
The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

author:Robinson's Diary

Robinson's diary

Editor丨Robinson's diary

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

On May 18, 2020, in the conference room of the Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Department, 58-year-old Li Jingzhi was restless. Her fingers kept twisting the corners of her clothes, and her eyes frequently glanced at the door.

And the reason why she came here is very simple, that is, the police informed her that her son, who had been missing for 32 years, had been found.

The mother and son hugged each other and cried in the conference room of the Public Security Bureau.

After a while, both of them stabilized their emotions, and at this time, Li Jingzhi's son suddenly said to Li Jingzhi: "I have seen you a long time ago!" ”

As soon as these words came out, Li Jingzhi was stunned.

What's going on here? Since I've seen it for a long time, why don't I recognize Li Jingzhi?

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

The text states that all the content has reliable sources of information, which are repeated in the article at the end of the article. Some details are artistically processed, please pay attention to screening

The sudden disappearance of his son

Li Jingzhi's son was born in 1986, and the birth of this child made this family of three silent in laughter every day.

But the happiness of this trip was short-lived, it only lasted for two years, and one day two years after the birth of her son, Li Jingzhi's company happened to need her to go on a business trip, so only her husband Mao Zhenping and their son were left at home.

She and her husband are usually very busy at work, so they sent their son to the kindergarten early to take care of him, and waited until they got off work to pick him up.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

On the afternoon of October 17, 1988, their two-year-old son disappeared due to the negligence of her husband Mao Zhenping.

What happened at that time was like this, on this day, Mao Zhenping went to the kindergarten to pick up their son after work as usual every day, and the child didn't know what was wrong on this day and kept shouting for water.

And because the location of his son's kindergarten is very remote, there is no store selling water on the way from the kindergarten to their house, Mao Zhenping originally wanted to persuade his son to let him endure and drink water at home, but he couldn't stand his son and kept making trouble.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

At this time, Mao Zhenping saw a hotel, and decided to go there to ask for a glass of water for his son, and he looked around and no one passed here, so he put his son at the door of the hotel and told his son not to move around at will.

Then he went to the hotel to ask for a glass of water, but what he didn't expect was that only two or three minutes later, he came out of the hotel with a glass of water, and just as he was about to call his son to let him drink water, Mao Zhenping suddenly found that his son was gone.

After finding that his son was missing, Mao Zhenping was very anxious, and hurriedly looked for his son around, he thought that his son was playful and ran to that corner, but no matter how he searched, he didn't find any trace of his son.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

At this time, he realized the seriousness of the matter, his son may have been abducted, Mao Zhenping hurriedly went to the local public security bureau to call the police, and quickly called his wife to tell the news that his son was missing.

Li Jingzhi, who was still in the field, couldn't care about work after receiving a call from her husband and learning the bad news, so she hurried home from the field, and she always hoped for a miracle on the way.

After arriving home, the couple and the police have been looking for their son's traces, but technology at that time was not as advanced as it is today, and most areas did not have surveillance equipment, so their search for their son was actually no different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

Family breakdown

Although Li Jingzhi and his wife did not give up looking for their son, they both knew that the possibility of finding their son was very small, and she did not want to give up even the slightest possibility in Li Jingzhi's heart.

But a few years have passed in a blink of an eye, but Li Jingzhi and Mao Zhenping's search for their son is still no progress, and she began to blame her husband, but her husband Mao Zhenping did not dare to refute his wife's complaints, because his son was indeed lost from him.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

Sometimes Mao Zhenping also wonders if he brought his son into the hotel, would his son not be abducted? But it's a pity that there aren't so many what ifs in this world.

is also because of the abduction of his son, and cracks have appeared in the originally warm family, and the husband and wife of Qin Se and Ming in the past now have a posture of wanting the husband and wife to turn against each other.

After five years of searching, her husband Mao Zhenping has endured such a day, he wants to get the family's life back on track, but the stubborn Liu Jingzhi doesn't think so, she feels that even if there is a glimmer of hope, she must persevere to the end.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

Although the couple has not found any clues about their son's location in the past five years, and the family's savings are not much left, Mao Zhenping can no longer endure this life.

In the end, Mao Zhenping filed for divorce from his wife, and after the divorce, he slowly walked out of the shadow of losing his son, and later re-established a new family and started a new life.

But Li Jingzhi did not give up looking for her son and start a new life like her ex-husband, but was more active in looking for her son, but she was just an ordinary person, how to find a child who disappeared when she was two years old in the vast sea of people in China?

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

A mother's insistence

But even under this tremendous pressure, Li Jingzhi still did not give up her determination to find her son, she quit her job for many years, and although her colleagues kept her, they still could not change her determination.

She printed a large number of missing person posters with photos of her son and began to travel around the country, giving even the slightest hope that she would give it a try.

So in the first few years of her departure, he would post missing person notices everywhere he went, and he would also hand out flyers to pedestrians in the city, just to get some clues about the child.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

Whenever she was running out of savings, she only worked odd jobs in the neighborhood, and when she had saved enough money, she would embark on a journey to find her son again.

