today, no one will see your hair, tomorrow my brother will be the first to deal with you when he comes back, to ensure that you go out beautifully!" ”

She raised her hand, I thought I was going to hit me, and quickly shrunk my neck, who knew that she just snatched the straw hat, put it on her head and looked in the mirror, "Your eye for choosing things is okay, when will your brother come back tomorrow, I will settle the account with him tomorrow!" I don't dare to let you come here without anything, I don't think he wants to do it anymore! ”

"Sister, I was wrong! Is it really wrong? I quickly begged her for mercy with a bitter face.

My brother and I are several years old, and he has been strict with me since I was a child, and he is really good at beating me.

I'm really afraid that my brother will beat me up, and it hurts to be embarrassed, isn't it? Sixteen or seventeen years old when I was about to face.

"Then I don't care, you'd better find a way to contact your brother today, if I can't find him tomorrow, I'll go to your house, I have to eat your family, see what you have done with my hair?"

After speaking, he didn't wait for me to reply and went out in a straw hat, and I shouted in the back and ignored me for a long time.

With that slender figure and wet shirt, I really didn't know what to do, and I wanted to hide at that moment.

But everything happened, and I couldn't give her hair back, so I sat in the store and tried to find a way, and there was no good way to think about it, so I had to call my brother's brother in the provincial capital, and I heard that my brother hadn't gone yet, so I asked his brother for help, and his brother was stunned for a long time after hearing it, saying that you are really a demon king of the world, and dare to do anything, and then said that he would find a way with my brother.

I hurriedly closed the door and went home, thinking that I wouldn't go the next day anyway, let my brother do it himself, if he was hit by someone's big mouth, he would have suffered for his brother at that time, and the next morning I ran away after eating and went to my grandmother's house to play with my cousin.

What I didn't know was that when my brother arrived in the provincial capital, he immediately went back to the station and bought a return ticket.

The ticket was gone that day, so I bought the earliest one the next day, and I took the train back at six o'clock, and brought several wigs sponsored by his brother, all to fill the hole for me, and it was not even ten o'clock when I arrived at the store.

Yan Ling, who was ruined by me, also arrived, and the two of them glanced at each other and confirmed that they should be the right person.

Yan Ling lowered her head and didn't dare to speak, so she could only apologize vigorously, if I was there at the time, maybe my brother would make a good show of me, and let my sister-in-law see my brother and godbrother, but unfortunately he couldn't find where I was.

The clumsy apologized to Yan Ling for not making amends, and then asked Yan Ling to take off her straw hat to see if there was any remedy.

My hair was burned in a mess, and even my brother's scalp was numb when he saw it, but he still had to find a way to deal with it.

Finally, he began to use the scissors to trim Yan Ling's messy hair, and when the trimming was completed, he began to perm again, after perming Yan Ling looked at herself in the mirror, touched the permed hair, looked at my brother strangely and said, "How did you teach such a vegetable brother at this level?" "My brother was depressed and said that I hadn't even touched the scissors.

Although Yan Ling's hair is still very short, it has a unique flavor after being trimmed and then ironed, just like the style of Shanghai during the Republic of China, young and beautiful without losing elegance, she feels very good.

My brother said that if you don't look good, there are still a few wigs here to choose from, all of which are the latest styles in the provincial capital, Yan Ling took a look at those wigs and said that they are not as good as they are now, that's it, your craftsmanship is really good.

My brother can only laugh, secretly he is actually going to beat me halfway.

Yan Ling took out the money and wanted to give it to him, how dare he accept it, he quickly said no, it would be good not to trouble him.

Yan Ling said that this is not enough, but your bear child is really undisciplined, don't beat him too hard when you beat him, just beat him half to death, I still want to chat with him when I go back, it's funny!

She went to work, and my brother closed the door and came home, looking around for me to teach me a good lesson.

Who knew that I had been staying at my cousin's house for the past two days, and he couldn't find him if he wanted to beat me, and he was deflated when I went back.

However, Yan Ling went to the store several times in the past few days and asked my brother where I was, and my brother said that he hadn't found it yet, and he would definitely notify her to come over and see how I was cleaned up after I found it, so Yan Ling left her name and work unit.

Yan Ling is from the post and telecommunications bureau in the town, and her home is from Zhoujiazhuang near the town, a proper secondary school student.

When I came back, my brother pulled me to the store and waited, just to wait for Yanling to come over and beat me up.

If you hadn't permed my hair like that, your brother wouldn't have had a chance to marry me, right?

I wanted to cry without tears, saying that my brother was too serious, and people might not have thought about what to do with me, but my brother didn't listen to that, saying that if people hadn't seen you beat up in person, I would have beaten you eighteen times by now.

