
The county comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau consists of 5 law enforcement squadrons including market supervision

author:Liangdu High-tech City Supervisor
The county comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau consists of 5 law enforcement squadrons including market supervision

Notice of the Party Group of the Mao County Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of the Communist Party of China on the adjustment of the division of responsibilities of the members of the bureau's leading group

All departments of the bureau and all law enforcement squadrons under the bureau:

Due to the needs of work, the 5th meeting of the Party Group of the Economic Bureau decided to adjust the division of responsibilities of the members of the leading group of the Bureau as follows:

Bai Yi: Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, presiding over the overall work of the Bureau.

Xie Min: Member of the Party Group, Director of the Information Command Center, in charge of the Political Work Supervision Office and the Information Command Center, responsible for the party's organizational construction, the practice of the "two safeguards", ideology, the party's ideological and cultural construction, the work of retired cadres, the "three determinations and one examination", the Women's Federation, the Working Committee on Women and Children, the organization and personnel (talents), the construction of party style and clean government and anti-corruption, the construction of two alliances and one advance, the construction of work style, the duty on duty, and the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Liao Yan: Member of the Party Group, Deputy Director, in charge of the office, traffic law enforcement squadron (Shidaguan overrun station), cultural and tourism law enforcement squadron, agricultural law enforcement squadron, and Deputy Director Yang Shimao are each other's AB posts, responsible for production safety and party and government responsibility, flood prevention and disaster reduction, rural revitalization (poverty alleviation), comprehensive deepening of reform, stability, united front, national unity and progress creation, grassroots governance, people's congress suggestions and CPPCC proposal handling, letters and visits (12345 platform), government information disclosure, confidentiality, file management, finance, all-for-one tourism, anti-drug work.

Yang Shimao: Deputy Director, in charge of the Case Management and Trial Unit, the Market Supervision and Law Enforcement Squadron, and the Urban and Rural Management Law Enforcement Squadron, and Deputy Director Liao Yan are each other's AB posts, responsible for governing the county according to law (administration according to law), the work of "linking the two laws", the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, and providing services", ecological environmental protection and the same responsibility of the party and the government, the river chief system, food safety and the same responsibility of the party and the government.  

Release time: 2024-06-24 Source: Mao County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau

The county comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau consists of 5 law enforcement squadrons including market supervision

Institutional functions: The county comprehensive law enforcement bureau implements the guidelines and policies of the Party Central Committee on comprehensive administrative law enforcement work and the decision-making and deployment of the provincial, state and county party committees, and adheres to and strengthens the party's centralized and unified leadership over comprehensive administrative law enforcement work in the process of performing its duties. The main responsibilities are:

(A) the implementation of the national, provincial, state, county policies and laws, regulations, rules and regulations on comprehensive administrative law enforcement; Responsible for drafting relevant normative documents; Formulate the development strategy, medium-term development plan and annual work plan of the county's comprehensive administrative law enforcement, and organize the implementation after approval; Formulate a comprehensive administrative law enforcement system and norms for the county to be implemented after approval.

(2) Centralize the exercise of all or part of the administrative punishment power provided for by laws, regulations, and rules in the fields of natural resource management, urban management, and cultural market management, as well as the corresponding administrative inspection powers, administrative orders, and administrative compulsory measures. These include:

1. Exercising the right of administrative punishment provided for by laws, regulations and rules on land, mineral resources and urban and rural planning and management;

2. Exercising the right to impose administrative penalties as provided for by laws, regulations, and rules on culture (cultural relics), radio, film and television, press and publication (copyright), and sports management;

3. Exercise the power of administrative punishment provided for by laws, regulations, and rules in urban management.

Among the above-mentioned administrative punishment powers, administrative inspections, administrative orders and administrative compulsory powers, the relevant functions and powers stipulated by laws, regulations and rules in the areas of providing reporting materials, fee payment, qualification management, bidding management, contract management, etc., which are closely related to administrative management, are still exercised by the original administrative department.

(C) is responsible for accepting reports and complaints of administrative violations within the scope of their duties, as well as clues to cases transferred in various ways, and handling relevant administrative reconsideration and administrative response work.

(D) to take the lead in the implementation of the relevant special rectification and major law enforcement activities organized by the county people's Government.

(E) to cooperate with the administrative departments involved in the transfer of administrative punishment powers to organize and carry out industry rectification activities.

(F) to guide the township (town) comprehensive administrative law enforcement work.

(7) Undertake other tasks assigned by the county party committee and the county people's government.

Internal organs: Office, Case Management and Trial Unit, Political Work Supervision Office.

Staffing: 7 administrative establishments of the County Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau. Among them: 1 director, 2 deputy directors; The number of leadership positions at the unit level is 3. There are 3 service personnel in the agency.

The county comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau consists of 5 law enforcement squadrons including market supervision

Source: "Voice of Supervision" WeChat public account 2024-07-01

Editor: Huang Keshu

First Trial: Jiang Hao

Reviewer: Gu Yan

Final review: Yang Hong

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