She met a lot of well-wishers on the way, and provided her with a lot of clues, but most of the clues made her go with hope, and then returned disappointed, but she still thanked these kind-hearted people who were willing to give her clues.

And by chance, Li Jingzhi found that there are many families like her, and everyone is looking for the child's parents because the child was abducted.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

The formation and growth of the family search team

This also let Li Jingzhi know that she is not the only one who insists on it, but also many parents who are desperate to find their lost children, which also makes Li Jingzhi and these like-minded people move forward on the road of finding their children.

With the continuous growth of the family search team, good news has also appeared one after another, and many people have found their children, which makes Li Jingzhi happy for these families who have found children.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

At the same time, the success of these comrades has also strengthened Li Jingzhi's confidence that she can successfully find her son, and in the 32 years that Li Jingzhi has been searching for his son, she and the people who have worked together to find their children have helped 29 couples find their children again.

This also made the TV reporters interested in them, and they interviewed them specifically, and publicized their deeds to thousands of households through television.

After Li Jingzhi's deeds were known, someone would call them every day to tell them all kinds of clues, but as the leader, Li Jingzhi's son has never had clues and has always been found.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

And in 2020, Li Jingzhi really found her son who had been missing for many years with the help of an enthusiastic netizen, and what clues did this enthusiastic netizen provide to Li Jingzhi?

That is, the child of the neighbor of this enthusiastic netizen is the same age as Li Jingzhi's lost child, and the child of the neighbor of the netizen is still adopted, and the old neighbors around this matter know about it.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

And netizens looked at the photos on the Internet and found that the neighbor's child looked very similar to the child in the photo given by Li Jingzhi, which was simply what her child would look like when he grew up, so netizens speculated that this was likely to be her child.

Although Li Jingzhi has received similar messages countless times over the years, she has always attached importance to these messages equally, and she is afraid that she will miss one of the messages, and that news happens to be her child.

But what Li Jingzhi didn't expect was that when she thought it would be a futile return like before, this news made her fall into ecstasy.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

Get what you want and find your lost son

It turned out that with the help of the local police, the DNA of Gu Ningning, the neighbor's son of the netizen who provided Li Jingzhi with Li Jingzhi's DNA, was compared with Li Jingzhi's DNA and found that Gu Ningning was really Li Jingzhi's child who had been separated for 32 years.

So the local police hurriedly arranged for their mother and son to meet, and the location was also set in the conference room of the Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Department.

After the mother and son met in the conference room, the mother and son hugged each other and cried, but at this time, Li Jingzhi's son suddenly told Li Jingzhi that he had actually seen her before.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

Li Jingzhi's son was indeed abducted and sold by traffickers, and her son was sold to a man in Mianyang, Sichuan, for 6,000 yuan after being tossed and turned several times, and this man was Gu Ningning's adoptive father.

The main reason why Gu Ningning's adoptive father wanted to buy Gu Ningning was because he was infertile, so he thought of adopting a child to ensure his old age.

So Gu Ningning has been kept in the dark, he has always thought that he is the biological son of his adoptive father and adoptive mother, so when he saw the photo of Li Jingzhi's son on TV that looked the same as when he was a child, he only felt novel.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

But he never thought that he was Li Jingzhi's biological son, and he only admired Li Jingzhi's determination to persist when he was watching TV at the time.

So it wasn't until the police and adoptive parents told him the truth of the matter that he knew that it was Li Jingzhi's son who had been looking for 32 years.

And she can finally reunite with her son again, such an idea has been thought about countless times in Li Jingzhi's heart, and every night when she can't sleep, she will fantasize about the scene of reuniting herself and her son again.

Whenever she dreams, she often dreams of the scene when her son is lost, and she also fantasizes countless times in her dreams about the scene when she and her son are reunited.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

Mother and son finally recognized each other

She didn't wait long in the conference room before the door of the conference room was pushed open by a tall and thin young man, who was Li Jingzhi's long-lost son.

Li Jingzhi just wanted to say something, but the man rushed directly to Li Jingzhi in three steps and two steps, hugged her, and called out directly, "Mom!" ”。

This is something that Li Jingzhi can only dream of hearing in countless days and nights, but now she finally hears it in the real world.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

But after Gu Ningning and Li Jingzhi recognized each other, he did not abandon his adoptive parents, although they spent money to adopt Gu Ningning, but they have always been very good to Gu Ningning over the years.

His adoptive parents not only provided him with the completion of college, but also bought him a house and started a family, so for him to recognize his biological mother in the next life, he has one more person who loves him, rather than no adoptive parents.

After Li Jingzhi helped 29 abducted children find their families, she finally found the 30th child, this time the child she lost.

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

This is very fortunate for Li Jingzhi, after so many years of hard work, she finally waited for a happy ending, and she was finally able to reunite with her son.


A 2-year-old boy reunites with his parents after 32 years of abduction: Li Jingzhi has been waiting for 32 years for this "mom" -, May 30, 2020

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago

Searching for 32 years of "abducting mothers" to reunite with their sons——Beijing Youth Daily, May 19, 2020

The mother has been searching for her abducted son for 32 years, but she didn't expect her son to be found and said: I have seen you a long time ago