
The West's "brains are open", and China and Russia are "back-to-back", which makes some people anxious


Let's talk about the "back-to-back" between China and Russia, because this back-to-back really frightens the United States and the West. In fact, in recent years, one of the West's strategic failures has been to force China and Russia, two highly complementary powers, to stand together. As early as the last century, the American geopolitical scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski warned the White House, saying that China and Russia must not be allowed to get too close. In contemporary times, Mearsheimer, the neorealist school, still holds this view. However, no matter how much the scholars engaged in geopolitics in the United States emphasise, the current group of US politicians still push Russia step by step to China through their own "riotous operations" again and again. The United States and the West do not talk about this reality, but they are actually very panicked in their hearts. The evidence is that in recent times, there has been more and more bizarre talk in the West around the sowing of discord in Sino-Russian relations.

The West's "brains are open", and China and Russia are "back-to-back", which makes some people anxious

Putin visited Vietnam and the DPRK one after another some time ago. Because of this incident, Radio France Internationale published a very yin and yang article, which probably means that Vietnam is very close to China economically and culturally, and is China's "back garden", so Putin ran over to visit to dig into China's wall. It is said that Sino-Russian cooperation is inseparable, and sooner or later it will have to be broken. This logic of sowing discord is not valid if you think about it carefully. First, even if China does not want Putin to penetrate deep into North Korea and Vietnam, China does not engage in any "Monroe Doctrine", so there is no such thing as a backyard. The United States and the West are copying their hegemonist ideology to China and then speculating about China's attitude, which in itself is very "unreliable." According to their logic, China has visited Belarus and Serbia before, and has not seen China and Russia turn their faces because of this, which is normal economic and trade exchanges between friendly countries. Second, after Putin's visit to Pyongyang, he flew directly to Hanoi overnight, and the entire route basically took advantage of China's airspace. It shows that the whole trip should have been communicated with China a long time ago.

After seeing that France failed to sow discord between China and Russia, the United States followed closely. Moreover, what the United States has done is a little more outrageous than that of France. Also in recent days, the well-known think tank that cooperates with the Pentagon, the RAND Corporation, has published a long report. It is said that the nuclear strategies of China and Russia are suspected of conflicting with each other. The RAND Corporation's argument is that in recent years, Russia has become more and more fond of emphasizing the importance of nuclear deterrence, while China, as a peace-loving country, is opposed to nuclear war. Therefore, there will certainly be friction between China and Russia over the nuclear issue. Once Russia issues a nuclear deterrent, China will inevitably stand up to stop it, so that Russia's nuclear deterrence can be "neutralized" without the United States taking action, and China and Russia will have contradictions as a result, and the United States will take the opportunity to reap the benefits of it.

The West's "brains are open", and China and Russia are "back-to-back", which makes some people anxious

To put it mildly, this RAND report is pure nonsense. A little attention to the recent trends in military cooperation between China and Russia shows that recently, China's Y-20 has appeared in succession in two major nuclear towns in the Russian Far East, Kamchatka Peninsula and Anadyr City, and the outside world is speculating that this year China and Russia may push forward the scope of joint air nuclear strategic patrols to the side of Alaska in the United States. No matter how "brainstorming" the RAND Corporation is, when it sees the nuclear bomber flying to its doorstep, it can only "shut up and be amazed".

Nowadays, the more the United States and the West are anxious to drive a wedge between China and Russia, and the more they are full of trains, the more it shows that the strategic anxiety of these countries is becoming more and more serious. But this matter is self-inflicted, and it cannot be lived. There are some people in the United States and the West who do things without thinking about the consequences. Provoking China and Russia at the same time will inevitably lead to bitter consequences in the end.

The West's "brains are open", and China and Russia are "back-to-back", which makes some people anxious