
I used ByteDance's "COZE" to write two stock data plug-ins, AI stock trading

author:ChatGPT sweeper

I have developed two plug-ins for obtaining A-share stock data on ByteDance's AI development platform "Buckle". Based on these two plugins, I have created a quantitative robot for stock fundamental analysis, and have published it on the buckle platform and WeChat official account "quantitative bot". Just follow the official account and reply to the stock name, you will get the automatically generated stock fundamental analysis results in about 30 seconds, welcome to experience.

These two plug-ins are the historical data plug-in and the daily data plug-in for A-share stocks, which are now on the plug-in store of the buckle platform. You can find them by searching for "A shares" in the plugin store. When you create a workflow or agent, you can add the following plug-ins:

I used ByteDance's "COZE" to write two stock data plug-ins, AI stock trading
  • Historical data plug-in address for A-share stocks:

  • Daily data plug-in address for A-share stocks:

  • Stock Fundamental Analysis Quantitative Robot Address:

Historical data plug-in for A-share stocks

I used ByteDance's "COZE" to write two stock data plug-ins, AI stock trading

The plugin is able to obtain the historical K-line data of A-share stocks. By default, daily candlesticks are provided, and data from weekly, monthly, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes and other time periods are supported. The default setting is No Reset Privilege, but pre-reset and post-reset privileges are also supported. The plugin provides the following three tools:

  1. stock_history_k_data: Get the historical K-line data of A-share stocks.
  2. stock_history_value_indi: Get historical valuation indicator data for stocks.
  3. stock_dupont_data: Get the quarterly DuPont index of A-share stocks.

Daily data widget for A-share stocks

I used ByteDance's "COZE" to write two stock data plug-ins, AI stock trading

The plugin is able to obtain daily data of A-share stocks, including valuation indicator data and daily candlestick data. Users only need to provide the ticker symbol and the date of the query to get the relevant data. The plugin provides the following three tools:

  1. stockvaluationindicators:获取A股股票某日的估值指标数据。
  2. stockkdata: Get the daily candlestick data of A-share stocks.
  3. stockdupontdata_bydate: DuPont analysis metrics for the quarter to which the quarter is determined by date.