
The Houthi hypersonic missile was launched, the United States said that China provided support, and the Roosevelt was going to be next?


The Houthis have repeatedly claimed that they attacked the US aircraft carrier "Eisenhower" and that the United States allowed the "Eisenhower" to withdraw from the Red Sea without seriously damaging the Houthis.

In order to save face, the US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "Roosevelt" is about to go to the Middle East to replace the "Eisenhower", but a move by the Houthis has made the United States even more embarrassing. Recently, the Houthis released a video that clearly shows the Houthis for the first time using a new self-made hypersonic missile, the Hatim-2, to carry out a precision strike on an Israeli ship in the Arabian Sea.

The Houthi hypersonic missile was launched, the United States said that China provided support, and the Roosevelt was going to be next?

The news that the Houthis have mastered hypersonic missiles can actually be traced back to March this year, as early as that time, the Houthis conducted tests of this high-lethal hypersonic missile, and then announced that they would introduce this missile into their arsenal.

Because of the gap between the withdrawal of the "Eisenhower" aircraft carrier from the Red Sea and the imminent succession of the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier, not long ago, US Ambassador to China Burns claimed that the United States had sanctioned four enterprises and individuals in China, believing that these entities had helped the Houthis obtain the materials needed to manufacture advanced weapons in order to carry out terrorist attacks on merchant ships. Turning their heads, the Houthis used hypersonic missiles to attack Israeli merchant ships, and the United States is obviously digging a hole, because according to the logic of the United States, others will involuntarily think, could it be that this hypersonic missile was also "provided" by China to the Houthis?

The Houthi hypersonic missile was launched, the United States said that China provided support, and the Roosevelt was going to be next?

But in fact, China's support for the Houthis is obviously unrealistic, because it violates our values, and the United States still does not want to admit that it lost to the Houthis, so it needs to blame the strength of the Houthis on "someone behind it", and China has naturally become the best target to blame, and the United States wants to cover up its paper tiger nature.

In fact, in addition to China, there are also Iran, Russia, and North Korea that have mastered hypersonic missile technology, and none of these countries want to see the United States, and it can even be said that they hate it, and the probability of supporting the Houthis behind them is far greater than that of China.

The Houthi hypersonic missile was launched, the United States said that China provided support, and the Roosevelt was going to be next?

We know that the USS Roosevelt has been wandering around the Asia-Pacific region for a long time, and it is also a frequent visitor to the South China Sea, often flexing its muscles to China. To a certain extent, we can say that the "Roosevelt" is the arm that the United States often uses to show China, and if such an aircraft carrier is beaten by the Houthis in the Red Sea, will it be counted as the Houthi or China's attack at that time?

Anyway, the Houthis have proven that they do dare to attack US aircraft carriers. China has not done anything, but because of the United States' own riotous manipulation, public opinion may eventually erupt into such a situation, "China does not have to do it at home, it can remove an arm of the United States thousands of miles away", which is the most embarrassing. Do you think so? Anyway, no one knows who gave the Houthis such support, and the United States itself guessed that China gave it and that it was his freedom. We don't have to explain to them if we do it or not.

The Houthi hypersonic missile was launched, the United States said that China provided support, and the Roosevelt was going to be next?