
A bowl of soup is better than noon! These 4 health soup dishes: clear away heat and relieve heat, diuretic and dampness!

author:The gastronomic culture of the sea

This month, July 15, is officially in ambush, as the saying goes: cold in Sanjiu, hot in Sanfu! This year's dog days are 10 days from July 15 to July 24, 20 days from July 25 to August 13, and 10 days from August 14 to August 23. Compared to previous years, this year's dog days will be longer and the temperature will be hotter.

A bowl of soup is better than noon! These 4 health soup dishes: clear away heat and relieve heat, diuretic and dampness!

So how to clear away heat and get rid of body moisture on dog days? As the saying goes: a bowl of soup is better than noon! There are actually many kinds of soups here, but today we only share 4 health soup dishes, which can not only clear away heat and reduce fire, diuretic and dampness, relieve heat and health, but also replenish water and replenish essential proteins and vitamins for the human body. It is recommended to like, follow, and save the collection.

A bowl of soup is better than noon! These 4 health soup dishes: clear away heat and relieve heat, diuretic and dampness!

1) Vegetable broth

There are many kinds of soup dishes, among which the most suitable soup dish for dispelling dampness in summer is the "winter melon and shrimp skin soup", which only uses winter melon and shrimp skin to cook a delicious, nutritious and delicious soup dish with health preservation, which is really rare.

Recommended recipe: winter melon, shrimp and shrimp skin soup

Step 1: Prepare a piece of winter melon and clean it, then cut off the skin of the winter melon with a knife, and cut the winter melon into thin slices for later use. Then prepare an appropriate amount of shrimp skin.

Step 2: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, turn to low heat after the oil boils, add green onion and winter melon and stir-fry until fragrant, then add enough water, add a spoonful of edible salt and simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes, sprinkle a handful of shrimp skin and simmer for 5 minutes, and then add a spoonful of MSG to taste and improve the freshness.

A bowl of soup is better than noon! These 4 health soup dishes: clear away heat and relieve heat, diuretic and dampness!

2) Broth

If there are babies at home, or the elderly, I actually recommend: beef radish soup. Beef is not only rich in protein, but also rich in amino acids, iron, zinc, and other minerals necessary for the human body. For the elderly who are growing up, or are frail and sickly, it is still very recommended to supplement the deficiency in summer and improve the body's immunity.

Recommended recipe: beef and radish soup

Step 1: Prepare a piece of fresh beef brisket about 400 grams, then put it in a basin and add water to soak it in blood water and wash it well. Then control the moisture and cut the beef into small cubes for later use. Prepare a piece of white radish, wash it, peel off the skin and cut it into small pieces.

Step 2: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, bring the oil to a boil, add chopped green onions, star anise, bay leaves and beef cubes and stir-fry, then add the last extra boiling water and salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, and simmer for 30 minutes. When it is cooked to 8 minutes, boil the pot and add the white radish to continue to simmer for 20 minutes, so that the beef is soft and ripe, add a spoonful of chicken essence to taste and improve the freshness, collect the soup, and then serve it.

A bowl of soup is better than noon! These 4 health soup dishes: clear away heat and relieve heat, diuretic and dampness!

3: Fish broth

Supplement protein, meat or "fish" is the best. Therefore, in the dog days of summer, drink soup to supplement calcium, potassium and protein, in addition to beef soup, of course, there is also "ginger crucian carp soup". As the saying goes: eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and don't work for doctors to prescribe medicine. It can be seen that in the dog days of summer, eating some ginger crucian carp soup can not only dispel cold and dampness, but also improve the body's immunity and supplement protein.

Recommended recipe: Ginger crucian carp soup

Step 1: Prepare a crucian carp, handle the crucian carp, scrape off the scales and gills, clean the internal organs of the fish, and rinse it again with water. Prepare a piece of old ginger, clean it and cut it into thin slices for later use.

Step 2: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, after the oil boils, add the green onion and ginger slices and fry until fragrant, fry the crucian carp until golden and mature on both sides, then add boiling water and edible salt, simmer for 25 minutes, wait for the soup to stew and milk white, open the lid and add a small amount of MSG to flavor and enhance the freshness, sprinkle a handful of coriander to serve it.

A bowl of soup is better than noon! These 4 health soup dishes: clear away heat and relieve heat, diuretic and dampness!

4) Egg broth

For the soup dishes that clear the fire and lower the fire on the dog days in summer, we must introduce the "bitter gourd egg soup", which is the most special among the egg soup dishes, because its taste belongs to the fresh and sweet, with a hint of bitterness. After all, the bitter gourd egg soup is clear because of the "bitter min" in the bitter gourd.

A bowl of soup is better than noon! These 4 health soup dishes: clear away heat and relieve heat, diuretic and dampness!

Recommended recipe: bitter gourd egg soup

Step 1: Prepare a bitter gourd and wash it, then cut it in half from the middle, then dig out the bitter gourd seeds in the center, and then cut it into thin slices for later use. Beat 3 eggs into a bowl and beat into egg mixture.

Step 2: Pour an appropriate amount of water and bitter gourd slices into the pot, add a spoonful of edible salt after boiling, then pour in the egg liquid to form frangipani, and then add a spoonful of MSG to serve.

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