In the afternoon, Yanling came, and she couldn't stop laughing when she saw me huddled there like a little chicken.

Then my brother was also real, and he was about to do it when he pulled me, but fortunately she stopped him.

It also counted out that my brother didn't know how to tease, but he was really joking, so that my brother didn't know what to do.

I hurriedly thanked Yan Ling, saying that my brother is such a big fool who locked me up for this day, and he has to wait for you to come and beat me in front of you to get angry, do you say that it is reasonable for such a man not to beat a single?

She was amused by me again, and my brother looked at me with angry eyes, but it was not good to lecture me in person.

After chatting for more than an hour, I almost found out all the basic information about Yan Ling, even where her family lived, and how many people in the family, a few younger sisters, and several younger brothers inquired clearly, and the most important thing was to find out that she didn't have a partner.

In order to express my apologies to her, I promised her an annual VIP, and I would find my brother to cut her hair and perm it for free within a year.

This VIP is too much to go out, the big girl and little daughter-in-law in the store are greedy, and asked my brother if he can also do a VIP, my brother pointed at me and said, if you dare to let him cut it for you, not to mention the annual VIP, he dares to let him do it for a lifetime.

Yan Ling burst into tears of laughter, saying that my brother is also quite funny, and I said that he is just that rectum, and he doesn't fart without a bend.

If it were me, I would definitely let them save two years of hair cutting money first, and give them two free hair cuts, I don't believe they won't come here next time, Yan Ling heard what I said and immediately gave me a thumbs up, saying that my brother is really inferior to me in business, but I don't have my brother's skills, it's really a pity.

My brother will definitely not adopt my method, what he insists on is real, down-to-earth, once at a time, next time he will still be welcome, and he will definitely not let people play any pre-stored routines, but he didn't expect that within ten years, the barbershops across the country are all the routines I said, and there are more than that, I don't know if he feels a little ashamed.

Since then, I have often gone to the post office to find Yan Ling, and she sometimes gives me a few stamps, and I can be said to have been brought into the pit by her for stamp collecting, and I still have a large box of stamps, many of which are valuable.

Yanling also frequents our barber shop, sometimes I talk to me when I'm there, sometimes I ask my brother to fix her hair when I'm not there, and by the way, I don't know how she fell in love with my brother's elm pimple.

Anyway, the two of them were dealt with later, and when I knew, I sighed, saying that a flower was inserted in cow dung, and I was going to grow up and chew this flower, but unfortunately I never had a chance again.

For this reason, my brother chased me and beat me for a long time, and Yanling's sister-in-law laughed so much that she shed tears when she heard about it.

If you hadn't permed my hair like that, your brother wouldn't have had a chance to marry me, right?

I said you go home with me, I'll let you see my mother, you give the staff a staff officer who picked it up, I think my brother is like the one who was picked up, and he was kicked twice by my brother.

When they got married, I learned that my sister-in-law was not only a secondary school student, but also the niece of the mayor of our town.

My sister-in-law Yanling is not a little arrogant, her personality and temper are all first-class, she does all the work in my house, and she is deeply favored by everyone, even I can't compare, let alone my brother, my mother dislikes him every day, and in today's words, he has low emotional intelligence, if it weren't for my sister-in-law's overall control, he wouldn't know what it would look like.

When I was with my daughter-in-law, I took my sister-in-law as an example and subtly influenced my daughter-in-law.

My daughter-in-law thought I had a lot to do at first, but after spending time with my sister-in-law a few times, I found that she was really good.

After getting married, our family gradually formed such an atmosphere, laughter and laughter, never quarrel over those trivial matters, everything is a family working together, and life will naturally get better and better.

Decades have passed, I have passed the age of knowing the destiny of heaven, my sister-in-law is still the mainstay of our family, I am willing to discuss everything with her, and I am the lubricant of the family, and the little ones like to follow behind my ass.

But if you want to say who has the highest achievement, it has to be my brother, people do one thing in their lives, that is, cut their hair, and still go to the store from time to time to show their hands, cut their heads and talk about three digits, and there are still many little daughters-in-law waiting for him to cut his hair.

My sister-in-law also said that in this life, it is not about how much wealth you get, but about what you can do that others can't.

If you hadn't permed my hair like that, your brother wouldn't have had a chance to marry me, right?

My brother belongs to the latter category, and those who work hard for the former are just laymen, and my brother's type is the most scarce.

I think so, maybe it's this complementary family composition that allows us to appreciate the beauty of harmony, right?


Thank you for your support, I am an old idle life, and I strive to find the light of human nature in every bottom story!